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Last active February 19, 2020 02:43
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Usefulness of Twitter data in making investment decisions

Usefulness of Twitter data in making investment decisions

We had no part in generating the following charts. We are looking for your opinion on whether they can be useful in gathering information for trading purposes.

Part 1: Questions about Figures

Hashtag Frequency

Hashtags are used widely on Twitter. Here we look at the most popular hashtags from a subset of Twitter users, from yesterday.


  1. This type of insight into Twitter data could give me an investment advantage. Please talk us through your answer.
    • Strongly agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  2. Assume you're speaking to someone with your level of knowledge in investing. How comfortable would you be explaining this chart to them? Please elaborate on your answer.
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
  3. What investment decision(s) would you make based on this kind of data? Please describe your reasoning.
  4. What additional information from this Twitter data would help you make an investment decision? Why?

Absolute Mentions of Publicly Traded Companies

Sometimes people Tweet about publicly traded companies. Here we look at how often a subset of public companies have been mentioned in a particular time period.


  1. This type of insight into Twitter data could give me an investment advantage. Please talk us through your answer.
    • Strongly agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  2. Assume you're speaking to someone with your level of knowledge in investing. How comfortable would you be explaining this chart to them? Please elaborate on your answer.
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
  3. What investment decision(s) would you make based on this kind of data? Please describe your reasoning.
  4. What additional information from this Twitter data would help you make an investment decision? Why?

Absolute Mentions of Publicly Traded Companies, with Sentiment

Tweets often express users' sentiment towards the subject of the Tweet. Here we look at the sentiment of Tweets that mention publicly traded companies.


  1. This type of insight into Twitter data could give me an investment advantage. Please talk us through your answer.
    • Strongly agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  2. Assume you're speaking to someone with your level of knowledge in investing. How comfortable would you be explaining this chart to them? Please elaborate on your answer.
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
  3. What investment decision(s) would you make based on this kind of data? Please describe your reasoning.
  4. What additional information from this Twitter data would help you make an investment decision? Why?

Time Series of Mentions of Publicly Traded Companies

Mention frequency may differ over time. Here we take a look at how often Google and Facebook have been mentioned in the past.


  1. This type of insight into Twitter data could give me an investment advantage. Please talk us through your answer.
    • Strongly agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  2. Assume you're speaking to someone with your level of knowledge in investing. How comfortable would you be explaining this chart to them? Please elaborate on your answer.
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
  3. What investment decision(s) would you make based on this kind of data? Please describe your reasoning.
  4. What additional information from this Twitter data would help you make an investment decision? Why?

Word Cloud: Words used in Tweets

Finally, we'll look at a word cloud of words in the Twitter dataset. Words that have been Tweeted more frequently will appear larger.


  1. This type of insight into Twitter data could give me an investment advantage. Please talk us through your answer.
    • Strongly agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  2. Assume you're speaking to someone with your level of knowledge in investing. How comfortable would you be explaining this chart to them? Please elaborate on your answer.
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
  3. What investment decision(s) would you make based on this kind of data? Please describe your reasoning.
  4. What additional information from this Twitter data would help you make an investment decision? Why?

Part 2: Additional Questions

Additional Charts

Can you think of any additional chart(s) based on Twitter data that would be useful to make an investment decision? If you can, please explain why.

Checking the Reports

How often would you check in on these reports? Please explain your reasoning and what would make you check in more often.

Familiarity with Figures

  1. How familiar are you with trading?
  2. Do you often have to interpret data/numbers that are presented in charts and figures?
  3. Do you often look at charts like the ones shown below?

aapl techanalysis (Source: Google Finance, and Investopedia, respectively).

Part 3: A Survey

Finally, please fill out the short survey at this URL:

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