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Created July 23, 2013 08:19
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top java thread performance
echo -e "\033[1;31m$@\033[0m"
pid=`pgrep java`
uuid=`date +%s`_${RANDOM}_$$
sudo -u tomcat jstack ${pid} > ${jstackFile}
top -b -n1 -d0.01 -H -p ${pid} | grep tomcat | sort -k9 -r -n | head -5 | while read threadLine ; do
threadId=`echo ${threadLine} | awk '{print $1}'`
threadId0x=`printf %x ${threadId}`
pcpu=`echo ${threadLine} | awk '{print $9}'`
user=`echo ${threadLine} | awk '{print $2}'`
[ ! -f "${jstackFile}" ] &&
{ redEcho "Fail to jstack java process ${pid}"; rm ${jstackFile} ; continue; }
redEcho "The stack of busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/0x${threadId0x}) of java process(${pid} of user(${user}):"
sed "/nid=0x${threadId0x}/,/^$/p" -n ${jstackFile}
rm /tmp/${uuid}_*
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