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sebas932 / deliverable_metadata_v2.json
Last active November 7, 2018 20:17
Deliverable Metadata
"title": "",
"description": "",
"citation": "",
"publicationDate": "",
"language": "",
"keywords": [
"handle": "",
sebas932 /
Created July 4, 2017 20:47
Export Git log from all branches
git --no-pager log --all --pretty='%h | %s | %ae | %an | %ce | %cd' > log.csv
sebas932 / agreement_from_OCS.json
Last active October 31, 2017 19:51
OCS Agreement JSON
"agreement": {
"id": "A128",
"description":"Effecting change in seed security response: In crisis, chronic stress and developmental contexts",
"donor": {
"id": "444426081",
"name": "USAID-United States Agency for International Development"
"countries": [
{"code": "CG", "description": "Congo", "percentage": "25"},
sebas932 / samples-update-03-08-2017.sql
Last active March 8, 2017 20:15
SAMPLES website - data updates - 03-08-2017
-- Experiment
INSERT INTO `samples_db`.`wp_experiment` (`idexperiment`, `exp_name`, `exp_keywords`, `exp_brief_desc`, `exp_country`, `exp_province_state`, `exp_nearest_city`, `exp_latitude`, `exp_longitude`, `exp_year_began`, `exp_year_ended`, `exp_mean_annual_precipitation`, `exp_mean_annual_temperature`, `exp_soil_taxo_desc`, `exp_soil_taxo_sys`, `exp_soil_surface_tex`, `exp_soil_ph`, `exp_key_findings`) VALUES ('PELSTERGHG', 'Manure factors East Africa', 'Manure management, cattle, pasture, East Africa', 'Manure management emission factor for manure from cattle managed as a solid on pastures and ranges in East Africa\n', 'Kenya', 'Nairobi', 'Nairobi', '1.270556', '36.72444', '2015', '2015', '980', '17.5', 'well-drained humic nitisols', 'FAO', 'Clay', '7', 'The CH4 emission factors (EFs) (246 ± 49.5 and 87 ± 12.7 g CH4–C yr-1 animal-1 for Friesan and Boran, respectively) were lower than the International Panel on Climate Change EFs (750 g CH4–C animal-1 yr-1), whereas the N2O EFs (0.1 and 0.2% for the Fries
sebas932 / style.css
Created June 30, 2015 16:07
Improving some issues with analogues style
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#! /bin/bash
# Copyright (c) 2009 spatieman All NOT rights reserved.
# Beta startup script with variables V1.0
server_name="Call of duty 2"