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Last active July 10, 2018 10:08
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Puzzle solver in Prolog
% match head and tail, left/right, top/bottom
partsMatch(top(Type), bottom(Type)).
partsMatch(bottom(Type), top(Type)).
cardsMatch(card(_, Right, _, _), right, card(_, _, _, Left)) :- partsMatch(Right, Left).
cardsMatch(card(_, _, Bottom, _), down, card(Top, _, _, _)) :- partsMatch(Bottom, Top).
% define card rotation
rotate(card(A, B, C, D), 0, R) :- R = card(A, B, C, D).
rotate(card(A, B, C, D), 1, R) :- R = card(B, C, D, A).
rotate(card(A, B, C, D), 2, R) :- R = card(C, D, A, B).
rotate(card(A, B, C, D), 3, R) :- R = card(D, A, B, C).
% card rotating/matching with XY coords
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, X1, Y1, Direction) :-
nextCoord(X1, Y1, Direction, X2, Y2),
foldl(nth0, [Y1, X1], Cards, CardA),
foldl(nth0, [Y2, X2], Cards, CardB),
foldl(nth0, [Y1, X1], CardRotations, CardARI),
foldl(nth0, [Y2, X2], CardRotations, CardBRI),
rotate(CardA, CardARI, CardAR),
rotate(CardB, CardBRI, CardBR),
cardsMatch(CardAR, Direction, CardBR).
nextCoord(X, Y, right, XR, YR) :- XR is X+1, YR is Y.
nextCoord(X, Y, down, XR, YR) :- YR is Y+1, XR is X.
% Match the 3x3 square of cards, yielding the rotated grid that solves them.
% solved(-CardsRotated)
solved(CardsRotated) :-
permutation(CardsFlat, [
card(top(spotted), top(tabby), top(persian), bottom(siamese)),
card(top(persian), top(siamese), bottom(tabby), bottom(siamese)),
card(top(persian), bottom(tabby), bottom(spotted), top(siamese)),
card(bottom(spotted), bottom(tabby), top(persian), top(siamese)),
card(top(siamese), top(spotted), bottom(spotted), top(tabby)),
card(top(spotted), bottom(siamese), bottom(persian), top(tabby)),
card(bottom(tabby), bottom(siamese), bottom(persian), bottom(spotted)),
card(bottom(persian), bottom(tabby), top(spotted), top(persian)),
card(top(spotted), bottom(tabby), top(persian), top(siamese))
% TODO remove assumptions and repetitions of board size
maplist(length, Cards, [3,3,3]),
maplist(length, CardRotations, [3,3,3]),
flatten(Cards, CardsFlat),
% TODO make this more idiomatic, less repetitive - look at
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 0, 0, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 1, 0, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 0, 1, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 1, 1, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 0, 2, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 1, 2, right),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 0, 0, down),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 0, 1, down),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 1, 0, down),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 1, 1, down),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 2, 0, down),
cardsMatchXY(Cards, CardRotations, 2, 1, down),
flatten(CardRotations, CardRotationsFlat),
maplist(rotate, CardsFlat, CardRotationsFlat, CardsRotatedFlat),
maplist(length, CardsRotated, [3,3,3]),
flatten(CardsRotated, CardsRotatedFlat).
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