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Akash Shakdwipeea shakdwipeea

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pixelsnafu /
Last active August 28, 2024 14:20
Useful Resources for Rendering Volumetric Clouds

Volumetric Clouds Resources List

  1. A. Schneider, "Real-Time Volumetric Cloudscapes," in GPU Pro 7: Advanced Rendering Techniques, 2016, pp. 97-127. (Follow up presentations here, and here.)

  2. S. Hillaire, "Physically Based Sky, Atmosphere and Cloud Rendering in Frostbite" in Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice course, SIGGRAPH 2016. [video] [course notes] [scatter integral shadertoy]

  3. [R. Högfeldt, "Convincing Cloud Rendering – An Implementation of Real-Time Dynamic Volumetric Clouds in Frostbite"](

How Clojure's documentation can leapfrog other languages


I made a documentation generator that cashes in on Clojure's dynamism. See the play-cljs docs (a ClojureScript game library) for an example of its output.

The Problem

Like many of you, I've often wondered what my final regret will be on my deathbed. My best guess came to me in a dream recently. I was walking across the charred earth of an apocalyptic future world, maneuvering around the remains of the less fortunate. I was startled to find a young girl, barely holding onto her life. She murmured something to me. I asked her to repeat it, and she said more loudly: "I...wish your Clojure projects didn't have such crappy documentation."

pesterhazy / reagent-ref-functions.clj
Last active January 19, 2023 11:31
Using ref functions with reagent
;; React supports "refs" as a way for a component to get a
;; handle to its children. Classically, refs were string-based.
;; Recent versions of React support callback attributes as a
;; more elegant variant of accessing DOM notes or components.
;; This example uses a Form-3 component as per
;; For callback refs, see React's documentation
RichardHightower /
Created April 6, 2016 19:54
Example using Clojure from Java

Normal Java project

├── build.gradle
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └──
public class RealmListParcelConverter implements TypeRangeParcelConverter<RealmList<? extends RealmObject>, RealmList<? extends RealmObject>> {
private static final int NULL = -1;
public void toParcel(RealmList<? extends RealmObject> input, Parcel parcel) {
if (input == null) {
} else {
for (RealmObject item : input) {
danielpcox / deep-merge-spec.clj
Created March 11, 2015 21:21
Simple, recursive deep-merge in Clojure.
(ns deep-merge-spec
(:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
[util :as u]))
(fact (u/deep-merge {:one 1 :two 2}
{:one 1 :two {}})
=> {:one 1 :two {}})
(fact (u/deep-merge {:one 1 :two {:three 3 :four {:five 5}}}
{:two {:three {:test true}}})
statonjr /
Last active April 14, 2021 22:28
Datomic Dynamic Find Clause

We're working on a project that uses the Datomic Pull API to pull specific attributes out of Datomic entities. Here's an example of query that uses the Pull API:

(d/q '[:find [(pull ?e [:sales/deal_number :sales/deal_close_date :sales/state]) ...] 
       :in $ ?date 
       :where [?e :sales/deal_close_date ?d _ _] [(> ?d ?date)]] 
       (days-ago-at-midnight 1))
cgrand / restrict-map.clj
Created May 29, 2012 10:15
Restricting nested maps to keys of interest
;; I could have used a closed dispatch (aka cond) but you may find this version more enjoyable
;; the spec format is the one provided by BG
(defprotocol Selector
(-select [s m]))
(defn select [m selectors-coll]
(reduce conj {} (map #(-select % m) selectors-coll)))
(extend-protocol Selector
gorsuch / gist:1418850
Created December 1, 2011 18:37
clojure uuid
(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))