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Last active November 5, 2019 07:51
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all the git commands
#for initializing
git init
#for staging
git add -A
#for commiting with message
git commit -m 'your-message'
#for pushing
git push origin master
#for pulling from remote repository
git pull origin master 'repository path'
#for moving repository files from staging
git reset
#for making a branch
git branch 'branch-name'
#for checking branches
git branch
#for checking status
git status
#for logging commits
git log
#for switching to branch
git chekcout 'branch-name'
#for removing a file
git -rm -r 'file-name'
#for showing changes
git diff
#for viewing information about branches
git remote -v
#for viewing information about repository
git branch -a
#for cloning from remote to local
git clone 'repository path' 'folder to hold cloned repository'
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