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Last active August 22, 2017 15:21
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package object controllers {
private def rel(url: String)(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): String = {
val count = request.uri.count(c => c == '/')
(url, count) match {
* Requested url is '/' and we are at the root of the app. Link to root route with '.'.
case ("/", 1) => "."
* Requested url is anything and we are the root of the app. Make link relative by stripping '/' prefix.
case (_, 1) => url.stripPrefix("/")
* All other url's are made relative by adding '..' for the depth between requested url and root of the app, -1.
case _ => (1 until count).map(_ => "..").mkString("/") + url
implicit class RelativeCall(call: Call) {
def relative(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): Call = call.copy(url = rel(call.url))
// Example calls to reverse router from view
// To a static asset:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="@routes.Assets.versioned("bootstrap.css").relative">
// To a controller method:
<a href="@routes.Topic.topic(cluster,topic).relative" class="cancel-button btn btn-default" role="button">Cancel</a>
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