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Created October 7, 2019 15:45
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  • Save serhatyuna/f2faeead64d8f67f7783853c5ef6573c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save serhatyuna/f2faeead64d8f67f7783853c5ef6573c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
alias gi="git init"
alias gc="git checkout"
alias gcb="git checkout -b"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gs="git status"
alias ga="git add"
alias gaa="git add ."
alias gc="git commit"
alias gcm="git commit -m"
alias gpl="git pull"
alias gpr="git pull --rebase"
alias gps="git push"
alias gl="git log -n 5"
alias code-remote="/mnt/c/Users/serha/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft\ VS\ Code/bin/code"
alias code="/mnt/c/Users/serha/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft\ VS\ Code/Code.exe"
alias create-react-app="npx create-react-app"
set -g -x fish_greeting ""
set -x GOPATH /mnt/d/Projects/go
set -x PATH $PATH /usr/local/go/bin $GOPATH/bin
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