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Last active July 8, 2020 18:29
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R script to transform longitude to UTM zone and EPSG code for projections
# Functions to convert a longitude to the UTM zone and EPSG code
# Get the UTM zone for a given longitude
long2UTM <- function(long) {(floor((long + 180)/6) %% 60) + 1 }
# get the EPSG code (int) for a given longitude and hemisphere
UTMzone2EPSG <- function(utmzone, hemisphere) {
if( tolower(hemisphere) %in% c("north", "n") ) {
if( utmzone < 10 ) { epsg = '3260' } else { epsg = '326' }
} else if( tolower(hemisphere) %in% c("south", "s") ) {
if( utmzone < 10 ) { epsg = '3270' } else { epsg = '327' }
else { stop(paste0("hemisphere provided '", hemisphere, "' is not valid. Valid values are: north or south")) }
return(as.integer(paste0(epsg, utmzone)))
# Tests
# vancouver, CA
UTMzone2EPSG(long2UTM(-123), 'north')
# melbourne, AU
UTMzone2EPSG(long2UTM(145), 's')
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