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Created February 3, 2015 17:32
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Save shahrilnet/52521d0874e6b31a327b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple PHP Obfuscator
// this was my attempt to write my own php obfuscator
// this was inspired by Carbylamine PHP Script Encoder
// its currently in alpha, because sometimes its work, and sometimes it doesnt
// this was written 3 years ago (ahh memories again)
// so code looks suck
// thanks to Mokhdzani Faeq for created good regexs
// have fun!
echo "\n Simple PHP Encoder @ Shahril";
echo "\n Thanks to personant (good regex!)\n";
$help_text = "
\r {$argv[0]} -input script.php -output decode.php
\r {$argv[0]} -input script.php -repeat 3
\r {$argv[0]} -input script.php -repeat 5 -encode fv
\r {$argv[0]} -input script.php -output decode.php -repeat 10 -encode v
\r Options :-
\r -input [file] : File to encode.
\r -output [file] : [Optional]
\r -repeat [number] : [Optional] Multiple encode file for bypassing
\r antivirus.
\r -encode [parameter] : v - variable, f - function, s - string (not stable)
\r Change all variable or function or string name
\r before encode. Note that this function maybe
\r make some php broken after encode.
echo $help_text;
if(in_array("-input", $argv, true)){
$key = array_search("-input", $argv);
$value = $key + 1;
$filename = $argv[$value];
echo $help_text;
if(in_array("-output", $argv, true)){
$key = array_search("-output", $argv);
$value = $key + 1;
$output = $argv[$value];
$output = $filename."_encoded.php";
if(in_array("-repeat", $argv, true)){
$key = array_search("-repeat", $argv);
$value = $key + 1;
$repeat_encode = $argv[$value];
$repeat_encode = 1;
if(in_array("-encode", $argv, true)){
$key = array_search("-encode", $argv);
$value = $key + 1;
$method = strtolower($argv[$value]);
$piece_pecah = rand(20,35);
$tempfile = rndStr(4);
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
$except_list = array(
if(str_check_char($method, "v")){
preg_match_all('/\$[A-Za-z0-9-_]+/', $data, $var_list);
$wakil = array_values(array_unique($var_list[0]));
$collect = array();
foreach($wakil as $wakil_s){
$collect[] = str_replace("$", "", $wakil_s);
foreach($except_list as $ignore){
if(in_array($ignore, $collect, true)){
$key = array_search($ignore, $collect);
$collect_flip = array_flip($collect);
foreach($collect_flip as $key => $value){
$collect_flip[$key] = rndStr(rand(9, 12));
foreach($collect_flip as $key => $rand){
$data = str_replace("$".$key, "$".$rand, $data);
if(str_check_char($method, "f")){
preg_match_all('/function[\s\n]+(\S+)[\s\n]*\(/', $data, $func_list);
$func_list = $func_list[1];
$func_list_flip = array_flip($func_list);
foreach($func_list_flip as $key => $function){
$func_list_flip[$key] = rndStr(rand(9, 12));
foreach($func_list_flip as $key => $rand){
if(strpos($data, $key."(")){
$data = str_replace($key."(", $rand."(", $data);
//encode string - not stable..
if(str_check_char($method, "s")){
preg_match_all('/([\"\'])(?:(?=(\\\\?))\\2.)*?\\1/s', $data, $string_store);
$string_store = array_unique($string_store[0]);
$str_store_flip = array_flip($string_store);
foreach($str_store_flip as $name => $value){
if(strpos($data, $name) !== FALSE && strlen($name) > 4 && strpos($name, "\n") === FALSE){
if(substr($name, 0, 1) == '"'){
$str_store_flip[$name] = '"'.obfus(cutstr($name, '"', '"')).'"';
foreach($str_store_flip as $original => $replace){
$data = str_replace($original, $replace, $data);
if(strpos($data, "<?php") !== false) $data = striptag($data);
$data = base64_encode(gzcompress($data, 9));
$junk_replace_last = rndStr(rand(6,12));
$data = remove_trace($data, $junk_replace_last);
$get_piece = round(strlen($data)/$piece_pecah);
$random_var = array();
for($i = 0;$i <= $piece_pecah;$i++){
$random_var[] = rndStr(rand(8,15));
$random_var_flip = array_flip($random_var);
for($i = 0;$i <= $piece_pecah;$i++){
$random_var_flip[$random_var[$i]] = "";
$take_piece = 0;
for($i = 0;$i <= $piece_pecah;$i++){
if(strlen($data) <= $get_piece){
$random_var_flip[$random_var[$i]] = substr($data, 0, $get_piece);
$random_var_flip[$random_var[$i]] = substr($data, 0, $get_piece);
$data = substr($data, $get_piece);
$random_var_flip = array_filter($random_var_flip);
$array_piece = count($random_var_flip);
if(file_exists($output)){ unlink($output); }
file_put_contents($tempfile, "<?php\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
$repair_trace_var = rndStr(rand(5,9));
$junk_var_1 = rndStr(rand(9,12));
$junk_var_2 = rndStr(rand(9,12));
$function_in_code = "\r\nfunction {$repair_trace_var}(\${$junk_var_1}, \${$junk_var_2}){ return str_replace(\${$junk_var_2}, \"=\", \${$junk_var_1}); }\r\n";
$random_var_to_collect = rndStr(30);
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\${$random_var_to_collect} = \"\";", FILE_APPEND);
foreach($random_var_flip as $name => $value){
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\${$name} = \"{$value}\";", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\$".rndStr(rand(8,20))." = \"".rndStr(rand(90,150))."\";", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\$".$random_var_to_collect." .= \$".$name.";\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\$".rndStr(rand(8,20))." = \"".rndStr(rand(90,150))."\";", FILE_APPEND);
$get_s = encode_encode();
file_put_contents($tempfile, $get_s[0], FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($tempfile, $function_in_code, FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($tempfile, "\r\neval({$get_s[1]}({$get_s[2]}({$repair_trace_var}(\${$random_var_to_collect}, \"{$junk_replace_last}\"))));", FILE_APPEND);
for($i = 1;$i <= $repeat_encode;$i++){
if($i == 1){
$int_to_compress = 9;
$int_to_compress = 1; // for script executing time..lower is better
if($i == $repeat_encode){
multi_in_encode($tempfile, $output, $int_to_compress);
multi_in_encode($tempfile, $tempfile, $int_to_compress);
echo "\r\n\r\n Done :) \r\n";
// function2...
function multi_in_encode($file, $output, $int_to_compress){
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$data = striptag($data);
$collect_rand_var = array();
file_put_contents($output, "<?php\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
$get_s = encode_encode();
file_put_contents($output, $get_s[0], FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($output, "eval({$get_s[1]}({$get_s[2]}(\"".base64_encode(gzcompress($data, $int_to_compress))."\")));", FILE_APPEND);
function encode_encode(){
for($i = 0;$i <= 7;$i++){
$soh[] = rndStr(rand(8,12));
$rand_combine_1 = rndStr(rand(8,12));
$rand_combine_2 = rndStr(rand(8,12));
$data_function = "\r\${$soh[1]} = \"gzu\";\${$soh[2]} = \"ncomp\";\${$soh[3]} = \"ress\";
\r\${$rand_combine_1} = \${$soh[1]}.\${$soh[2]}.\${$soh[3]};
\r\${$soh[4]} = \"base\";\${$soh[5]} = \"64_d\";\${$soh[6]} = \"ec\";\${$soh[7]} = \"ode\";
\r\${$rand_combine_2} = \${$soh[4]}.\${$soh[5]}.\${$soh[6]}.\${$soh[7]};";
$data_function = "eval(str_rot13(gzuncompress(base64_decode(\"".base64_encode(gzcompress(str_rot13($data_function), 9))."\"))));";
$return_data = array($data_function, "\$".$rand_combine_1, "\$".$rand_combine_2);
return $return_data;
function cutstr($data, $str1, $str2){
$data = explode($str1, $data);
$data = explode($str2, $data[1]);
return $data[0];
function remove_trace($string, $junk){
return str_replace("=", $junk, $string);
function obfus($string){
$string = str_split($string);
foreach($string as &$char){
$char = (++$i%2) ? "\x".dechex(ord($char)) : "\\".decoct(ord($char));
return implode('',$string);
function str_check_char($string, $char){
for($i = 0;$i < strlen($string);$i++){
if($string[$i] == $char){
return true;
function rndStr($length) {
$keys = array_merge(range('A', 'Z'), range('a', 'z'));
$key = "";
for($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$key .= $keys[array_rand($keys)];
return $key;
// function from carbylamine php encoder.. :)
function striptag($in){
$pos = strpos($in, "<?php");
if (is_numeric($pos)){
for ($i = $pos; $i <= $pos + 4 && strlen($in) >= 5; $i++) {
$in[$i] = ' ';
return $in;
return $in;
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