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Last active May 28, 2020 16:05
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Gist for the FeatureLearn Erlang course (4.5) "Higher-order functions in practice"
-export([doubleAll/1, evens/1, product/1]).
-export([zip/2, zip_using_hof/2]).
-export([zip_with/3, zip_with_using_hof/3]).
%% Define the functions doubleAll, evens, and product using the higher-order
%% functions lists:map, lists:filter and lists:foldr.
%% doubleAll([]) -> [];
%% doubleAll([X|Xs]) ->
%% [ 2*X | doubleAll(Xs) ].
%% evens([]) -> [];
%% evens([X|Xs]) when X rem 2 == 0 ->
%% [X | evens(Xs) ];
%% evens([_|Xs]) ->
%% evens(Xs).
%% product([]) -> 1;
%% product([X|Xs]) -> X * product(Xs).
-spec doubleAll([integer()]) -> [integer()].
doubleAll(Xs) -> lists:map(fun (X) -> 2*X end, Xs).
doubleAll_test() ->
?assertEqual([], doubleAll([])),
?assertEqual([2], doubleAll([1])),
?assertEqual([2,4,6,8,10], doubleAll([1,2,3,4,5])).
-spec evens([integer()]) -> [integer()].
evens(Xs) -> lists:filter(fun (X) -> X rem 2 == 0 end, Xs).
evens_test() ->
?assertEqual([], evens([])),
?assertEqual([], evens([1])),
?assertEqual([2], evens([2])),
?assertEqual([2,4,6,8,10], evens([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])).
-spec product([integer()]) -> integer().
product(Xs) -> lists:foldr(fun (X, Acc) -> X * Acc end, 1, Xs).
product_test() ->
?assertEqual(1, product([])),
?assertEqual(1, product([1])),
?assertEqual(2, product([1,2])),
?assertEqual(6, product([1,2,3])),
?assertEqual(24, product([1,2,3,4])),
?assertEqual(120, product([1,2,3,4,5])).
%% Zipping
%% a) Define a function zip/2 that “zips together” pairs of elements from two
%% lists like this:
%% zip([1,3,5,7], [2,4]) = [ {1,2}, {3,4} ]
%% where you can see that the elements from the longer list are lost.
-spec zip([A], [B]) -> [{A,B}].
zip(_, []) -> [];
zip([], _) -> [];
zip([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) -> [{X,Y} | zip(Xs, Ys)].
zip_test() -> zip_generic_test(fun zip/2).
zip_generic_test(ZipFunction) ->
?assertEqual([], ZipFunction([], [])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}], ZipFunction([1], [2])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}], ZipFunction([1], [2,4])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}], ZipFunction([1,3], [2])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}, {3,4}], ZipFunction([1,3], [2,4])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}, {3,4}], ZipFunction([1,3], [2,4,6,8])),
?assertEqual([{1,2}, {3,4}], ZipFunction([1,3,5,7], [2,4])).
%% b) Define a function zip_with/3 that “zips together” pairs of elements from two lists using the function in the first argument, like this:
%% zip_with(fun(X,Y) -> X+Y end, [1,3,5,7], [2,4]) = [ 3, 7 ]
-spec zip_with(fun((A,B) -> C), [A], [B]) -> [C].
zip_with(_F, _Xs, []) -> [];
zip_with(_F, [], _Ys) -> [];
zip_with(F, [X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) -> [F(X,Y) | zip_with(F, Xs, Ys)].
zip_with_test() ->
Sum = fun (X,Y) -> X+Y end,
zip_with_generic_test(fun zip_with/3, Sum).
%% c) Re-define the function zip_with/3 using zip and lists:map.
-spec zip_with_using_hof(fun(({A,B}) -> C), A, B) -> [C].
zip_with_using_hof(F, Xs, Ys) -> lists:map(F, zip(Xs, Ys)).
zip_with_using_hof_test() ->
Sum = fun ({X,Y}) -> X+Y end,
zip_with_generic_test(fun zip_with_using_hof/3, Sum).
zip_with_generic_test(ZipWithFunction, F) ->
?assertEqual([], ZipWithFunction(F, [], [])),
?assertEqual([3], ZipWithFunction(F, [1], [2])),
?assertEqual([3], ZipWithFunction(F, [1], [2,4])),
?assertEqual([3], ZipWithFunction(F, [1,3], [2])),
?assertEqual([3,7], ZipWithFunction(F, [1,3], [2,4])),
?assertEqual([3,7], ZipWithFunction(F, [1,3], [2,4,6,8])),
?assertEqual([3,7], ZipWithFunction(F, [1,3,5,7], [2,4])).
%% d) Re-define zip/2 using zip_with/3.
-spec zip_using_hof([A], [B]) -> [{A,B}].
zip_using_hof(Xs, Ys) -> zip_with(fun (X,Y) -> {X,Y} end, Xs, Ys).
zip_using_hof_test() -> zip_generic_test(fun zip_using_hof/2).
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elbrujohalcon commented May 28, 2020

Great code! Great specs!!

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Great code! Great specs!!

Thank you @elbrujohalcon :D

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