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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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// ----
// Sass (v3.4.12)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
// I'm testing this at so I'll just copy the whole mixin
// source file here.
// Set the global $disc-direction;
// This is set in the main manifest file.
// For testing we will define it here and change it throughout this file.
$disc-direction: ltr;
// Utility functions
// Make sure $disc-direction is defined.
@function disc-is-defined($value) {
@if not global-variable-exists($value) {
@error "<$#{$value}> must be defined for this to work";
@return $value;
// Set the html direction -- it has to happen somewhere, maybe not here.
// Throw an error if direction is not defined;
html {
direction: disc-is-defined(disc-direction);
// Returns the current default float direction.
// Will return an error if $disc-direction is not defined. This is the only place
// we are checking for that.
@function disc-default-float() {
@if disc-is-defined(disc-direction) {
@return if($disc-direction == ltr, left, right); // if() is the sass ternary operator.
// Swaps values right/left and top/bottom. It passes all other values unaltered.
@function disc-switch-direction($dir) {
@if $dir == left {
@return right;
} @elseif $dir == right {
@return left;
} @elseif $dir == top {
@return bottom;
} @elseif $dir == bottom {
@return top;
} @else {
@return $dir;
// Utility mixins
// Append a direction onto a property name and give it a length value.
@mixin property-direction-length($property, $direction, $length) {
#{$property}-#{$direction}: $length;
// Create a margin of a given direction and length.
@mixin margin-direction-length($direction, $length) {
margin-#{$direction}: $length;
// Create padding of a given direction and length.
@mixin padding-direction-length($direction, $length) {
padding-#{$direction}: $length;
// Used to align a property to either left of right.
// This is used to create the float and text-align mixins.
@mixin property-align($property, $alignment) {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$property}: $alignment;
} @else {
#{$property}: disc-switch-direction($alignment);
// Used to create the left and right mixins.
@mixin position-distance($position, $dist) {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$position}: $dist;
} @else {
$position: disc-switch-direction($position);
#{$position}: $dist;
// Remove the nth item from a list. It's used to remove the !important flag from a list
// in the next function.
@function disc-remove-nth($list, $index) {
$result: ();
$index: if($index < 0, length($list) + $index + 1, $index);
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
@if $i != $index {
$result: append($result, nth($list, $i));
@return $result;
// Used to create the margin and padding mixins - takes a list as an argument to
// simplify search-and-replace in Discourse source code.
// Create a property with values of $lengths. The lengths are structured to represent
// the css pattern for margin and padding arguments.If disc-default-float() == right _and_ there
// are four length elements, switch the right/left values - the second and fourth elements on the list.
@mixin property-with-lengths($property, $lengths) {
$arg-list-length: length($lengths);
$important: null;
$property-lengths: ();
// If the last value of the lengths list is !important, remove it and update the !important variable
@if nth($lengths, $arg-list-length) == '!important' {
$property-lengths: disc-remove-nth($lengths, $arg-list-length);
$important: '!important';
} @else {
$property-lengths: $lengths;
// If there are less than 4 values, they are symmetrical for left and right,
// we can leave them alone.
@if length($property-lengths) < 4 {
#{$property}: $property-lengths if($important, $important, null); // `if()` is the sass ternary operator
} @elseif length($property-lengths) == 4 {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$property}: $property-lengths if($important, $important, null);
} @else {
// Default float is right - we need to switch the left and right values.
#{$property}: nth($property-lengths, 1) nth($property-lengths, 4)
nth($property-lengths, 3) nth($property-lengths, 2) if($important, $important, null);
} @else {
@warn "The `property-with-lengths()` function can take a maximum of 4 lengths";
// 'Public' mixins
// Used to switch the left/right float values depending on the disc-default-float() value;
// To be used as a replacement for float: $dir;
@mixin float($dir) {
@include property-align(float, $dir);
// To be used as a replacement for text-align: $dir;
@mixin text-align($dir) {
@include property-align(text-align, $dir);
// To be used in place of margin-left: $length;
@mixin margin-left($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, left, right);
@include margin-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of margin-right: $length;
@mixin margin-right($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, right, left);
@include margin-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of padding-left: $length;
@mixin padding-left($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, left, right);
@include padding-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of padding-right: $length;
@mixin padding-right($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, right, left);
@include padding-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of margin: $lengths;
@mixin margin($lengths) {
@include property-with-lengths(margin, $lengths);
// To be used in place of padding: $lengths;
@mixin padding($lengths) {
@include property-with-lengths(padding, $lengths);
// To be used in place of left: $dist;
@mixin left($dist) {
@include position-distance(left, $dist);
// To be used in place of right: $dist;
@mixin right($dist) {
@include position-distance(right, $dist);
/* Tests */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Direction LTR */
$disc-direction: ltr;
.test-box-ltr {
/* float */
@include float(left); /* expect float: left; */
@include float(right); /* expect float: right; */
@include float(none); /* expect float: none; */
@include float(foo); /* expect float: foo; */
@include float(this mixin has no error checking); /* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
@include text-align(left); /* expect text-align: left; */
@include text-align(right); /* expect text-align: right; */
@include text-align(center); /* expect text-align: center; */
@include text-align(justify); /* expect text-align: justify; */
@include text-align(initial); /* expect text-align: initial; */
@include text-align(this mixin will let anything past); /* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
@include margin-left(3px); /* expect margin-left: 3px; */
@include margin-left(3px !important); /* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
@include margin-left(3px 12px); /* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
@include margin-right(3px); /* expect margin-right: 3px; */
@include margin-right(3px !important); /* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
@include margin-right(3px 12px); /* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
@include padding-left(3px); /* expect padding-left: 3px; */
@include padding-left(3px !important); /* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
@include padding-left(3px 12px); /* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
@include padding-right(3px); /* expect padding-right: 3px; */
@include padding-right(3px !important); /* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
@include padding-right(3px 12px); /* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
@include padding(12px); /* expect padding: 12px; */
@include padding(12px !important); /* expect padding: 12px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
@include padding(one two three four); /* expect padding: one two three four; */
@include padding(one two three four !important); /* expect padding: one two three four !important; */
@include padding(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* margin */
@include margin(12px); /* expect margin: 12px; */
@include margin(12px !important); /* expect margin: 12px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
@include margin(one two three four); /* expect margin: one two three four; */
@include margin(one two three four !important); /* expect margin: one two three four !important; */
@include margin(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* left */
@include left(3em); /* expect left: 3em; */
@include left(foo); /* expect left: foo; */
@include left(this lets anything past); /* expect left: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
@include right(3em); /* expect right: 3em; */
@include right(foo); /* expect right: foo; */
@include right(this lets anything past); /* expect right: this lets anything past; */
/* Change direction to RTL */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$disc-direction: rtl;
.test-box-rtl {
/* float */
@include float(left); /* expect float: right; */
@include float(right); /* expect float: left; */
@include float(none); /* expect float: none; */
@include float(foo); /* expect float: foo; */
@include float(this mixin has no error checking); /* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
@include text-align(left); /* expect text-align: right; */
@include text-align(right); /* expect text-align: left; */
@include text-align(center); /* expect text-align: center; */
@include text-align(justify); /* expect text-align: justify; */
@include text-align(initial); /* expect text-align: initial; */
@include text-align(this mixin will let anything past); /* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
@include margin-left(3px); /* expect margin-right: 3px; */
@include margin-left(3px !important); /* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
@include margin-left(3px 12px); /* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
@include margin-right(3px); /* expect margin-left: 3px; */
@include margin-right(3px !important); /* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
@include margin-right(3px 12px); /* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
@include padding-left(3px); /* expect padding-right: 3px; */
@include padding-left(3px !important); /* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
@include padding-left(3px 12px); /* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
@include padding-right(3px); /* expect padding-left: 3px; */
@include padding-right(3px !important); /* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
@include padding-right(3px 12px); /* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
@include padding(12px); /* expect padding: 12px; */
@include padding(12px !important); /* expect padding: 12px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
@include padding(one two three four); /* expect padding: one four three two; */
@include padding(one two three four !important); /* expect padding: one four three two !important; */
@include padding(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* margin */
@include margin(12px); /* expect margin: 12px; */
@include margin(12px !important); /* expect margin: 12px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
@include margin(one two three four); /* expect margin: one four three two; */
@include margin(one two three four !important); /* expect margin: one four three two !important; */
@include margin(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* left */
@include left(3em); /* expect right: 3em; */
@include left(foo); /* expect right: foo; */
@include left(this lets anything past); /* expect left: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
@include right(3em); /* expect left: 3em; */
@include right(foo); /* expect left: foo; */
@include right(this lets anything past); /* expect right: this lets anything past; */
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.12)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
// I'm testing this at so I'll just copy the whole mixin
// source file here.
// Set the global $disc-direction;
// This is set in the main manifest file.
// For testing we will define it here and change it throughout this file.
$disc-direction: ltr;
// Utility functions
// Make sure $disc-direction is defined.
@function disc-is-defined($value) {
@if not global-variable-exists($value) {
@error "<$#{$value}> must be defined for this to work";
@return $value;
// Set the html direction -- it has to happen somewhere, maybe not here.
// Throw an error if direction is not defined;
html {
direction: disc-is-defined(disc-direction);
// Returns the current default float direction.
// Will return an error if $disc-direction is not defined. This is the only place
// we are checking for that.
@function disc-default-float() {
@if disc-is-defined(disc-direction) {
@return if($disc-direction == ltr, left, right); // if() is the sass ternary operator.
// Swaps values right/left and top/bottom. It passes all other values unaltered.
@function disc-switch-direction($dir) {
@if $dir == left {
@return right;
} @elseif $dir == right {
@return left;
} @elseif $dir == top {
@return bottom;
} @elseif $dir == bottom {
@return top;
} @else {
@return $dir;
// Utility mixins
// Append a direction onto a property name and give it a length value.
@mixin property-direction-length($property, $direction, $length) {
#{$property}-#{$direction}: $length;
// Create a margin of a given direction and length.
@mixin margin-direction-length($direction, $length) {
margin-#{$direction}: $length;
// Create padding of a given direction and length.
@mixin padding-direction-length($direction, $length) {
padding-#{$direction}: $length;
// Used to align a property to either left of right.
// This is used to create the float and text-align mixins.
@mixin property-align($property, $alignment) {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$property}: $alignment;
} @else {
#{$property}: disc-switch-direction($alignment);
// Used to create the left and right mixins.
@mixin position-distance($position, $dist) {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$position}: $dist;
} @else {
$position: disc-switch-direction($position);
#{$position}: $dist;
// Remove the nth item from a list. It's used to remove the !important flag from a list
// in the next function.
@function disc-remove-nth($list, $index) {
$result: ();
$index: if($index < 0, length($list) + $index + 1, $index);
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
@if $i != $index {
$result: append($result, nth($list, $i));
@return $result;
// Used to create the margin and padding mixins - takes a list as an argument to
// simplify search-and-replace in Discourse source code.
// Create a property with values of $lengths. The lengths are structured to represent
// the css pattern for margin and padding arguments.If disc-default-float() == right _and_ there
// are four length elements, switch the right/left values - the second and fourth elements on the list.
@mixin property-with-lengths($property, $lengths) {
$arg-list-length: length($lengths);
$important: null;
$property-lengths: ();
// If the last value of the lengths list is !important, remove it and update the !important variable
@if nth($lengths, $arg-list-length) == '!important' {
$property-lengths: disc-remove-nth($lengths, $arg-list-length);
$important: !important;
} @else {
$property-lengths: $lengths;
// If there are less than 4 values, they are symmetrical for left and right,
// we can leave them alone.
@if length($property-lengths) < 4 {
#{$property}: $property-lengths if($important, $important, null); // `if()` is the sass ternary operator
} @elseif length($property-lengths) == 4 {
@if disc-default-float() == left {
#{$property}: $property-lengths if($important, $important, null);
} @else {
// Default float is right - we need to switch the left and right values.
#{$property}: nth($property-lengths, 1) nth($property-lengths, 4)
nth($property-lengths, 3) nth($property-lengths, 2) if($important, $important, null);
} @else {
@warn "The `property-with-lengths()` function can take a maximum of 4 lengths";
// 'Public' mixins
// Used to switch the left/right float values depending on the disc-default-float() value;
// To be used as a replacement for float: $dir;
@mixin float($dir) {
@include property-align(float, $dir);
// To be used as a replacement for text-align: $dir;
@mixin text-align($dir) {
@include property-align(text-align, $dir);
// To be used in place of margin-left: $length;
@mixin margin-left($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, left, right);
@include margin-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of margin-right: $length;
@mixin margin-right($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, right, left);
@include margin-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of padding-left: $length;
@mixin padding-left($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, left, right);
@include padding-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of padding-right: $length;
@mixin padding-right($length) {
$dir: if(disc-default-float() == left, right, left);
@include padding-direction-length($dir, $length);
// To be used in place of margin: $lengths;
@mixin margin($lengths) {
@include property-with-lengths(margin, $lengths);
// To be used in place of padding: $lengths;
@mixin padding($lengths) {
@include property-with-lengths(padding, $lengths);
// To be used in place of left: $dist;
@mixin left($dist) {
@include position-distance(left, $dist);
// To be used in place of right: $dist;
@mixin right($dist) {
@include position-distance(right, $dist);
/* Tests */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Direction LTR */
$disc-direction: ltr;
.test-box-ltr {
/* float */
@include float(left); /* expect float: left; */
@include float(right); /* expect float: right; */
@include float(none); /* expect float: none; */
@include float(foo); /* expect float: foo; */
@include float(this mixin has no error checking); /* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
@include text-align(left); /* expect text-align: left; */
@include text-align(right); /* expect text-align: right; */
@include text-align(center); /* expect text-align: center; */
@include text-align(justify); /* expect text-align: justify; */
@include text-align(initial); /* expect text-align: initial; */
@include text-align(this mixin will let anything past); /* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
@include margin-left(3px); /* expect margin-left: 3px; */
@include margin-left(3px !important); /* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
@include margin-left(3px 12px); /* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
@include margin-right(3px); /* expect margin-right: 3px; */
@include margin-right(3px !important); /* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
@include margin-right(3px 12px); /* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
@include padding-left(3px); /* expect padding-left: 3px; */
@include padding-left(3px !important); /* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
@include padding-left(3px 12px); /* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
@include padding-right(3px); /* expect padding-right: 3px; */
@include padding-right(3px !important); /* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
@include padding-right(3px 12px); /* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
@include padding(12px); /* expect padding: 12px; */
@include padding(12px !important); /* expect padding: 12px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
@include padding(one two three four); /* expect padding: one two three four; */
@include padding(one two three four !important); /* expect padding: one two three four !important; */
@include padding(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* margin */
@include margin(12px); /* expect margin: 12px; */
@include margin(12px !important); /* expect margin: 12px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
@include margin(one two three four); /* expect margin: one two three four; */
@include margin(one two three four !important); /* expect margin: one two three four !important; */
@include margin(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* left */
@include left(3em); /* expect left: 3em; */
@include left(foo); /* expect left: foo; */
@include left(this lets anything past); /* expect left: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
@include right(3em); /* expect right: 3em; */
@include right(foo); /* expect right: foo; */
@include right(this lets anything past); /* expect right: this lets anything past; */
/* Change direction to RTL */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$disc-direction: rtl;
.test-box-rtl {
/* float */
@include float(left); /* expect float: right; */
@include float(right); /* expect float: left; */
@include float(none); /* expect float: none; */
@include float(foo); /* expect float: foo; */
@include float(this mixin has no error checking); /* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
@include text-align(left); /* expect text-align: right; */
@include text-align(right); /* expect text-align: left; */
@include text-align(center); /* expect text-align: center; */
@include text-align(justify); /* expect text-align: justify; */
@include text-align(initial); /* expect text-align: initial; */
@include text-align(this mixin will let anything past); /* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
@include margin-left(3px); /* expect margin-right: 3px; */
@include margin-left(3px !important); /* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
@include margin-left(3px 12px); /* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
@include margin-right(3px); /* expect margin-left: 3px; */
@include margin-right(3px !important); /* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
@include margin-right(3px 12px); /* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
@include padding-left(3px); /* expect padding-right: 3px; */
@include padding-left(3px !important); /* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
@include padding-left(3px 12px); /* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
@include padding-right(3px); /* expect padding-left: 3px; */
@include padding-right(3px !important); /* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
@include padding-right(3px 12px); /* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
@include padding(12px); /* expect padding: 12px; */
@include padding(12px !important); /* expect padding: 12px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
@include padding(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
@include padding(one two three four); /* expect padding: one four three two; */
@include padding(one two three four !important); /* expect padding: one four three two !important; */
@include padding(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* margin */
@include margin(12px); /* expect margin: 12px; */
@include margin(12px !important); /* expect margin: 12px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px); /* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
@include margin(12px 3px 100px 50px !important); /* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
@include margin(one two three four); /* expect margin: one four three two; */
@include margin(one two three four !important); /* expect margin: one four three two !important; */
@include margin(one two three four five); /* expect error */
/* left */
@include left(3em); /* expect right: 3em; */
@include left(foo); /* expect right: foo; */
@include left(this lets anything past); /* expect right: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
@include right(3em); /* expect left: 3em; */
@include right(foo); /* expect left: foo; */
@include right(this lets anything past); /* expect left: this lets anything past; */
html {
direction: disc-direction;
/* Tests */
/* Direction LTR */
.test-box-ltr {
/* float */
float: left;
/* expect float: left; */
float: right;
/* expect float: right; */
float: none;
/* expect float: none; */
float: foo;
/* expect float: foo; */
float: this mixin has no error checking;
/* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
text-align: left;
/* expect text-align: left; */
text-align: right;
/* expect text-align: right; */
text-align: center;
/* expect text-align: center; */
text-align: justify;
/* expect text-align: justify; */
text-align: initial;
/* expect text-align: initial; */
text-align: this mixin will let anything past;
/* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
margin-left: 3px;
/* expect margin-left: 3px; */
margin-left: 3px !important;
/* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
margin-left: 3px 12px;
/* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
margin-right: 3px;
/* expect margin-right: 3px; */
margin-right: 3px !important;
/* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
margin-right: 3px 12px;
/* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
padding-left: 3px;
/* expect padding-left: 3px; */
padding-left: 3px !important;
/* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
padding-left: 3px 12px;
/* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
padding-right: 3px;
/* expect padding-right: 3px; */
padding-right: 3px !important;
/* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
padding-right: 3px 12px;
/* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
padding: 12px;
/* expect padding: 12px; */
padding: 12px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px !important; */
padding: 12px 3px;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
padding: 12px 3px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
padding: one two three four;
/* expect padding: one two three four; */
padding: one two three four !important;
/* expect padding: one two three four !important; */
/* expect error */
/* margin */
margin: 12px;
/* expect margin: 12px; */
margin: 12px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px !important; */
margin: 12px 3px;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
margin: 12px 3px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px 50px !important; */
margin: one two three four;
/* expect margin: one two three four; */
margin: one two three four !important;
/* expect margin: one two three four !important; */
/* expect error */
/* left */
left: 3em;
/* expect left: 3em; */
left: foo;
/* expect left: foo; */
left: this lets anything past;
/* expect left: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
right: 3em;
/* expect right: 3em; */
right: foo;
/* expect right: foo; */
right: this lets anything past;
/* expect right: this lets anything past; */
/* Change direction to RTL */
.test-box-rtl {
/* float */
float: right;
/* expect float: right; */
float: left;
/* expect float: left; */
float: none;
/* expect float: none; */
float: foo;
/* expect float: foo; */
float: this mixin has no error checking;
/* expect float: this mixin has no error checking */
/* text-align */
text-align: right;
/* expect text-align: right; */
text-align: left;
/* expect text-align: left; */
text-align: center;
/* expect text-align: center; */
text-align: justify;
/* expect text-align: justify; */
text-align: initial;
/* expect text-align: initial; */
text-align: this mixin will let anything past;
/* expect text-align: this mixin will let anything past; */
/* margin-left */
margin-right: 3px;
/* expect margin-right: 3px; */
margin-right: 3px !important;
/* expect margin-right: 3px !important */
margin-right: 3px 12px;
/* expect margin-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* margin-right */
margin-left: 3px;
/* expect margin-left: 3px; */
margin-left: 3px !important;
/* expect margin-left: 3px !important */
margin-left: 3px 12px;
/* expect margin-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-left */
padding-right: 3px;
/* expect padding-right: 3px; */
padding-right: 3px !important;
/* expect padding-right: 3px !important */
padding-right: 3px 12px;
/* expect padding-right: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding-right */
padding-left: 3px;
/* expect padding-left: 3px; */
padding-left: 3px !important;
/* expect padding-left: 3px !important */
padding-left: 3px 12px;
/* expect padding-left: 3px 12px; -- we can add some error checking */
/* padding */
padding: 12px;
/* expect padding: 12px; */
padding: 12px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px !important; */
padding: 12px 3px;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px; */
padding: 12px 3px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px !important; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px; */
padding: 12px 3px 100px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px;
/* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important;
/* expect padding: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
padding: one four three two;
/* expect padding: one four three two; */
padding: one four three two !important;
/* expect padding: one four three two !important; */
/* expect error */
/* margin */
margin: 12px;
/* expect margin: 12px; */
margin: 12px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px !important; */
margin: 12px 3px;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px; */
margin: 12px 3px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px !important; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px; */
margin: 12px 3px 100px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 3px 100px !important; */
margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px;
/* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px; */
margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important;
/* expect margin: 12px 50px 100px 3px !important; */
margin: one four three two;
/* expect margin: one four three two; */
margin: one four three two !important;
/* expect margin: one four three two !important; */
/* expect error */
/* left */
right: 3em;
/* expect right: 3em; */
right: foo;
/* expect right: foo; */
right: this lets anything past;
/* expect right: this lets anything past; */
/* right */
left: 3em;
/* expect left: 3em; */
left: foo;
/* expect left: foo; */
left: this lets anything past;
/* expect left: this lets anything past; */
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