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Gist for the FeatureLearn Erlang course (4.12) "Strategies exercises"
-author("Santiago Botta <>").
play/1, play_two/3, val/1,tournament/2,const/2,enum/1,get_strategies/0,
random_strategy/1, best_scored/1,
-import(utils, [least_frequents/1,most_frequents/1,take/2]).
-type play() :: rock | paper | scissors.
-type outcome() :: win | lose | draw.
-type strategy() :: function().
-type strategy_name() :: rock | echo | no_repeat | cycle | rand | echo | least_frequent | most_frequent | random_strategy | best_scored.
-type strategy_score() :: {rock | echo | no_repeat | cycle | rand | echo | least_frequent | most_frequent | random_strategy | best_scored, integer()}.
%% @doc Runs a test game where PlayerL uses a best_scored strategy, a rand
%% strategy for PlayerR and 420 rounds are played.
-spec main_test_game() -> ok.
main_test_game() ->
play_two(best_scored(maps:to_list(get_strategies())), fun rand/1, 420).
%% @doc Plays one strategy against another, for N moves.
-spec play_two(strategy(), strategy(), integer()) -> ok.
play_two(StrategyL,StrategyR,N) ->
%% @doc Given two strategies, two list of moves, a maximum number of rounds, a
%% current round and a score, plays rps using Tail recursive loop for play_two/3.
-spec play_two(strategy(), strategy(), [play()], [play()], integer(), integer(), integer()) -> ok.
play_two(_,_,_PlaysL,_PlaysR,0,_RoundN,Score) ->
play_two(_StrategyL,_StrategyR,_PlaysL,_PlaysR,N,_RoundN,Score) when ((Score + N) < 0) ->
play_two(_StrategyL,_StrategyR,_PlaysL,_PlaysR,N,_RoundN,Score) when ((Score - N) > 0) ->
play_two(StrategyL,StrategyR,PlaysL,PlaysR,N,RoundN,Score) ->
PlayL = StrategyL(PlaysR),
PlayR = StrategyR(PlaysL),
PlayResult = result(PlayL,PlayR),
play_two(StrategyL, StrategyR, [PlayL|PlaysL], [PlayR|PlaysR], N-1, RoundN+1,Score+outcome(PlayResult)).
%% @doc Interactively play against a strategy, provided as argument.
-spec play(strategy()) -> ok.
play(Strategy) ->
io:format("Rock - paper - scissors~n"),
io:format("Play one of rock, paper, scissors, ...~n"),
io:format("... r, p, s, stop, followed by '.'~n"),
%% @doc Given a strategy, a list of PlayerL plays, a list of Player plays and
%% a round number, plays a rps game using a tail recursive loop for play/1.
-spec play(strategy(), [play()], [play()], integer()) -> ok.
play(Strategy,Moves,OpponentMoves,RoundN) ->
{ok,P} = io:read("Play: "),
Play = expand(P),
case Play of
stop ->
print_overall_result(tournament(Moves, OpponentMoves));
_ ->
OpponentMove = Strategy(Moves),
print_play(Play, OpponentMove, RoundN, print_play_result(result(Play,OpponentMove))),
%% @doc Given a play() returns a character representation.
-spec get_unicode(play()) -> string().
get_unicode(rock) -> "";
get_unicode(paper) -> "";
get_unicode(scissors) -> "🤞".
% Auxiliary functions
%% @doc Transforms shorthand atoms to expanded form.
-spec expand(atom()) -> play().
expand(r) -> rock;
expand(p) -> paper;
expand(s) -> scissors;
expand(X) -> X.
% @doc Returns the result of one set of plays.
-spec result(play(), play()) -> outcome().
result(rock,rock) -> draw;
result(rock,paper) -> lose;
result(rock,scissors) -> win;
result(paper,rock) -> win;
result(paper,paper) -> draw;
result(paper,scissors) -> lose;
result(scissors,rock) -> lose;
result(scissors,paper) -> win;
result(scissors,scissors) -> draw.
%% @doc Returns the result of a tournament (list of plays).
-spec tournament([play()], [play()]) -> integer().
tournament(PlaysL,PlaysR) ->
lists:map(fun outcome/1,
lists:zipwith(fun result/2,PlaysL,PlaysR))).
%% @doc Transforms a round outcome to a number, representing a positive number
%% for plays won by the first player and a negative number for the second
%% player.
-spec outcome(outcome()) -> integer().
outcome(win) -> 1;
outcome(lose) -> -1;
outcome(draw) -> 0.
%% @doc Transforms 0, 1, 2 to rock, paper, scissors.
-spec enum(integer()) -> play().
enum(0) ->
enum(1) ->
enum(2) ->
%% @doc Transforms rock, paper, scissors to 0, 1, 2.
-spec val(play()) -> integer().
val(rock) ->
val(paper) ->
val(scissors) ->
%% @doc Gives the play which the argument beats.
-spec beats(play()) -> play().
beats(rock) ->
beats(paper) ->
beats(scissors) ->
%% @doc Returns the play the argument looses by
-spec loose(play()) -> play().
loose(rock) ->
loose(paper) ->
loose(scissors) ->
% strategies.
%% @doc Returns a list of strategies
-spec get_strategies() -> map().
get_strategies() ->
echo => fun echo/1,
rock => fun rock/1,
no_repeat => fun no_repeat/1,
cycle => fun cycle/1,
rand => fun rand/1,
least_frequent => fun least_frequent/1,
most_frequent => fun most_frequent/1
%% @doc Given a list of moves echoes the last opponent's move.
-spec echo([play()]) -> play().
echo([]) ->
echo([Last|_]) ->
%% @doc Doesn't matter the opponent's move, will always play rock.
-spec rock([play()]) -> play().
rock(_) ->
%% @doc Given a list of moves returns a move that beats the last opponent's play.
-spec no_repeat([play()]) -> play().
no_repeat([]) ->
no_repeat([X|_]) ->
const(Play, _) ->
%% @doc Given a list of moves returns a move acoording to the number of moves.
%% played so far.
-spec cycle([play()]) -> play().
cycle(Xs) ->
enum(length(Xs) rem 3).
%% @doc Given a list of moves returns a randomly taken play.
-spec rand([play()]) -> play().
rand(_) ->
enum(rand:uniform(3) - 1).
%% @doc Given a list of moves returns the play that beats the opponent's least
%% used play.
-spec least_frequent([play()]) -> play().
least_frequent(Xs) ->
modes(Xs, fun utils:least_frequents/1, fun beats/1).
%% @doc Given a list of moves returns the play that looses against the opponent's
%% most used play.
-spec most_frequent([play()]) -> play().
most_frequent(Xs) ->
modes(Xs, fun utils:most_frequents/1, fun loose/1).
%% @doc Generic function used by most_frequent/1 and least_frequent/1 functions.
%% Given a list of moves, a function that finds the most frequent or least
%% frequent move and a beats/1 or loose/1 function returns a suitable play.
-spec modes([play()], function(), strategy()) -> play().
modes([],_,_) ->
modes(Xs,Mode,ChoosePlay) ->
Modes = Mode(Xs ++ [paper,rock,scissors]),
% Modes always return a list of most/least frequent elements, therefore one
% is choosen randomly, when the algorith is certain, there will only be one
% element, and will always choose it.
ChoosePlay(lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(Modes)), Modes)).
%% @doc Given a non empty list of strategy returns a function that given a list
%% of plays chooses a strategy randomly.
-spec random_strategy([play()]) -> play().
random_strategy(OpponentMoves) ->
Strategies = maps:to_list(get_strategies()),
{_, Strategy} = lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(Strategies)), Strategies),
%% @doc Given a list of strategies, returns a function that takes a list of
%% moves to return a move according to the best scored strategy.
-spec best_scored([play()]) -> strategy().
best_scored(Strategies) ->
fun (OpponentMoves) ->
[StrategiesResultHead | StrategiesResultTail] = lists:map(
fun (StrategyName) ->
get_strategy_score(StrategyName, OpponentMoves)
{BestScoredStrategyName, _Score} = get_best_scored_strategy(StrategiesResultTail, StrategiesResultHead),
BestScoredStrategy = maps:get(BestScoredStrategyName, maps:from_list(Strategies)),
%% @doc Given a list of strategy_score(), returns the best scored strategy_score().
-spec get_best_scored_strategy([strategy_score()], strategy_score()) -> strategy_score().
get_best_scored_strategy([], Best) ->
get_best_scored_strategy([{_StrategyName, Score} = S |Xs], {_BestStrategy, BestScore} = B) ->
case Score > BestScore of
true -> get_best_scored_strategy(Xs, S);
false -> get_best_scored_strategy(Xs, B)
get_best_scored_strategy_test() ->
StrategiesScores = [{rock, -2}, {echo, 2}, {least_frequent, -1}, {rand, 0}],
ExpectedResult = {echo, 2},
?assertEqual(ExpectedResult, get_best_scored_strategy(tl(StrategiesScores), hd(StrategiesScores))).
%% @doc Given a strategy name with it's function and a list of moves, returns a
%% score.
-spec get_strategy_score({strategy_name(), strategy()}, [play()]) -> strategy_score().
get_strategy_score({StrategyName, StrategyFunction}, OpponentMoves) ->
StrategyResults = test_strategy(StrategyFunction, OpponentMoves),
{StrategyName, tournament(StrategyResults, OpponentMoves)}.
get_strategy_score_test() ->
OpponentMoves = [paper, paper, paper],
RockStrategyName = {rock, fun rock/1},
?assertEqual({rock, -3}, get_strategy_score(RockStrategyName, OpponentMoves)),
EchoStrategyName = {echo, fun echo/1},
?assertEqual({echo, 0}, get_strategy_score(EchoStrategyName, OpponentMoves)).
%% @doc Given a strategy and a list of moves, returns a list of moves played by
%% the strategy.
-spec test_strategy(strategy(), [play()]) -> [play()].
test_strategy(Strategy, Xs) ->
test_strategy(Strategy, lists:reverse(Xs), [], []).
%% @doc Given a strategy, a list of moves and two accumulators, one that
%% reconstructs the opponent moves and the other accumulates the strategy plays,
%% and returns the last accumulator.
%% The head of the list of moves should be the opponent's first movement,
%% meaning that in some cases the given list should sometimes be reversed.
-spec test_strategy(strategy(), [play()], [play()], [play()]) -> [play()].
test_strategy(_Strategy, [], _OpponentMoves, Acc) ->
test_strategy(Strategy, [X|Xs], OpponentMoves, Acc) ->
test_strategy(Strategy, Xs, [X|OpponentMoves], [Strategy(OpponentMoves) | Acc]).
test_strategy_using_rock_strategy_test() ->
OpponentMoves = [scissors,paper,rock],
test_strategy(fun rock/1, OpponentMoves)
test_strategy_using_echo_strategy_test() ->
OpponentMoves = [scissors,paper,rock],
EchoDefaultMove = paper,
test_strategy(fun echo/1, OpponentMoves)
test_strategy_using_least_frequent_strategy_test() ->
OpponentMoves = [scissors,paper,rock,rock,rock,paper],
% We take the first 4 elements, because the first ones are randomly
% computed by the strategy.
utils:take(4, test_strategy(fun least_frequent/1, OpponentMoves))
test_strategy_using_most_frequent_strategy_test() ->
OpponentMoves = [rock,paper,scissors,rock,paper,paper],
% We take the first 5 elements, because the first one is randomly
% computed by the strategy.
utils:take(5, test_strategy(fun most_frequent/1, OpponentMoves))
% Print functions
-spec wrap_text(string(), integer(), atom()) -> [string()].
wrap_text(Text, CellLength, Alignment) ->
["", string:pad(Text, CellLength, Alignment), ""].
-spec print_row([string()], integer(), string(), string(), string()) -> [string()].
print_row(Cells, N, FirstChar, ColumnSeparator, LastChar) ->
print_row(Cells, N, FirstChar, ColumnSeparator, LastChar, "").
-spec print_row([string()], integer(), string(), string(), string(), [string()]) -> [string()].
print_row([X|[]],N,FirstChar,_ColumnSeparator,LastChar,Acc) ->
[FirstChar, Acc, string:pad(X, N, both), LastChar];
print_row([X|Xs],N,FirstChar,ColumnSeparator,Lastchar, Acc) ->
print_row(Xs, N, FirstChar, ColumnSeparator, Lastchar, Acc ++ string:pad(X, N, both) ++ ColumnSeparator).
-spec print_play_header() -> ok.
print_play_header() ->
StartHeader = ["", lists:duplicate(91, ""), "\n"],
Title = [wrap_text("Rock, Paper, Scissors", 91, both), "\n"],
Hint = [wrap_text("Play one of rock, paper, scissors typing: r, p, s, stop, followed by '.'", 91, both), "\n"],
BlankLine = [wrap_text("", 91, trailing), "\n"],
EndHeader = ["", lists:duplicate(91, ""), "\n"],
io:format("~ts", [[StartHeader, Title, BlankLine, Hint, BlankLine, EndHeader]]).
-spec print_play_two_header(integer()) -> ok.
print_play_two_header(RoundsNumber) ->
StartTable = ["", lists:duplicate(91, ""), "\n"],
Title = [wrap_text("Rock, Paper, Scissors", 91, both), "\n"],
BlankLine = [wrap_text("", 91, trailing), "\n"],
Rounds = [wrap_text([RoundsNumber, " Rounds will be played."], 91, both), "\n"],
HeaderSDecoration = [print_row(lists:duplicate(4, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(22, ""))), 22, "", "", ""), "\n"],
HeaderEDecoration = [print_row(lists:duplicate(4, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(22, ""))), 22, "", "", ""), "\n"],
HeaderTitles = ["Round", "PlayerL", "PlayerR", "Round Winner"],
Header = [print_row(HeaderTitles, (88 div 4), "", "", ""), "\n"],
io:format("~ts", [[StartTable, Title, BlankLine, Rounds, BlankLine, HeaderSDecoration, Header, HeaderEDecoration]]).
%% @doc Given a score, prints out the overall result.
-spec print_overall_result(integer()) -> ok.
print_overall_result(Score) ->
case Score of
0 -> print_result("It's a draw game.");
_ ->
case Score > 0 of
true -> print_result("Player L wins!");
false -> print_result("Player R wins!")
io:format("~nEnd of game.~n").
-spec print_play(play(), play(), integer(), string()) -> ok.
print_play(PlayL, PlayR, RoundN, Result) ->
Message = [print_row([integer_to_list(RoundN), get_unicode(PlayL), get_unicode(PlayR), Result], (88 div 4), " ", " ", " "), "\n"],
io:format("~ts", [Message]).
-spec print_result(string()) -> ok.
print_result(Text) ->
StartTable = ["", lists:duplicate(91, ""), "\n"],
Result = [wrap_text(Text, 91, both), "\n"],
EndTable = ["", lists:duplicate(91, ""), "\n"],
io:format("~ts", [[StartTable, Result, EndTable, "\n"]]).
-spec print_play_result(outcome()) -> string().
print_play_result(draw) ->
print_play_result(win) ->
"PlayerL scores!";
print_play_result(lose) ->
"PlayerR scores!".
%% Strategy tests
no_repeat_test() ->
?assertEqual(paper, rps:no_repeat([scissors])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:no_repeat([rock])),
?assertEqual(rock, rps:no_repeat([paper])).
cycle_test() ->
?assertEqual(rock, rps:cycle([])),
?assertEqual(paper, rps:cycle([dummy])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:cycle([dummy, dummy])),
?assertEqual(rock, rps:cycle([dummy, dummy, dummy])),
?assertEqual(paper, rps:cycle([dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:cycle([dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy])).
least_frequent_test() ->
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:least_frequent([rock,paper,paper,scissors,scissors])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:least_frequent([paper,rock,paper,scissors,scissors])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:least_frequent([paper,paper,rock,scissors,scissors])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:least_frequent([scissors,paper,paper,rock,scissors])),
?assertEqual(scissors, rps:least_frequent([scissors,paper,paper,scissors,rock])).
most_frequent_test() ->
?assertEqual(paper, rps:most_frequent([rock,rock,paper,rock,scissors])),
?assertEqual(paper, rps:most_frequent([rock,paper,rock,scissors,rock])),
?assertEqual(paper, rps:most_frequent([paper,paper,rock,rock,rock])),
?assertEqual(paper, rps:most_frequent([rock,rock,rock,scissors,scissors])).
best_scored_strategy_for_a_draw_game_test() ->
% Setup
Strategies = #{rock => fun rps:rock/1, echo => fun rps:echo/1},
OpponentMoves = [paper, paper, paper],
ExpectedBestScoredStrategyResult = paper,
% Assertions
best_scored_strategy_for_a_won_game_test() ->
% Setup
Strategies = #{rock => fun rps:rock/1, echo => fun rps:most_frequent/1},
OpponentMoves = [paper, paper, paper],
ExpectedBestScoredStrategyResult = scissors,
% Assertions
-export([least_frequents/1, most_frequents/1,take/2]).
least_frequents(Xs) -> modes(Xs, fun minimum/1).
most_frequents(Xs) -> modes(Xs, fun maximum/1).
%% @doc Given a non empty list of elements, and a function that calculates
%% a maximum or minimum number, returns the least or more frequent ones.
modes(Xs, F) ->
Occurrences = lists:map(fun (X) -> occurrences(X, Xs) end, Xs),
MaxOccurrence = F(Occurrences),
ElementOccurrences = maps:from_list(
lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> {X, Y} end, Xs, Occurrences)
fun (Key, Value, Accumulator) ->
mode({Key, Value}, Accumulator, MaxOccurrence)
%% @doc Given a tuple, an accumulator and a value chooses whether the tuple
%% value should be added or not.
mode({Key, Value}, Accumulator, Value) -> Accumulator ++ [Key];
mode({_Key, _Value}, Accumulator, _MaxOccurrence) -> Accumulator.
modes_most_frequent_element_test() ->
Maximum = fun maximum/1,
?assertEqual([rock], modes([rock,paper,paper,rock,rock,scissors], Maximum)),
?assertEqual([rock], modes([rock,paper,paper,rock,rock,scissors], Maximum)),
?assertEqual([paper,rock], modes([rock,scissors,rock,rock,paper,paper,paper], Maximum)),
?assertEqual([paper], modes([paper,rock,rock,scissors,paper,paper,rock,paper], Maximum)),
?assertEqual([rock], modes([rock], Maximum)).
modes_least_frequent_element_test() ->
Minimum = fun minimum/1,
?assertEqual([scissors], modes([rock,paper,paper,rock,rock,scissors], Minimum)),
?assertEqual([scissors], modes([rock,paper,paper,rock,rock,scissors], Minimum)),
?assertEqual([paper,scissors], modes([rock,scissors,rock,rock,rock,rock,paper], Minimum)),
?assertEqual([scissors], modes([paper,rock,rock,scissors,paper,paper,rock,paper], Minimum)),
?assertEqual([rock], modes([rock], Minimum)).
%% @doc Given an element and a list returns the number of occurences of the
%% element in the given list.
occurrences(X, Xs) -> occurrences(X, Xs, 0).
%% @doc Given an element, a list of elements and an accumulator, deconstructs
%% a list while accumulating occurrences of the given element.
occurrences(_X, [], Occurrences) -> Occurrences;
occurrences(X, [X|Xs], Occurrences) -> occurrences(X, Xs, 1 + Occurrences);
occurrences(X, [_Y|Xs], Occurrences) -> occurrences(X, Xs, Occurrences).
occurrences_test() ->
?assertEqual(0, occurrences(rock, [paper,paper,paper,scissors,paper])),
?assertEqual(1, occurrences(rock, [paper,paper,paper,scissors,rock])),
?assertEqual(1, occurrences(rock, [paper,paper,rock,scissors,paper])),
?assertEqual(1, occurrences(rock, [rock,paper,paper,scissors,paper])),
?assertEqual(5, occurrences(rock, [rock,rock,rock,paper,rock,rock])).
%% @doc Given a non empty list of numbers returns the maximum using tail
%% recursion.
maximum([X|Xs]) -> maximum(Xs, X).
maximum([], Max) -> Max;
maximum([X|Xs], Max) -> maximum(Xs, max(Max, X)).
%% @doc Given a non empty list of numbers returns the minimum using tail
%% recursion.
minimum([X|Xs]) -> minimum(Xs, X).
minimum([], Max) -> Max;
minimum([X|Xs], Max) -> minimum(Xs, min(Max, X)).
%% @doc Given a number of elements and a list, returns a list with the first N
%% elements.
take(0,_Xs) ->
take(_N,[]) ->
take(N,[X|Xs]) when N>0 ->
take_test() ->
?assertEqual([], take(0, [1,2,3])),
?assertEqual([1], take(1, [1,2,3])),
?assertEqual([1,2], take(2, [1,2,3])),
?assertEqual([1,2,3], take(3, [1,2,3])),
?assertEqual([1,2,3], take(4, [1,2,3])).
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