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Last active March 5, 2023 06:35
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Make wordlist from js files
#! /bin/bash
## This script fetch js files from a domain name and make a wordlist by words in js files
## Credit:
##### Install requirements #####
##### Before running this script you should install Go #####
## Install subjs (
GO111MODULE=on go get -u -v
## Install js-beautify (
apt install npm -y && npm install js-beautify
## Install haklistgen (
go install
## Usage: ./
##Get address ( and fetch js files by subjs then save in jslinks.tmp file
echo "https://"$1 | subjs > jslinks.tmp
## Make jsfiles directory for storing js files
mkdir jsfiles && wget --compression=gzip -i jslinks.tmp -P jsfiles
## Read all js files and create wordlist by haklistgen
cat jsfiles/*.js | js-beautify -i | haklistgen | sort -u > $1"_js_wordlist.txt"
rm -rf jslinks.tmp jsfiles
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