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Created October 8, 2013 07:32
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LoadMoreMixin for EmberJS
# Loadmore Mixin
# It works with limit/skip & max_id
# SETUP: To Use it add this mixin to both View & Controller
# It binds the view to scroll, and if user scrolled to the
# bottom it sends modelName to controller.
# Controller then sets loadingMore to true (to be show
# Loading indicator) then it gets Model meta. As long as
# meta.count is not zero load more data.
# Load data based on paging type, and push results into
# ArrayController, and finally set loading more to false
App.LoadMore = Ember.Mixin.create(
loadingMore: false
# View
didInsertElement: ->
view = this
$(window).bind 'scroll', ->
# When this view is destroyed we need to unbind the scroll event.
willDestroyElement: ->
$(window).unbind 'scroll'
isScrolledToBottom: ->
distanceToTop = $(document).height() - $(window).height()
top = $(document).scrollTop()
top is distanceToTop
didScroll: ->
if @isScrolledToBottom()
model = @get('controller.model.type.typeKey') # Get Model (ex: post)
@get('controller').send('loadMore', model)
# Controller
startLoading: (model) ->
@set 'loadingMore', true
console.log "Loading more #{model}"
loadMore: (model) ->
return if @get 'loadingMore', true
self = this
metadata = @store.metadataFor(model)
pushObjects = (data) ->
self.content.pushObjects data.content
if metadata.count is 0
self.set 'endOfFeed', true
self.set 'loadingMore', false
if metadata.count is 0
@set 'endOfFeed', true
type = @get 'currentFeed'
if @get('paging') is 'skip'
store = @store
skip: metadata.next_skip
type: type
).then pushObjects
max_id: metadata.max_id
type: type
).then pushObjects
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