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Forked from dorneanu/
Created August 1, 2024 13:53
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Python: Implement basic plugin architecture with Python and importlib

Implementing a basic plugin architecture shouldn't be a complicated task. The solution described here is working but you still have to import every plugin (inheriting from the base class).

This is my solution:

Basic project structure

$ tree
└── plugins

The base plugin

$ cat plugins/

import os
import traceback
from importlib import util

class Base:
    """Basic resource class. Concrete resources will inherit from this one
    plugins = []

    # For every class that inherits from the current,
    # the class name will be added to plugins
    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):

# Small utility to automatically load modules
def load_module(path):
    name = os.path.split(path)[-1]
    spec = util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
    module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
    return module

# Get current path
path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
dirpath = os.path.dirname(path)

for fname in os.listdir(dirpath):
    # Load only "real modules"
    if not fname.startswith('.') and \
       not fname.startswith('__') and fname.endswith('.py'):
            load_module(os.path.join(dirpath, fname))
        except Exception:

A sample plugin

$ cat plugins/
import plugins

class PluginA(plugins.Base):

    def __init__(self):

    def start(self):
        print("Plugin A")

How to use it

$ cat
from plugins import Base

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for p in Base.plugins:
        inst = p()

Sample run

$ python
Plugin B
Plugin A
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