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Forked from mbwhite/endorsmentpolicy.pegjs
Created August 28, 2020 04:26
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Hyperledger Fabric: Parsing the Endorsement Policies
// Grammar for parsing of the Fabric Endorsment Policies
// Defined in the documentation at
// The expression will be an operator with arguments, each of the arguments can be an expression
// The OutOf operator is a bit different as that demands the first agument be a number
= op:Operator '(' _ args:Some_Expression_Args _ ')'
return {op,args}
/ 'OutOf' '(' _ i:Integer _ ',' _ args:Some_Expression_Args _ ')'
if ( i > args.length ) expected('OutOf count is too large')
return {op:'OutOf', count:i, args}
// The expression arguments can either be principal or expression
Expression_Arg = Expression / Principal
// Support for comma seperated list of expression arguments
= a:Expression_Arg _ ',' _ s:Some_Expression_Args { return [a].concat(s) }
/ e:Expression_Arg { return [e] }
// Principal is the mspid and the role contained within single quoates
Principal = "'" m:mspid_and_role "'" { return m }
// The mspid is either
// one msp_element, then . then the Role
// Or one msp_element, then . but NOT the Role, then followed by the mspid (and repeat)
= a:mspid_element '.' b:Role {return { mspid:a.join(""), role:b } }
/ c:mspid_element '.' !Role d:mspid_and_role { return { mspid:c.join("") +"." + d.mspid, role:d.role} }
// A single part of the mspid is the alphanumeric characters
mspid_element = [-a-zA-Z0-9]+
// The two basic boolean operators
Operator = 'AND' / 'OR'
// comma separated list of roles
Role = 'member' / 'admin' / 'client' / 'peer'
// A number for the OutOf(x, .. , ..) case
Integer "integer"
= _ [0-9]+ { return parseInt(text(), 10); }
// Whitepsace definition, set to just return as we're not worried about it later
_ "whitespace"
= [ \t\n\r]* { return }
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