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Simple Laravel database state system to ensure database content is up-to-date (in addition to its schema using migrations).
use App\Domain\Users\User;
use App\State;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
return new class extends State {
public function up(): void
$attributes = array_merge(
['email_verified_at' => now()],
$attributes['password'] = Hash::make($attributes['password']);
public function skipIf(): bool
return User::query()
->where('email', config(''))
use App\Domain\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch;
use App\State;
return new class extends State {
public function up(): bool
return Elasticsearch::indices()
->deleteIndexTemplate(['name' => 'map_numerics_to_doubles'])
public function skipIf(): bool
return ! Elasticsearch::indices()
->existsIndexTemplate(['name' => 'map_numerics_to_doubles'])
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\State;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use RuntimeException;
class EnsureDatabaseState extends Command
* @var string
protected $signature = 'db:ensure-state';
* @var string
protected $description = 'Ensure the database is in the correct state';
public function __construct(private readonly Filesystem $filesystem)
public function handle(): int
$this->components->info('Preparing state of database.');
$files = $this->filesystem->files(database_path('states'));
->map(fn (string $path): array => [
'path' => basename($path, '.php'),
'state' => $this->filesystem->getRequire($path),
return static::SUCCESS;
private function verify(array $file): void
['state' => $state] = $file;
if ($state instanceof State) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('State "%s" must be an instance of "App\State"', $state));
private function runUp(array $file): void
['path' => $path, 'state' => $state] = $file;
if (method_exists($state, 'skipIf') && $state->skipIf()) {
$success = true;
} else {
$success = $state->up() ?? true;
$this->components->task($path, static fn (): bool => $success);
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