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Forked from kevinkub/incidence.js
Last active December 14, 2020 13:30
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COVID-19 Inzidenz-Widget für iOS innerhalb Deutschlands 🇩🇪
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: cyan; icon-glyph: magic;
// Licence: Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), dl-de/by-2-0
const fields = ['GEN', 'cases7_per_100k', 'county', 'BEZ'];
const apiUrl = (location) => {
return `${fields.join(',')}&geometry=${location.longitude.toFixed(
const widget = await createWidget();
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall();
async function createWidget(items) {
const colorMap = [
min: 0,
colors: [new Color("01ff70"), new Color("2ecc40")]
min: 35,
colors: [new Color("ff4400"), new Color("ff851b")]
min: 50,
colors: [new Color("dd6644"), new Color("ff4136")]
min: 100,
colors: [new Color("85144b"), new Color("800000")]
min: 200,
colors: [new Color("9f5fec"), new Color("8848d5")]
min: 500,
colors: [new Color("624b80"), new Color("534762")]
if (args.widgetParameter) {
const fixedCoordinates = args.widgetParameter.split(",").map(parseFloat);
location = {
latitude: fixedCoordinates[0],
longitude: fixedCoordinates[1],
} else {
location = await Location.current();
const data = await new Request(apiUrl(location)).loadJSON();
if (!data || !data.features || !data.features.length) {
const errorList = new ListWidget();
errorList.addText("Keinen Inzidenzwert für den aktuellen Ort gefunden.");
return errorList;
const {
GEN: cityName,
BEZ: countyType,
cases7_per_100k: incidence,
} = data.features[0].attributes;
const list = new ListWidget();
const textColor = Color.white();
const headerLabel = list.addText("7-Tage-Inzidenz");
headerLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13);
headerLabel.textColor = textColor;
const incidenceLabel = list.addText(incidence.toFixed(1));
incidenceLabel.font = Font.boldSystemFont(24);
incidenceLabel.textColor = textColor;
const cityLabel = list.addText(cityName);
cityLabel.textColor = textColor;
const countryTypeLabel = list.addText(countyType);
countryTypeLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(10);
countryTypeLabel.textColor = textColor;
const gradient = new LinearGradient();
gradient.locations = [0, 1];
colorMap.forEach(({ min, colors }) => {
if (min <= incidence) {
gradient.colors = colors;
list.backgroundGradient = gradient;
return list;
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