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Create next smallest number from the same array element
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var matrix = new int[] { 2, 5, 8, 7, 6, 1 };
var loopLength = matrix.Length - 1;
var firstSmallElementIndex = -1;
//1. Find the index where there's small element on left hand side
while (loopLength >= 0)
if (loopLength - 1 <= 0)
if (matrix[loopLength] > matrix[loopLength - 1])
firstSmallElementIndex = loopLength;
//2. From First found small element, start first small element in right hand side
loopLength = matrix.Length - 1;
var startIndex = firstSmallElementIndex + 1;
var smallestElementOnRightSideIndex = -1;
var smallestElementOnRightSide = matrix[startIndex];
while (startIndex <= loopLength)
if (smallestElementOnRightSide > matrix[startIndex])
smallestElementOnRightSide = matrix[startIndex];
smallestElementOnRightSideIndex = startIndex;
//3. Swap Element
SwapElement(matrix, firstSmallElementIndex, smallestElementOnRightSideIndex);
//4. Sort Element
Array.Sort(matrix, firstSmallElementIndex, loopLength - firstSmallElementIndex);
Console.WriteLine($"Solution: {string.Join(",", matrix)}");
private static void SwapElement(int[] matrix, int start, int end)
var a = matrix[start];
matrix[start] = matrix[end];
matrix[end] = a;
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