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MYSQLND_MS REVAMPED: Single and multi-master read/write consistency enforcing in MySQL asynchronous clusters with PHP and mysqlnd_ms extension

MYSQLND_MS REVAMPED: Single and multi-master read/write consistency enforcing in MySQL asynchronous clusters with PHP and mysqlnd_ms extension

NOTE: The service level and consistency feature is one of the most changed areas of the mymysqlnd_ms fork. Functionalities like server side read consistency and server side write consistency allow transparent migration to MySQL asyncronous clusters in almost all use cases with no or at most extremely small effort and application changes.

Different types of MySQL cluster solutions offer different service and data consistency levels to their users. Any asynchronous MySQL replication cluster offers eventual consistency by default. A read executed on an asynchronous slave may return current, stale or no data at all, depending on whether the slave has replayed all changesets from master or not. asynchronous Applications using a MySQL replication cluster need to be designed to work correctly with eventual consistent data. In most cases, however, stale data is not acceptable. In those cases only certain slaves or even only master accesses are allowed to achieve the required quality of service from the cluster.

New MySQL functionalities available in more recent versions, like multi source replication or group replication, allow multi-master clusters and need application strategies to avoid write conflicts and enforce write consistency for distinct write context partitions.

The mymysqlnd_ms PHP plugin can transparently choose MySQL replication nodes consistent with the read and write requested consistency.

Context partitioning

Context partitions are sets of queries made by groups of clients (participants) which need to share with each others the same configured isolated consistency context. With read consistency, a consistency context participant will read all writes made by other participants, itself included. With write consistency, in multi-master clusters, writes from all consistency context participants will always do not conflicts each others. Context partitions size can range from single query sent by a single client (eventual consistency) to global unique context partition which include all queries sent by all clients. Eventual consistency can indeed be considered as the smallest context partition, where every single query from every single client is a context partition. In a-syncronous or semi-syncronous clusters, smaller context partitions means better load distribution and performance. In mymysqlnd_ms context partitions are established through the use of placeholders. Placeholders are reserved tokens used in mymysqlnd_ms configuration values of the memcached_key and memcached_wkey directives. The placeholder token will be expanded to the corresponding value at connection init, allowing consistency context establishment on a connection attribute basis (for a complete list see Placeholders). In read and write consistency mymysqlnd_ms takes the role of context coordinator. Therefore the plugin can and should be configured to use a persistent shared state store. Currently, mymysqlnd_ms supports only compatible memcached protocol state store.

Server side read consistency

Requires MySQL >= 5.7.6 with --session-track-gtids=OWN_GTID.

A read context partition is a set of application reads made by a context participant that must always at least run against previous writes made by all other context participants.
Starting from MySQL 5.7.6 the MySQL server features the session-track-gtids system variable, which, if set, will allow a client to be aware of the unique Global Transaction Identifier (GTID) assigned by MySQL to an executed transaction.

For read consistency the most common scenarios is context partitioning on php user session. With mymysqlnd_ms plugin this can be achieved through the use of the #SID placeholder which is expanded to the php session_id value. This allow application users to always read them writes also if made in different connections and also if distributed on different php application server. Especially in async ajax scenarios, where reads and writes are often made on distinct http requests, php user session partitioning is of great value and allow transparent migration to MySQL asyncronous clusters in almost all use cases with no or at most extremely small effort and application changes.

Server side read consistency has following rules:

  • Reads belonging to a context partition can safely run only on cluster nodes that have already replicated all previous same context partition writes.
  • Reads belonging to a context partition can safely run on cluster nodes that still have not replicated writes from all other contexts.

mymysqlnd_ms server side read consistency works this way:

  1. On connection init, if a state store is configured the plugin retrieve global stored GTID for the context partition and set it as the connection current read consistency GTID.
  2. Every time a read query is executed the plugin will choose and check cluster nodes consistency against the connection current read consistency GTID.
  3. Every time a write query is executed the plugin will set corresponding GTID as current for the connection and as last GTID for the configured consistency partition (only if a state store is configured).
Performance considerations
  • Step 1 is executed only on connection init and needs a read operation from the configured memcached state store.
  • In step 2, on first read query, the plugin will check configured nodes and retrieve the MySQL executed GTID using the fetch_last_gtid configured query, the retrieved executed GTIDs are locally stored. Next read queries will be checked first against the locally stored executed GTIDs and only on check failure a new effective consistency check is done and a new fetch_last_gtid configured query is sent to the node.
  • Step 3 needs a write operation to the configured memcached state store. Step 3 is executed only if the evaluated write query effectively changes the MySQL repository, i.e. depending on your configuration the plugin can evaluate a SET query as a write query (see read-write splitting) and send it to the master/s although the statement will not change the repository and MySQL will not generate a corresponding GTID, in this case step 3 will not be executed.

Server side write consistency

Requires MySQL >= 5.7.6 with --session-track-gtids=OWN_GTID.

New MySQL functionalities like multi source replication or group replication allow multi-master clusters and need application strategies to avoid write conflicts and enforce write consistency for distinct write context partitions. A write context partition is a set of application writes that, if run on distinct masters, can potentially conflict each others but that do not conflict with write sets from all other defined partitions.

It is widely known that adding masters to MySQL clusters does not scale out and does not increase write performance, that is because all masters replicate the same amount of data, so write load will be repeated on every master. However, given that other masters do not have to do the same amount of processing that the original master had to do when it originally executed the transaction, they apply the changes faster, transactions are replicated in a format that is used to apply row transformations only, without having to re-execute transactions again. There are also much more to take into account for clusters configurations, in practice distinct write queries sent to distinct masters will almost always have better total throughput then the same group of queries sent to a single master (as an example see an overview of the Group Replication performance multi-master peak with flow-control disabled). So the major obstacles to achieve a certain degree of writes scale-out are write conflicts and replication lag. The idea behind mymysqlnd_ms write consistency implementation is to move replication lag and write conflicts management to the php application server, that can be considered a far more easier scale-out resource. To summarize the mymysqlnd_ms write consistency implementation tries to put loads on easier scalable front ends with the objective to enhance response time on much harder scalable back ends.

For write consistency, common scenarios strictly depend from your application requirements and can range from write context partitioning on MySQL user or schema used for the connection, to context partitioning on a php user session basis.

BEWARE: distinct write sets partitions must not intersect each others. e.g. if a write set include all writes to table A, no other write set partition should include writes to table A.

Server side write consistency has following rules:

  • Writes belonging to distinct context partitions can safely run concurrently on distinct MySQL masters without any data conflicts and replication issues.
  • Writes belonging to the same context partition can safely run concurrently only on the same master.
  • Writes belonging to the same context partition can safely run NON concurrently (there are no still pending same context writes) on any masters that has already replicated all previous same context writes.

In server side write consistency a context partition state is made by a token counter used for progressive queries id assignment and an information query record that holds information about the chosen master and the GTID associated with the query. In autocommit mode and if a query is evaluated as a write query, more or less happens the following:

  1. The token counter is atomically incremented and the returned value are respectively assigned as id for the query.
  2. The state of the previous running_wdepth write queries is retrieved and checked.
  3. If at least one previous queries is still running then the plugin choose the same master otherwise it will check other masters against the GTID of the last previous write query and choose a master according to the configured filters.
  4. The choosen master is written as current state for the query id.
  5. The query is sent to the choosen master.
  6. When query ends, if the query will effectively produce a valid transaction the associated GTID is written as current state for the query id, anyway the state of the query will be marked as executed.
  7. if auto_clean directive is active the state of the previous write query with id equal to id - 2*running_wdepth is deleted from the state store.

In non autocommit mode steps 1 to 5 are executed on transaction init, steps 6 and 7 when transaction ends.

Performance considerations

For every query evaluated as a write query:

  • Step 1 needs an atomic increment operation to the configured memcached state store.
  • Step 2 needs a read of running_wdepth records from the configured memcached state store.
  • In step 3, if no previous write queries are still running, the plugin will check configured master nodes and retrieve the MySQL executed GTID using the fetch_last_gtid query, the retrieved executed GTID are locally stored. Next write queries will be checked first against the locally stored executed GTID and only on check failure a new effective consistency check is done and a new fetch_last_gtid query is sent to the node.
  • Step 4 needs a write operation to the configured memcached state store.
  • Step 6 needs a write operation to the configured memcached state store.
  • Step 7 needs a delete operation to the configured memcached state store.

Waiting for a new step by step guide on read consistency (avoid replication lag issue) and write consistency (multi-master write conflicts management) check the service level and consistency quick start and examples section.

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