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Created December 21, 2011 01:46
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JavaScript wrapper for CTA BusTracker API
// = Name
// tracker.js
// Douglass - Cross-browser, cross-platform alternative to CTA BusTracker
// = Description
// The ChicagoTransit module queries the CTA BusTracker Service using the
// official version 1.0 API. CTA uses the BusTime system to provide developers
// with real-time route information through BusTracker. The BusTracker Service
// allows deveopers to make HTTP requests and recieve XML responses. The CTA
// provides {official API documentation (PDF)}[],
// and you can request an access key at the {API homepage}[].
// Requires:: jQuery (1.4.2)
// Version:: 01
// Updated:: 2010-03-23
// Author:: Sean Clemmer
// == Tracker
// JavaScript implementation of the CTA BusTracker system.
// Most methods use a callback function, which is loaded with the results of the query.
// Response errors from the system load the callback with an error property.
// == Example Usage
// tracker = new Tracker();
function Tracker() {
// === Usage
// Create a Tracker error and pass it to the callback
// === Parameters
// - message: Human-readable error description
// - callback: Function to pass error with
var create_error_with = function( message, callback ) {
var error = {
'message' : message,
'error' : true
}; this, error );
// === Usage
// Handle CTA errors and pass them to the callback
// === Parameters
// - response: XML document processed in the $.ajax request
// - callback: Function to pass error with
var handle_error_with = function( response, callback ) {
if ( $( response ).find( 'error' ).length != 0 ) {
create_error_with( 'CTA Error: ' + $( response ).find( 'error > msg' ).text(), callback );
return true;
} else {
return false;
// === Usage
// Convert an XML response into a JSON object
// === Parameters
// - response: XML document processed in the $.ajax request
// - root: Name of an XML tag to look up properties
// - properties: JSON dictionary of CTA tags and property equivalents
var jsonify = function( response, root, properties ) {
var items = new Array();
$( response ).find( root ).each( function() {
var item = {};
var this_response = $( this );
$.each( properties, function( cta_tag, property ) {
if ( property == 'delayed' ) {
// I wonder if there is a better way of handling this case...
item[property] = this_response.find( cta_tag ).text() == '' ? false : true;
} else {
item[property] = this_response.find( cta_tag ).text();
items.push( item );
return items;
// === Usage
// Construct a new instance of the Tracker.
// === Parameters
// - api_key: 25-digit CTA BusTracker API access key (required)
// === Example Usage
// tracker.initialize( CTA_API_KEY );
this.initialize = function( api_key ) {
this.api_key = api_key;
this.api_url = '';
this.key_query = '?key=' + this.api_key;
// === Usage
// Retrieve the system date and (local) time.
// === Base URL
// === Example Usage
// tracker.time( function( time ) {
// alert( time );
// });
this.time = function( callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'gettime' + this.key_query;
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var time = $( response ).find( 'tm' ).text(); this, time);
// === Usage
// Retrieve information for vehicles serviced by the specified list or routes.
// === Base URL
// === Parameters
// - routes: List of CTA route designators (not available with vehicles parameter)
// - vehicles: List of CTA vehicle IDs (not available with routes parameter)
// At least one required. If both routes and vehicles are provided, routes are used.
// === Example Usage
// tracker.vehicles( { 'routes': '55' },
// function( vehicles ) {
// if ( vehicles.error == true ) {
// alert( vehicles.message );
// } else {
// $.each( vehicles, function( index, vehicle ) {
// alert( vehicle.number );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.vehicles = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getvehicles' + this.key_query;
if ( !params.routes && !params.vehicles ) {
create_error_with( "No 'routes' or 'vehicles' provided", callback );
params.routes ? request += '&rt=' + params.routes : undefined;
params.vehicles ? request += '&vidd=' + params.vehicles : undefined;
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var vehicles = jsonify( response, 'vehicle', {
'vid' : 'number',
'tmstmp' : 'timestamp',
'lat' : 'latitude',
'lon' : 'longitude',
'hdg' : 'heading',
'pid' : 'pattern',
'pdist' : 'distance',
'rt' : 'route',
'des' : 'destination',
'dly' : 'delayed'
}); this, vehicles );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a list of routes serviced by the system.
// === Base Url
// === Example Usage
// tracker.routes(
// function( routes ) {
// if ( routes.error == true ) {
// alert( routes.message );
// } else {
// $.each( routes, function( index, route ) {
// alert( route.number );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.routes = function( callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getroutes' + this.key_query;
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var routes = jsonify( response, 'route', {
'rt' : 'number',
'rtnm' : 'description'
}); this, routes );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a set of directions serviced by the specified route.
// === Base Url
// === Parameters
// - route: Single route designator (required)
// === Example usage
// tracker.directions( { 'route': '55' },
// function( directions ) {
// if ( directions.error == true ) {
// alert( directions.message );
// } else {
// $.each( directions, function( index, direction ) {
// alert( direction.value );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.directions = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getdirections' + this.key_query;
if ( params.route ) {
request += '&rt=' + params.route;
} else {
create_error_with( "No 'route' provided", callback );
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
// This would be nice to abstact, like the others...
var directions = new Array();
$( response ).find( 'dir' ).each( function() {
var direction = {
'value' : $( this ).text()
directions.push( direction );
}); this, directions );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a set of stoped serviced by the specified route and direction.
// === Base Url
// === Parameters
// - route: Single route designator (required)
// - direction: Sing route direction (required)
// == Example Usage
// tracker.stops( { 'route': '55', 'direction': 'East bound' },
// function( stops ) {
// if ( stops.error == true ) {
// alert( stops.message );
// } else {
// $.each( stops, function( index, stop ) {
// alert( stop.number );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.stops = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getstops' + this.key_query;
if ( params.route ) {
if ( params.direction ) {
request += '&rt=' + params.route + '&dir=' + params.direction;
} else {
create_error_with( "No 'direciton' provided", callback );
} else {
create_error_with( "No 'route' provided", callback );
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var stops = jsonify( response, 'stop', {
'stpid' : 'number',
'stpnm' : 'description',
'lat' : 'latitidue',
'lon' : 'longitude'
}); this, stops );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a set of patterns serviced by the specified list or routes.
// Patterns are composed of geo-positional points that may be used to construct a map of the pattern (i.e. route variation).
// === Base Url
// === Parameters
// - route: Single route designator (not available with patterns parameter)
// - patterns: List of pattern IDs (not available with route parameter)
// At least one required. If both route and patterns are provided, route is used.
// === Example Usage
// tracker.patterns( { 'route': '55' },
// function( patterns ) {
// if ( patterns.error == true ) {
// alert( patterns.message );
// } else {
// $.each( patterns, function( index, pattern ) {
// alert( pattern.number );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.patterns = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getpatterns' + this.key_query;
if ( params.route || params.patterns ) {
params.route ? request += '&rt=' + params.route : undefined;
params.pattern ? request += '&pid=' + params.pattern : undefined;
} else {
create_error_with( "No 'route' or 'patterns' provided", callback );
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var patterns = jsonify( response, 'ptr', {
'pid' : 'number',
'ln' : 'length',
'rtdir' : 'direction',
'pt' : 'points'
}); this, patterns );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a set of predictions for the specified stops or vehicles.
// === Base Url
// === Parameters
// - stops: List of stop IDs (not available with vehicles parameter)
// - routes: List of route designators (optional, only available with stops parameter)
// - vehicles: List of vehicle IDs (not available with stops parameter)
// - ceiling: Maximum number of predictions to retrieve (optional)
// At least stops or vehicles required. If both stops and vehiles are provided, stops are used.
// === Example Usage
// tracker.predictions( { 'vehicles': '1105' },
// function( predictions ) {
// if ( predictions.error == true ) {
// alert( predictions.message );
// } else {
// $.each( predictions, function( index, prediction ) {
// alert( prediction.route );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.predictions = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getpredictions' + this.key_query;
if ( !params.stops && !params.vehicles ) {
create_error_with( "No 'stops' or 'vehicles' provided", callback );
} else {
params.stops ? request += '&stpid=' + params.stops : undefined;
params.routes ? request += '&rt=' + params.routes : undefined;
params.vehicles ? request += '&vid=' + params.vehicles : undefined;
params.ceiling ? request += '&top=' + params.ceiling : undefined;
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var predictions = jsonify( response, 'prd', {
'tmstmp' : 'timestamp',
'typ' : 'type',
'stpid' : 'stop',
'stpnm' : 'description',
'vid' : 'vehicle',
'dstp' : 'distance',
'rt' : 'route',
'des' : 'destination',
'prdtm' : 'prediction',
'dly' : 'delayed'
}); this, predictions );
// === Usage
// Retrieve a set of service bulletins in effect for the specified routes or stops.
// === Base Url
// === Parameters
// - routes: List of route designators (required without stops parameter)
// - direction: Single route direction (optional)
// - stops: List of stop IDs (required without routes parameter)
// === Example Usage
// tracker.bulletins( { 'routes': '55' },
// function( bulletins ) {
// if ( bulletins.error == true ) {
// alert( bulletins.message );
// } else {
// $.each( bulletins, function( index, bulletin ) {
// alert( bulletin.number );
// });
// }
// }
// );
this.bulletins = function( params, callback ) {
var request = this.api_url + 'getservicebulletins' + this.key_query;
if ( !params.stops && !params.routes ) {
create_error_with( "No 'routes' or 'stops' provided", callback );
} else {
params.direction ? request += '&dir=' + params.direction : undefined;
params.routes ? request += '&rt=' + params.routes : undefined;
params.stops ? request += '&stpid=' + params.stops : undefined;
url : request,
success : function( response ) {
if ( !handle_error_with( response, callback ) ) {
var bulletins = jsonify( response, 'sb', {
'nm' : 'description',
'sbj' : 'subject',
'dtl' : 'detail',
'brf' : 'brief',
'prty' : 'priority',
'srvc' : 'service'
}); this, bulletins );
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