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Seth For Privacy sethforprivacy

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A Proof of Liabilities Scheme for Ecash Mints

Abstract: In this document, I will outline a proof-of-liabilities (PoL) scheme for ecash systems and Cashu specifically, which is a Chaumian ecash system for Bitcoin. The PoL scheme consists of three parts. First, a publicly auditable list of all issued ecash tokens in the form of mint proofs, and second, a publicly auditable list of all redeemed ecash tokens in the form of burn proofs, which are both regularly published by the mint operator. Third, a mint publicly commits to rotate its keys regularly once each epoch and allows all ecash in circulation to recycle from old epochs to the newest one. If clients remain vigilant and mints agree on a certain set of rules of operation which are publicly verifiable, users of a mint can detect whether a cheating mint has printed unbacked ecash during a past epoch, and, in many cases, provide public proofs of the mint engaging in this adversary behavior. Users achieve this by regularly checking t

  • Enable experimental docker commands:
root@gpod:~ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
	"experimental": true
  • Run qemu binaries installation image:
docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
swissrouting /
Last active October 29, 2022 00:02 — forked from C-Otto/sh
Shell script that sends a health check ping to the Amboss API
# Sends a health check ping to the Amboss API.
# Docs:
NOW=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)
echo "Timestamp: ${NOW}"
SIGNATURE=$(lightning-cli signmessage "$NOW" | jq -r .zbase)
echo "Signature: ${SIGNATURE}"
JSON="{\"query\": \"mutation HealthCheck(\$signature: String!, \$timestamp: String!) { healthCheck(signature: \$signature, timestamp: \$timestamp) }\", \"variables\": {\"signature\": \"$SIGNATURE\", \"timestamp\": \"$NOW\"}}"
echo "Sending ping..."
AdamISZ /
Last active April 3, 2023 20:00
Lightweight anti-Sybil with anonymity in Bitcoin


Due to unexpected failures of github's LaTeX parsing (which were not evident until I published this, but have persisted afterwards), and since the mathematical parts are important in this, I have migrated this proposal to a blog post with identical content, but correctly formatted equations.

Please continue to put any comments here.

RubenSomsen /
Last active September 2, 2024 12:58
Silent Payments – Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead

Silent Payments

Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead.

Update: This now has a BIP and WIP implementation


The recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it publicly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their chosen inputs for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is then used to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the payment by scanning every transaction in the blockchain.


This document describes a new addressing scheme for Monero.

Chapters 1-2 are intended for general audience.

Chapters 3-7 contain technical specifications.

Table of Contents

84adam / AA-Bitcoin-RSS-Feeds.opml
Last active September 6, 2023 16:01
My collection of bitcoin-related RSS newsfeeds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="1.1">
<outline title="Stacker+News" text="Stacker+News" type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline title="𝐁𝐂𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒" text="𝐁𝐂𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒" type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
danieleggert / GPG and git on
Last active September 11, 2024 14:52
How to set up git to use the GPG Suite

GPG and git on macOS


No need for homebrew or anything like that. Works with and the command line.

  1. Install -- I'd suggest to do a customized install and deselect GPGMail.
  2. Create or import a key -- see below for
  3. Run gpg --list-secret-keys and look for sec, use the key ID for the next step
  4. Configure git to use GPG -- replace the key with the one from gpg --list-secret-keys