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Last active June 11, 2020 14:43
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Generated by XState Viz:
const gameMachine = Machine(
id: "pyramid",
initial: "play",
context: {
bet: 25,
levels: 3,
currentLevel: 1,
pyramid: {
// 0 => losing element
// 1 => winning element
// 2 => bonus element
1: {
winningProbability: 0.9,
payoffFactor: 100, // 1.00,
vector: [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
2: {
winningProbability: 0.9,
payoffFactor: 100, // 1.00,
vector: [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]
3: {
winningProbability: 0.9,
payoffFactor: 100, // 1.00
vector: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
states: {
play: {
on: {
target: "lost",
cond: "foundLosingElement"
target: "bonus",
cond: "foundBonusElement",
actions: ["incrementCurrentLevel"]
target: "celebration",
cond: "noMoreMoreLevels"
{ target: "play", actions: ["incrementCurrentLevel"] }
CHANGE_BET: "play",
HELP: "help",
HISTORY: "history",
EXIT: "exit"
bonus: {
after: {
2500: "play"
celebration: {
after: {
2500: "reset"
lost: {
after: {
2500: "reset"
fund: {
on: {
ACCEPT: "play",
CANCEL: "play"
history: {
id: "history",
initial: "empty",
states: {
empty: {
on: {
full: {
on: {
NEXT: "#pyramid.history",
PREV: "#pyramid.history",
EXIT: ""
reset: {
entry: ["resetBoard"],
after: {
500: "play"
help: {
on: {
NEXT: "help",
CLOSE: "play"
exit: {
type: "final"
guards: {
foundLosingElement: (_, event) => event.payload === 0,
foundBonusElement: (_, event) => event.payload === 2,
noMoreMoreLevels: (context, event) =>
event.payload === 1 && context.currentLevel === context.levels
actions: {
incrementCurrentLevel: assign({
currentLevel: ctx => ctx.currentLevel + 1
resetBoard: assign({
currentLevel: 1
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