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Created July 10, 2022 10:08
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## Program name........: wttrin_weather_lib2.nim
## Program description.: Testing Nim library that fetches weather from
## Author..............: Sergio Lima
## Created on..........: Jul, 10 2022
## Install lib
## $ nimble install wttrin -y
## How to compile
## $ nim c -d:ssl wttrin_weather_lib2.nim
## How to run
## $ ./wttrin_weather_lib2
import wttrin
import std/strformat
const citiesTuple = (
saopaulo: "Sao Paulo-SP",
maringa: "Maringa-PR",
fortaleza: "Fortaleza-CE",
manaus: "Manaus-AM")
proc getWeather(city: string): array[3, string] =
return [$getTemp(city), $getUnit(city), getCondition(city)]
for city, cityName in citiesTuple.fieldPairs:
let arrayWeather = getWeather(city)
let temp = arrayWeather[0]
let unit = arrayWeather[1]
let cond = arrayWeather[2]
echo cityName & fmt""" {temp}{unit} {cond}"""
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