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Last active June 1, 2016 20:39
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Save seanschroeder/7475238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of how to output different grids for a Mura Folder when using a custom subtype and extended attributes
<cfset collayout = "">
<cfset gridimagesize = "">
<cfset modrows = "">
<!--- check attribute value for layout of folder / cats --->
<cfswitch expression="#$.content().getValue('gridLayout')#">
<!--- set grid item class / set custom image size / logic on when to start a new 'row' --->
<!--- if 3 col layout --->
<cfcase value="3col">
<cfset collayout = "col-4">
<cfset gridimagesize = "gridcol4">
<cfset modrows = "3">
<!--- if 3 col layout --->
<cfcase value="4col">
<cfset collayout = "col-3">
<cfset gridimagesize = "gridcol3">
<cfset modrows = "4">
<!--- default to 3 col layout --->
<cfset collayout = "col-4">
<cfset gridimagesize = "gridcol4">
<cfset modrows = "3">
<cfset iterator=$.content().getKidsIterator()>
<cfif iterator.hasNext()>
<div class="animal-grid">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-row">
<cfloop condition="iterator.hasNext()">
<!--- set class on grid item / css hook --->
<div class="grid-item #collayout#">
<a href="#item.getURL()#">
<!--- determine what custom image size to load --->
<img src="#item.getImageURL(gridimagesize)#">
<a href="#item.getURL()#">#item.getMenuTitle()#</a>
<!--- customized folder to also output petSex and petBreed --->
<h4>#item.getValue('petSex')# / #item.getValue('petBreed')#</h4>
<!--- logic for when to start a new row --->
<cfif iterator.currentIndex() mod #modrows# eq 0 and iterator.hasNext()>
<div class="grid-row">
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