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Seah Ying Cong seahyc

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seahyc /
Last active December 20, 2021 10:21
encourage questions to be asked


Given what you know about Glints' current data maturity, come up with a plan of what you would do in your first 90 days as the Head of Data.

Present it as a written document that can be understood as a standalone document. We'd read it first, and then have a discussion about it in our next call. Make it well-structured and realistic, something you'd actually act on were you to join us.

It is 100% ok to make reasonable assumptions, just spell them out in the plan. The current team comprises 2 data scientists working on job-talent matching and 3 data engineers working on our data warehouse - you'd have to take into account hiring latency if you plan to expand the team. 1 recommendation is to plan out for different resources scenario.

If you're missing any critical information, feel free to reach out to us, and we'll patch you in. In fact, we encourage you to email us at least 1 batch of clarifying questions, just like you would in a real job, and we'd answer them promptly

seahyc /
Created October 27, 2021 01:37
first draft

Fulfilment of Specs and Implementation Rigor

  • Does the app fulfill the given requirements?

Complexity/Code Quality

  • Is it easy to understand how the code works?
  • Are things organized in a sensible, consistent manner?
  • Do the files have an appropriate length?
  • Are there no unnecessary DRY violations?
  • Is the code not too tightly coupled? Are concerns separated? Would it be easy to modify the code?
  • Do code-units have an appropriate length?
seahyc /
Last active July 25, 2021 02:09
Formatted FAQ

Humans for what they do best, AI for the rest

A core part of Glints' business model is our recruitment service, which is staffed by recruiters. Recruiters are the go-bewtween for employers and talent. They first collect job requisition details from the employers, before filling and managing a pipeline of candidates through the interviewing circuit. This work involves a lot of manual work, such as selling, coordination, KPI tracking, funnel management and relationship management over calls and messaging apps like Whatsapp.

We would like you to rethink this workflow such that it is an order of magnitude more efficient, effective and engaging for employers, candidates and recruiters. Using any combination of visual formats, paint us a vision of how that experience looks like from all 3 parties' perspectives. You can attempt some reasonable definitions of efficiency, effectiveness and engagement in this context.

We would be evaluating the depth of the insights, the feasbility of the approach (it can be a bol

seahyc /
Last active September 1, 2022 09:01
Change of email

Good Day,

Thank you for applying for the position of Data Engineer at Glints. The following describe the Technical Assessment requirement for this position.

Problem Set

A key part of a Data Engineer’s responsibilities is maintaining the serviceability of Data Warehouse. To achieve this, you will need to understand the set up and operation of a basic Data Warehouse.

In this technical assessment, you are required to submit the setup for the data pipeline of a basic data warehouse using Docker and Apache Airflow.

seahyc /
Last active October 21, 2022 02:48
Removed full-stack assessment
seahyc /
Last active December 12, 2021 14:47
Added requirements for local testing instructions

Simple Twitter App

Implement a simple Twitter app using Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore.

On first launch, the app lets users sign in with Firebase using email and password. (Note: avoid Google SSO to ease local testing)

After sign in, the app shows a page where the user can:

  • Type in a tweet with 280 characters limit
  • Save this along with the current time into Firestore
seahyc /
Last active August 4, 2022 23:52
Make explicit what more or less mean

Buying Frenzy

You are building a backend service and a database for a food delivery platform, with the following 2 raw datasets:

  1. Restaurants data


This dataset contains a list of restaurants with their menus and prices, as well as their cash balances. This cash balance is the amount of money the restaurants hold in their merchant accounts on this platform. It increases by the respective dish price whenever a user purchases a dish from them.

seahyc / users_with_purchase_history.json
Created June 14, 2020 12:09
Users with purchase history
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"cashBalance": 700.7,
"id": 0,
"name": "Edith Johnson",
"purchaseHistory": [
"dishName": "Olives",
"restaurantName": "Roma Ristorante",
seahyc / restaurant_with_menu.json
Created June 14, 2020 12:07
Restaurants with Menu
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"cashBalance": 4483.84,
"menu": [
"dishName": "Postum cereal coffee",
"price": 13.88
seahyc /
Last active January 23, 2023 06:00
Mobile responsiveness as a criteria

Years of Experience?

To align with what we use at Glints, we'd prefer you use React on the frontend, Node.js on the backend and Postgres as the database, with Typescript if you are confident. If you’re a frontend developer with no backend background, Firebase is always an option, but a more suitable stack will definitely earn you bonus points.

Build a simple editable profile page that represents a candidate's basic information and work experience. Minimally, the following information is required to be editable and presented:

  1. Name
  2. Profile picture
  3. Age
  4. Work experiences (the following are information required for each instance)