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Soma Szelpal shakahl

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shakahl / 7-zip.psm1
Created September 21, 2024 03:31 — forked from mobzystems/7-zip.psm1
7-Zip commands for PowerShell
Powershell Module 7-Zip - 7-Zip commands for PowerShell
The functions in this module call 7za.exe, the standAlone version of 7-zip to perform various tasks on 7-zip archives.
Place anywhere, together with 7za.exe and 7zsd.sfx. 7za.exe is required for all operations; 7zsd.sfx for creating self
extracting archives.
Import-Module [Your path\]7-Zip
shakahl /
Created September 5, 2024 08:32 — forked from gtello/
Guide to Installing Arch Linux on a USB Drive with Persistence

Guide to Installing Arch Linux on a USB Drive with Persistence

On an Arch machine, run: sudo pacman -S arch-install-scripts to have the commands to install the OS into the USB

Run the following as root

Make sure USB is NOT mounted and format it

wipefs -a /dev/sdX where X is the assigned letter your USB is mounted on

fdisk /dev/sdX

Reference: List of iOS App URL Scheme Names & Paths for Shortcuts


Saved on: 2021-03-19, 15:52

If you've ever customized your app icons or played around with Shortcuts (previously called Workflow), you probably know how important URL scheme names are. Nearly all iOS apps assign themselves one of these names, and you need to know them if you want to add custom icons to your home screen or create a Shortcuts workflow that opens an app on your iPhone up. Finding the URL scheme name, also known as a URI scheme, for a particular app is not easy. First, you have to download the IPA file for the app — a difficult task since the iTunes 12.7 update removed iOS apps from it. When you finally find the IPA, you have to turn it into a ZIP file, show the contents of the app package, then hunt for the specific PLIST file that contains the URL schemes. It's a lot of work.

This example

shakahl / IO plus Array & Promise helpers.js
Created August 26, 2024 01:14 — forked from dtipson/IO plus Array & Promise helpers.js
Bare bones FP type utility lib so we can play around with functions that capture the composition of DOM read/writes, but in a pure way
// Let's make it possible to create pure functions even when we're
// dealing with impure operations that would have side effects!
// First we'll need a "Type" that can contain a (sometimes impure) function
function IO(fn) {
if (!(this instanceof IO)) {//make it simpler for end users to create a type without "new"
return new IO(fn);
this.runIO = fn;//IO now provides an extra control layer that allows the composition of unexecuted effects
shakahl / SSimSuperRes.glsl
Created August 20, 2024 02:31 — forked from igv/SSimSuperRes.glsl
Basically it's an accurate sharpener + antiringing. Usage: glsl-shader="~~/SSimSuperRes.glsl"
// SSimSuperRes by Shiandow
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
shakahl / 99-custom-sysctl.conf
Created August 16, 2024 09:18
# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
# See /etc/sysctl.d/ for additional system variables.
# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.
#kernel.domainname =
# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3
export __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus=NVIDIA_only
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json
exec "$@"
shakahl /
Created July 8, 2024 17:57 — forked from orlp/
PEG parser in Python.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
# We only use unicode in our parser, except for __repr__, which must return str.
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
repr_str = lambda s: s.encode("utf-8")
str = unicode
repr_str = lambda s: s
shakahl / keepchatgpt.js
Created July 8, 2024 01:36 — forked from sailist/keepchatgpt.js
keepchatgpt 去掉高亮
// ==UserScript==
// @name KeepChatGPT
// @description 让我们在使用ChatGPT过程中更高效、更顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误,不再频繁地刷新网页,足足省去10个多余的步骤。还可以取消后台监管审计。解决了这几类报错: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at (3) This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area. (4) Conversation not found.
// @version 7.7
// @author xcanwin
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @description:ar لنجعل استخدام ChatGPT لدينا أكثر كفاءة وسلاسة، من خلال تحسين الحل لأخطاء شبكة ChatGPT. وهذا يوفر لنا من تحديث صفحة الويب بشكل متكرر ويقضي على أكثر من 10 خطوات غير ضرورية. تم حل الأخطاء التالية: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact
shakahl / adaptive-sharpen.glsl
Created July 7, 2024 23:55 — forked from igv/adaptive-sharpen.glsl
Optimal sharpening strength (according to objective metrics) - 0.5. Can be applied only to luma channel (change OUTPUT to LUMA). To use it on-demand add the following line to input.conf: n change-list glsl-shaders toggle "~~/adaptive-sharpen.glsl"
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021, bacondither
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in this position and unchanged.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright