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Created July 29, 2019 10:10
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HTTP/2, HTTP/3, and Beyond

HTTP/2, HTTP/3, and Beyond

A brief overview of the web's latest transport protocols and an exploration of what's coming soon-ish.

  • Date: 2019-07-26
  • Speaker: Sebastiaan Deckers
  • Location: Zendesk, Singapore


Joined Zendesk 1 month ago (Team Groot, GraphQL API)

Part-time freelance with startups in SG for past ~10 years

Full-time DIY FOSS for past 3 years

Contributed to HTTP/2 in Node.js


Commons Host: FOSS CDN

Web perf tooling


Published in 1997 1999

Text based protocol over TCP/IP sockets.

Simple bytestream, easy to parse by looking for \r\n line endings.

Open socket, write request, read response headers, read response body, close socket. GG EZ.


Simple idea: Take HTTP/1.1 and stuff it inside a TLS socket.

  • HTTP/1.1 RFC: 176 pages
  • TLS/1.0 RFC: 80 pages
  • HTTPS RFC: 7 pages

It's called TLS. Calling it SSL makes Baby Groot sad. SSL is a Netscape technology from the mid-90's and not an IETF standard. TLS is the actual standard. It has been around since 1999.

Still just a blackbox bytestream. Treat TLS like TCP. It just works.

Hacks to make HTTP scale

Data concatenation

Image slicing, inlined base64 URIs, font icons, JavaScript/CSS bundles, etc.

Parallel Connections

Multiple TLS+TCP sockets

Independent slow start, difficult to reach full speed with not enough data per socket

HTTP/2: Not as new as you might think

First proposed as SPDY by Google in 2012. Standard published as RFC in 2015. Implemented in Node.js since 2017.

What's new:

  • Header compression (HPACK)

    State held on both server and client. Start with predefined common header field names and values, then use Huffman coding to update table state for duration of the session.

    Cheap to send lots of headers if they are duplicated across requests & responses within the same session.

    Avoid table churn or exhaustion from huge headers like changing cookies.

  • Server Push

    Server sends PUSH_PROMISE frame with the headers of a "fake" request.

    Server sends HEADERS frame with the headers of the response.

    Server sends DATA frame(s) with the payload of the response.

    Client avoids making the round-trip-time (RTT) of making requests.

    Only half of a feature: Server has no idea what the client already has cached. Rarely used in real world today. Can even be bad when there is over-push, i.e. push redundant data for responses the client already has cached. Cache Digest proposal tried to fix this problem but browser implementors not currently interested.

  • Streams with multi-plexing

    Many request/response streams within a session.

    Single, long-lived TCP/IP socket. Only need to do the multiple round trip TCP & TLS handshake once.

    Avoids HTTP request & response head-of-line (HoL) blocking. No need for parallel connections. Err, just pushes HoL down to the single TCP/IP socket.

    Supports prioritisation but this turned into a big mess and not really utilised IRL.

  • Always encrypted

    Runs on port 443/tcp like HTTPS

    Uses https: protocol scheme

    Spec allows plaintext H2 but impractical to deploy at Internet scale.

  • DoH

    Used by DNS over HTTP as a transport. Get the benefit of encrypting DNS, without changing the payload. Easy to implement and deploy on familiar infrastructure.


Routers, switches, load balancers, accelerators, etc.

Equipment at the edges is easy to update. Browsers auto-update daily/weekly/monthly. Server apps deployed with CI/CD.

Middleboxes are never updated. Deployed for years until EOL.

Behaviour is ossified. Unknown protocols or extensions are dropped. Impossible to roll out new Internet protocols.

Middleboxes make too many assumptions about plaintext HTTP on port 80.

Solution is to use TLS extension ALPN to select HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.1 for the encrypted data.

E.g. TCP Fast Open (TFO) when deployed ends up dropped by some % of middleboxes, requires retransmission, often actually slower. Sadpanda.

We're stuck with TCP...?

Middleboxes mostly ignore UDP. Free to carry any payload.

QUIC: "TCP/2" over UDP/IP

QUIC implements TCP-like mechanism, and a lot of the cool newer stuff, over UDP.


  • 85 pages
  • September 1981


  • 3 pages
  • August 1980

TCP is old and smart. Ossified AF.

UDP is older and dumb. Nothing for middleboxes to break.

Caveat: Sporadic UDP blocking and rate limiting in the wild, ~3-7% failure by Google measurements.

19 implementations at IETF Hackathon interop testing.

WIP in Node.js

HTTP/3: You're probably already using it*

Live in Chrome browser

Live at Google/Youtube, Facebook, Cloudflare, etc.


gQUIC is one big spec. iQUIC has split into many specs.

  • HTTP/3: HTTP over QUIC. HTTP/3 is conceptually roughly the same as HTTP/2. Mapping of HTTP streams to QUIC streams. Stream priority may or may not get dropped or redesigned.

  • Invariants: Avoid ossification using greasing of future versions

  • QPACK: Redesigned header compression. HPACK is now QPACK.

  • TLS in QUIC: Modular instead of layered design. Allows for 0RTT (careful: replay attacks)

  • Spin Bit: Most discussed bit in history.

Future of QUICv2, QUICv3, etc

Current focus is entirely on QUICv1 and HTTP/3 specs.

Still many design issues being discussed. Hopefully concensus soon, deferring many features. Expect short interval iterations for future versions of QUIC and extensions.

Other protocols will explore using QUIC as their transport to get al this cool free stuff. E.g. WebRTC, WebSocket, DNS, etc. Same for proprietary appliation protocols like databases or message queues or MUX.

Deployment & Discovery of HTTP/3

First connection is still HTTP/2

Check for any Alt-Svc header indicating QUIC support. Cache for future connections.

Reconnect using QUIC and HTTP/3.

Proposals to bootstrap this over DNS using HTTPSSVC or ALTSVC DNS resource record (RR).

Get Involved

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Contribute to QUIC

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