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Draggable/Sortable Checkboxes for the WordPress Customizer
* A jQuery plugin for making a sortable/draggable multi-checkbox.
jQuery( window ).load(function() {
// The li that wraps this whole section of the customizer. Sort of like a fieldset.
var el = jQuery( '.customize-control-checkbox_group' );
jQuery( el ).lxbAfCheckboxGroup();
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.lxbAfCheckboxGroup = function( options ) {
* Create an HTML <select> menu for choosing some value related to this checkbox.
* @param {string} type What type of options we want: linkCategories, customMenu, etc...
* @param {boolean} visible Should the menu be visible? If the checkbox is not checked, the select menu should not be visible.
* @param {string} hiddenValArr The JSON currently being stored for this fieldset.
* @return {string} The HTML for a <select> menu.
function dropdown( type, visible, hiddenValArr ) {
// Create a select menu.
var select = jQuery( '<select>' ).addClass( 'lxbAfCheckboxGroup-select' ).attr( 'data-type', type );
// Maybe hide it.
if( ! visible ) {
jQuery( select ).hide();
// Start it with an empty option.
var emptyOpt = jQuery( '<option>' ).val( '' ).appendTo( select );
// Grab our php variables.
var localize = lxbAfCustomizeLocalize;
// Grab the current value for this menu.
var current = '';
if( hiddenValArr != null ) {
//Is the checkbox for this item checked?
if( hiddenValArr[ '###' + type + '###' ] != null ) {
// If so, determine which option is selected.
var current = hiddenValArr[ '###' + type + '###' ];
// Get a list of <option>'s for the <select>.
var choices = localize[type];
// For each <option>...
jQuery( choices ).each( function( index, value ) {
// The value.
var slug = value.slug;
// The label.
var name =;
// Build the <option>.
var option = jQuery( '<option/>', {
html: name,
'value' : slug
// Maybe make it sticky.
if( slug == current ) {
jQuery( option ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' );
// Add it to the select menu.
jQuery( option ).appendTo( select );
var out = jQuery( select );
return out;
* A function to make a draggable checkbox input.
* @param {string} key The name of the option controlled by this checkbox.
* @param {string} hiddenValArr The JSON currently being stored in this fieldset.
* @param {string} fieldsetID The HTML ID for this fieldset.
* @param {boolean} checked Whether or not this checkbox hould be checked.
* @return {string} The HTML for a draggable checkbox input.
function checkboxListItem( key, hiddenValArr, fieldsetID, checked ) {
var out = '';
// If the key is empty, skip it.
if( key === '' ) { return out; }
// If we are doing an empty checkbox, make sure it's not already on the list.
if( ! checked ) {
// If there is actually some value in the hidden input...
if( hiddenValArr !== null ) {
// If the checkbox for this item is already checked, skip it.
if( hiddenValArr[key] == true ) {
return out;
// Else, if it's a non empty string, skip it.
} else if( ( typeof hiddenValArr[key] == 'string' ) && hiddenValArr[key] != '' ){
return out;
// This might end up holding an HTML <select> menu.
var select = '';
// The might hold the current value of the select menu.
var selected = false;
// Does this key contain a magic hash code?
if( key.indexOf( '###' ) != -1 ) {
// If so, remove the magic hash codes in order to arrive at what type of <select> it is.
var type = key.replace( new RegExp( '#', 'g' ), '' );
// Grab the select menu. We'll append it later.
select = dropdown( type, checked, hiddenValArr );
// Grab the current value of the select menu.
selected = jQuery( select ).val();
// Create the checkbox.
var input = jQuery( '<input/>', {
'id' : fieldsetID + key,
'name' : key,
'type' : 'checkbox',
'value' : key
// If the checkbox is checked and has a select menu, record the value of the select menu in a data attribute.
if( checked && selected ) {
jQuery( input ).attr( 'data-which', selected );
// Wrap a label around the input.
var label = jQuery( '<label/>', {
html : key,
'for' : fieldsetID + key
jQuery( input ).prependTo( label );
// Make a list item to wrap the whole darn thing.
var out = jQuery( '<li/>' );
// Add the label to the list item.
jQuery( label ).appendTo( out );
// Add the select menu to the list item.
jQuery( select ).appendTo( out );
return out;
* Create the list of checkboxes.
* @param {string} fieldsetID The ID for this fieldset.
* @param {object} hidden The input that stores the value of the checkboxes.
function create( fieldsetID, hidden ) {
// The JSON string in the hidden value.
var hiddenVal = hidden.val();
// Grab the hidden value as an object.
if( typeof hiddenVal !== 'object' ) {
var hiddenValArr = jQuery.parseJSON( hiddenVal );
} else {
var hiddenValArr = hiddenVal;
* The availabe options for this fieldset, stored in the DOM as a
* data attribute on the input that stores the JSON.
var choices = 'choices' );
choices = JSON.stringify( choices );
var choicesArr = JSON.parse( choices );
// Start a list to hold the checkboxes, which we'll draw shortly.
var sortable = jQuery( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'ui-sortable' ).insertBefore( hidden );
// Make the checkboxes sortable.
jQuery( sortable ).sortable({
// Once an item is dragged and sorted, update the preview and save the JSON.
stop: function( event, ui ) {
update( hidden );
// Loop through the current values and output checked checkboxes.
if( ! jQuery.isEmptyObject( hiddenValArr ) ) {
// For each of the current values...
jQuery.each( hiddenValArr, function( key, value ) {
// Draw a checkbox with the dropdown menu visible.
var listItem = checkboxListItem( key, hiddenValArr, fieldsetID, true );
// Add it to the DOM and check the box.
jQuery( listItem ).appendTo( sortable ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// For all the available choices on this fieldset...
jQuery.each( choicesArr, function( key, value ) {
// Draw a checkbox with the dropdown menu hidden.
var listItem = checkboxListItem( key, hiddenValArr, fieldsetID, false );
// Add it to the DOM.
jQuery( listItem ).appendTo( sortable ).find( 'input' );
* Update the value for this fieldset, perhaps when a checkbox is checked or sorted.
* @param {object} hidden The hidden form field that stores the values for this fieldset.
function update( hidden ) {
var out = {};
// Grab the name of the hidden field.
var hiddenName = jQuery( hidden ).attr( 'name' );
// Grab all the checkboxes in this fieldset.
var checkboxes = jQuery( hidden ).closest( 'li' ).find( '[type="checkbox"]:checked' );
// Grab all the select menus in this fieldset.
var selects = jQuery( hidden ).closest( 'li' ).find( 'select' );
// For each checkbox...
jQuery( checkboxes ).each( function( index, value ) {
// Grab the value.
var val = jQuery( value ).val();
// Let's see if this checkbox carries a select menu as well.
var which = jQuery( value ).attr( 'data-which' );
// If it has a select menu, that acts as the value for the checkbox.
if( typeof which != 'undefined' ) {
out[val] = which;
// If not, the checkbox is just boolean true.
} else {
out[val] = true;
// Turn the output into JSON.
var outStr = JSON.stringify( out );
var outJSON = JSON.parse( outStr );
// Update the hidden field.
jQuery( hidden ).val( outStr );
// Grab the core WP customization object and update it.
var api = wp.customize;
api.instance( hiddenName ).set( outStr );
// Show or hide the select menus based on whether the parent menu item is checked.
jQuery( selects ).each( function( index, value ) {
// Find out if the checkbox is checked. If so, reveal the select menu.
var checkbox = jQuery( value ).closest( 'li' ).find( '[type="checkbox"]' );
if( jQuery( checkbox ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
jQuery( value ).slideDown();
// Else, hide the select menu.
} else {
jQuery( value ).slideUp();
* The main part of the jQuery plugin that actually returns the selected items.
* @return {object} The items that this plugin applies to.
return this.each(function() {
var that = this;
// The ID for this section of the customizer.
var fieldsetID = jQuery( that ).attr( 'id' );
// The input that stores JSON as the checkboxes toggle and move.
var hidden = jQuery( that ).find( '[type="text"]' );
// Okay! Create the list of checkboxes!
create( fieldsetID, hidden );
// Whenever the checkboxes are checked, update the json and redraw the preview.
jQuery( that ).on( 'change', '[type="checkbox"]', function( event ) {
update( hidden );
* Whenever the dropdowns are selected, trigger a change on the
* corresponding checkbox.
jQuery( that ).on( 'change', 'select', function( event ) {
* What type of dropdown is this? Maybe to get links by category, or get a custom menu?
var type = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-type' );
// Find the corresponding checkbox.
var checkbox = jQuery( this ).closest( 'li' ).find( '[type="checkbox"]:checked' );
// Find out which <option> is selected.
var selected = jQuery( this ).val();
// Trigger a change on that checkbox.
jQuery( checkbox ).attr( 'data-which', selected ).trigger( 'change' );
return that;
}( jQuery ));
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