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Last active December 19, 2017 15:19
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TwilioVideoManager Swift
import Foundation
import UIKit
import TwilioVideo
class TwilioVideoManager: NSObject {
//MARK: Static instance to class
public static let shared = TwilioVideoManager()
//MARK: TwilioVideo SDK components
fileprivate var room: TVIRoom?
fileprivate var camera: TVICameraCapturer?
fileprivate var localVideoTrack: TVILocalVideoTrack?
fileprivate var localAudioTrack: TVILocalAudioTrack?
fileprivate var remoteParticipant: TVIRemoteParticipant?
fileprivate var remoteView: TVIVideoView?
fileprivate var previewView: TVIVideoView?
fileprivate lazy var cameraSource = TVICameraCaptureSource.frontCamera
//MARK: Private variables
weak var delegate: TwilioVideoManagerDelegate?
//MARK: Public helper methods
public func setupCamera(previewView: TVIVideoView, remoteView: TVIVideoView? = nil, delegate: TwilioVideoManagerDelegate? = nil) {
self.previewView = previewView
self.remoteView = remoteView
self.delegate = delegate = TVICameraCapturer(source: cameraSource, delegate: self)
let videoConstraints = TVIVideoConstraints.init { (builder) in
builder.maxSize = TVIVideoConstraintsSize960x540
builder.minSize = TVIVideoConstraintsSize960x540
builder.aspectRatio = TVIAspectRatio16x9
localVideoTrack = TVILocalVideoTrack.init(capturer: camera!, enabled: true, constraints: videoConstraints, name: "Camera")
localAudioTrack = TVILocalAudioTrack.init(options: nil, enabled: true, name: "Microphone")
guard let localVideoTrack = localVideoTrack else {
print("Failed to create video Track")
guard let localAudioTrack = localAudioTrack else {
print("Failed to create audio track")
localAudioTrack.isEnabled = true
public func stopCameraPreview() {
self.previewView = nil
//MARK: Private helper methods
fileprivate func cleanupRemoteParticipant() {
guard let remoteParticipant = self.remoteParticipant else {
self.remoteParticipant = nil
if remoteParticipant.videoTracks.count > 0 {
guard let remoteVideoTrack = remoteParticipant.remoteVideoTracks[0].remoteTrack, let remoteView = remoteView else {return}
//WARNING: make sure you have to remove the remote view from the superview
// self.remoteView.removeFromSuperview()
// self.remoteView = nil
self.remoteParticipant = nil
//MARK: Public Methods
public func flipCamera() {
cameraSource = cameraSource == .frontCamera ? .backCameraWide : .frontCamera
public func toggleMic() -> Bool {
guard let localAudioTrack = localAudioTrack else {return false}
localAudioTrack.isEnabled = !localAudioTrack.isEnabled
return localAudioTrack.isEnabled
public func connect(roomName: String, accessToken: String) {
guard let localVideoTrack = localVideoTrack else {
print("Haven't initialized local video Track")
guard let localAudioTrack = localAudioTrack else {
print("Haven't initialized local audio Track")
// Preparing the connect options with the access token that we fetched (or hardcoded).
let connectOptions = TVIConnectOptions.init(token: accessToken) { (builder) in
builder.audioTracks = [localAudioTrack]
builder.videoTracks = [localVideoTrack]
if let preferredAudioCodec = Settings.shared.audioCodec {
builder.preferredAudioCodecs = [preferredAudioCodec.rawValue]
if let preferredVideoCodec = Settings.shared.videoCodec {
builder.preferredVideoCodecs = [preferredVideoCodec.rawValue]
if let encodingParameters = Settings.shared.getEncodingParameters() {
builder.encodingParameters = encodingParameters
// The name of the Room where the Client will attempt to connect to. Please note that if you pass an empty
// Room `name`, the Client will create one for you. You can get the name or sid from any connected Room.
builder.roomName = roomName
// Connect to the Room using the options we provided.
room = TwilioVideo.connect(with: connectOptions, delegate: self)
// MARK: TVICameraCapturerDelegate
extension TwilioVideoManager: TVICameraCapturerDelegate {
func cameraCapturer(_ capturer: TVICameraCapturer, didStartWith source: TVICameraCaptureSource) {
guard let previewView = previewView else {return}
previewView.shouldMirror = (source == .frontCamera)
// MARK: TVIRoomDelegate
extension TwilioVideoManager: TVIRoomDelegate {
func didConnect(to room: TVIRoom) {
//Maybe add a protocol that it connected?
if (room.remoteParticipants.count > 0) {
self.remoteParticipant = room.remoteParticipants[0]
self.remoteParticipant?.delegate = self
func room(_ room: TVIRoom, didDisconnectWithError error: Error?) {
//Maybe add a protocol that it disconnected?
self.cleanupRemoteParticipant() = nil
func room(_ room: TVIRoom, didFailToConnectWithError error: Error) {
//Maybe add a protocol that it failed to connect with some error? = nil
func room(_ room: TVIRoom, participantDidConnect participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
if (self.remoteParticipant == nil) {
self.remoteParticipant = participant
self.remoteParticipant?.delegate = self
func room(_ room: TVIRoom, participantDidDisconnect participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
//Maybe add a protocol that it disconnected?
if (self.remoteParticipant == participant) {
// MARK: TVIRemoteParticipantDelegate
extension TwilioVideoManager: TVIRemoteParticipantDelegate {
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, publishedVideoTrack publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication) {
// Remote Participant has offered to share the video Track.
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, unpublishedVideoTrack publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication) {
// Remote Participant has stopped sharing the video Track.
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, publishedAudioTrack publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication) {
// Remote Participant has offered to share the audio Track.
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, unpublishedAudioTrack publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication) {
// Remote Participant has stopped sharing the audio Track.
func subscribed(to videoTrack: TVIRemoteVideoTrack, publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication, for participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
// We are subscribed to the remote Participant's audio Track. We will start receiving the
// remote Participant's video frames now.
if (self.remoteParticipant == participant) {
if let remoteView = remoteView {
func unsubscribed(from videoTrack: TVIRemoteVideoTrack, publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication, for participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
// We are unsubscribed from the remote Participant's video Track. We will no longer receive the
// remote Participant's video.
if (self.remoteParticipant == participant) {
//Should I remove from superview and make it nil? Isn't removing the renderer enough?
if let remoteView = remoteView {
// self.remoteView?.removeFromSuperview()
// self.remoteView = nil
func subscribed(to audioTrack: TVIRemoteAudioTrack, publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication, for participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
// We are subscribed to the remote Participant's audio Track. We will start receiving the
// remote Participant's audio now.
func unsubscribed(from audioTrack: TVIRemoteAudioTrack, publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication, for participant: TVIRemoteParticipant) {
// We are unsubscribed from the remote Participant's audio Track. We will no longer receive the
// remote Participant's audio.
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, enabledVideoTrack publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication) {
//logMessage(messageText: "Participant \(participant.identity) enabled \(publication.trackName) video track")
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, disabledVideoTrack publication: TVIRemoteVideoTrackPublication) {
//logMessage(messageText: "Participant \(participant.identity) disabled \(publication.trackName) video track")
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, enabledAudioTrack publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication) {
//logMessage(messageText: "Participant \(participant.identity) enabled \(publication.trackName) audio track")
func remoteParticipant(_ participant: TVIRemoteParticipant, disabledAudioTrack publication: TVIRemoteAudioTrackPublication) {
//logMessage(messageText: "Participant \(participant.identity) disabled \(publication.trackName) audio track")
//MARK: TwilioVideoManager Protocol
@objc protocol TwilioVideoManagerDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
@objc optional func didConnect()
@objc optional func didDisconnect()
@objc optional func didFailToConnectWithError(_ error: Error)
@objc optional func remoteParticipantDidPublishVideoTrack(_ didPublishVideoTrack: Bool)
@objc optional func remoteParticipantDidPublishAudioTrack(_ didPublishAudioTrack: Bool)
@objc optional func didSubscribeToVideoTrack(_ didSubscribeVideoTrack: Bool)
@objc optional func didSubscribeToAudioTrack(_ didSubscribeAudioTrack: Bool)
@objc optional func didEnableVideoTrack(_ didEnableVideoTrack: Bool)
@objc optional func didEnableAudioTrack(_ didEnableAudioTrack: Bool)
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