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Last active July 24, 2024 15:59
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Streamlit - Support custom HTTP requests
import functools
import gc
import weakref
from typing import Optional, Callable, Union
from weakref import WeakSet
from streamlit import config
from streamlit.runtime import Runtime
from streamlit.runtime.scriptrunner import get_script_run_ctx, add_script_run_ctx
from streamlit.web.server.server_util import make_url_path_regex
from tornado import httputil
from tornado.httputil import HTTPServerRequest, ResponseStartLine, HTTPHeaders
from tornado.routing import Rule, AnyMatches, ReversibleRuleRouter
from tornado.web import Application
class _RouteRegister:
def handler(self: HTTPServerRequest, path_args, path_kwargs, func: Callable,
ctx: weakref.ref):
old = get_script_run_ctx()
res = func(path_args=path_args,
response_code: int = 200
response_body: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None
headers = HTTPHeaders()
if not isinstance(res, tuple):
if isinstance(res, int):
response_code = res
elif isinstance(res, bytes) or isinstance(res, str):
response_body = res
elif res is not None:
raise TypeError('Unknown return type from handler.')
if len(res) == 2:
response_code, response_body = res
elif len(res) == 3:
response_code, response_body, header = res
for header_key, header_val in header.items():
headers.add(header_key, header_val)
raise TypeError('Unknown return type from handler.')
if isinstance(response_body, str):
response_body = response_body.encode()
if response_body is not None:
headers.add("Content-Length", str(len(response_body)))
ResponseStartLine(self.version, response_code, httputil.responses.get(response_code, "Unknown")),
def instance(cls) -> '_RouteRegister':
inst: Runtime = Runtime.instance()
res: Optional[_RouteRegister] = getattr(inst, '_streamlit_route_register', None)
if res is None:
app: Application = next(iter((k for k in gc.get_referrers(Application) if isinstance(k, Application))))
res = _RouteRegister()
app.add_handlers(".*", [Rule(AnyMatches(), res._the_rules)])
setattr(inst, '_streamlit_route_register', res)
return res
def __init__(self):
self._the_rules: ReversibleRuleRouter = ReversibleRuleRouter([])
self._the_rules.rules = WeakSet()
setattr(self._the_rules.rules, 'append', getattr(self._the_rules.rules, 'add'))
self._deregists = {}
def _get_full_path(path: str, globally: bool, trailing_slash: bool, session_id: str) -> str:
return make_url_path_regex(config.get_option("server.baseUrlPath"),
*(() if globally else (session_id,)),
def regist_or_replace(self, path: str, globally: bool, trailing_slash: bool, f: Callable):
ctx = get_script_run_ctx()
session_id = ctx.session_id
full_path = _RouteRegister._get_full_path(path, globally, trailing_slash, session_id)
[(full_path, functools.partial(_RouteRegister.handler, func=f, ctx=weakref.ref(ctx)), {}, full_path)]
def dereg(missing_client):
for obj in self._deregists.pop(session_id, None)[0]:
client = Runtime.instance().get_client(session_id)
self._deregists.setdefault(session_id, (set(), weakref.proxy(client, dereg)))[0].add(
functools.partial(self.clear_function, path, globally, trailing_slash, session_id)
def clear_function(self, path: str, globally: bool, trailing_slash: bool, session_id: str):
full_path = _RouteRegister._get_full_path(path, globally, trailing_slash, session_id)
self._the_rules.named_rules.pop(full_path, None)
def clear_all(self):
def st_route(path: str, globally: bool = False, trailing_slash: bool = True):
if not isinstance(path, str) or not path:
raise AttributeError('First argument must be a not empty path')
def wrap(f: Callable):
rr: _RouteRegister = _RouteRegister.instance()
rr.regist_or_replace(path, globally, trailing_slash, f)
setattr(f, 'clear', lambda: rr.clear_function(path, globally, trailing_slash, get_script_run_ctx().session_id))
return f
return wrap
setattr(st_route, 'clear', lambda: _RouteRegister.instance().clear_all())
Basic usage:
def any_name(
path_args: List[str],
path_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
method: str,
body: bytes,
arguments: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Union[int, bytes, str, Tuple[int, Union[bytes, str]], Tuple[int, Union[bytes, str], Dict[str, Any]]]:
path_args: path regex unnamed groups
path_kwargs: path regex named groups
method: HTTP method
body: the request body in bytes
arguments: The query and body arguments
returns with any of the followings:
int: HTTP response code
bytes/str: HTTP 200 with body. str encoded with python default
Tuple[int, bytes/str]: HTTP response code with body
Tuple[int, bytes/str, Dict[str, Any]]: HTTP response code with body and additional headers
If you don't need any of the arguments, just use **kwargs.
return "Hello " + path_args[0].decode()
It exposes the `localhost:8501/<session_id>/get_name/anyone` and returns with HTTP200 and "Hello anyone".
So frontend can communicate with running code and can get already calculated values.
The functions wrapped with `st_route` can use `st.` commands but only until the script is run.
If you set `st_route` `globally` argument to `True`, the <session_id> is not added to the path.
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sefgit commented May 19, 2024

Inspired by, I made the following to enable Socket.IO in streamlit.

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