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Created June 10, 2024 21:07
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Retrieve builds from a devops project
# This script REQUIRES the presence of environment variable DEVOPS_TOKEN with the necessary READ permissions.
import os
import sys
import base64
import json
import csv
from typing import List, Set, Any, Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
import httpx
from httpx import Response
from subprocess import run
def GET_NO_CONTINUE(uri: str) -> Response:
pat_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytes(":" + os.getenv("DEVOPS_TOKEN"), "utf-8"))
base64_str = pat_bytes.decode("ascii")
return httpx.get(uri, headers={"Authorization": f"Basic {base64_str}"})
generated_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".generated")
def get_repo(repo: str) -> str:
id = repo.lower().replace("/", "-")
where = f"{repo.lower()}.git"
target_folder = os.path.join(generated_folder, id)
print(f"Cloning repo for {id} from {where}", end="...")
if not os.path.exists(target_folder):
command = [
run(command, cwd=generated_folder)
command = [
run(command, cwd= os.path.join(generated_folder, target_folder))
return target_folder
def GET(uri: str) -> List[Response]:
response_set = []
pat_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytes(":" + os.getenv("DEVOPS_TOKEN"), "utf-8"))
base64_str = pat_bytes.decode("ascii")
continue_needed = True
headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {base64_str}"}
# always fire the first request
response = httpx.get(uri, headers=headers)
# now follow continuations if necessary
while continue_needed:
if "x-ms-continuationtoken" in response.headers:
continuation_token = response.headers["x-ms-continuationtoken"]
continued_uri = f"{uri}&continuationToken={continuation_token}"
response = httpx.get(continued_uri, headers=headers)
continue_needed = False
return response_set
def get_test_results(organization: str, project: str, run_id: str) -> List[Response]:
uri = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/Runs/{run_id}/results?api-version=7.1-preview.6"
return GET(uri)
def get_individual_test_result(organization: str, project: str, run_id: str, test_case_result_id: str) -> Response:
uri = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/Runs/{run_id}/results/{test_case_result_id}?api-version=7.1-preview.6"
return GET(uri)
def get_project_details(organization: str) -> List[Response]:
details = GET(f"{organization}/_apis/projects?api-version=7.2-preview.4")
return details
def get_build_definitions(organization: str, project: str) -> List[Response]:
uri = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=7.2-preview.7"
return GET(uri)[0]
def get_yaml_from_build_definition(organization: str, project: str, definition_id: str) -> Response:
uri = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/definitions/{definition_id}?api-version=7.1"
return GET(uri)[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not os.getenv("DEVOPS_TOKEN", None):
print("This script MUST have access to a valid devops token under environmenet variable DEVOPS_TOKEN. exiting.")
project = "internal"
organization = "azure-sdk"
yaml_build_references = []
designer_build_references = []
datafile = f"{project}_build_definitions.json"
if not os.path.exists(datafile):
all_build_definitions = json.loads(get_build_definitions(organization, project).text)
total_definition_count = len(all_build_definitions["value"])
for idx, buildDefinitionDetail in enumerate(all_build_definitions["value"]):
definition_id = str(buildDefinitionDetail["id"])
definition_name = str(buildDefinitionDetail["name"])
detailed_build_def = json.loads(
get_yaml_from_build_definition(organization, project, definition_id).text
repo = detailed_build_def["repository"]["name"]
if "yamlFilename" in detailed_build_def["process"]:
referenced_yml_file = detailed_build_def["process"]["yamlFilename"]
referenced_yml_file = "designer build"
except Exception as f:
uri = detailed_build_def["_links"]["web"]["href"]
print(f"Retrieved details for {definition_name}. {idx}/{total_definition_count}.")
yaml_build_references.append([project, repo, definition_id, definition_name, referenced_yml_file, uri])
if yaml_build_references:
yaml_build_references.insert(0, ["project", "repo", "definition_id", "build name", "referenced_yml_file", "uri"])
with open(datafile, "w", newline="") as csvfile:
spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
for row in yaml_build_references:
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