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Crafting with AI friends

Stéphane Busso sbusso

Crafting with AI friends
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0atman / configuration.nix
Last active September 16, 2024 11:01
A rebuild script that commits on a successful build
}: let
hostname = "oatman-pc"; # to alllow per-machine config
in {
networking.hostName = hostname;
joeytwiddle /
Last active September 18, 2024 22:40
Do not use forEach with async-await

Do not use forEach with async-await

TLDR: Use for...of instead of forEach() in asynchronous code.

For legacy browsers, use for...i or [].reduce()

To execute the promises in parallel, use Promise.all([].map(...))

The problem

schweigert / Embedding GoLang into a Ruby
Last active August 22, 2024 18:12
Embedding GoLang into a Ruby application - Blogpost to Magrathealabs

Go Title

I am passionate about Ruby, but its execution time compared to other languages is extremely high, especially when we want to use more complex algorithms. In general, data structures in interpreted languages become incredibly slow compared to compiled languages. Some algorithms such as ´n-body´ and ´fannkuch-redux´ can be up to 30 times slower in Ruby than Go. This is one of the reasons I was interested in embedding Go code in a Ruby environment.

For those who do not know how shared libraries operate, they work in a similar way as DLLs in Windows. However, they have a native code with a direct interface to the C compiler.

Note Windows uses the DLL system, and in this case, this does not necessarily have to be in native code.

One example is DLLs written in C#, which runs on a virtual machine. Because I do not use windows, I ended up not testing if it is poss

nerevar /
Last active February 26, 2023 04:31
Pretty print json in jupyter/ipython notebook
import json
import uuid
from IPython.display import display_javascript, display_html, display
class RenderJSON(object):
def __init__(self, json_data):
if isinstance(json_data, dict) or isinstance(json_data, list):
self.json_str = json.dumps(json_data)
self.json_str = json_data
woudsma /
Last active May 7, 2023 23:04
TLS secured TCP exposed Docker daemon on Dokku host - setup

TLS secured TCP exposed Docker daemon on Dokku host - setup

  1. Create certificates
  2. Edit Docker options
  3. Restart Docker
  4. Copy client certificates from host
  5. (optional) Add remote endpoint in Portainer

Tested on a standard $5/mo DigitalOcean VPS running Ubuntu 16.04.

przbadu /
Last active July 16, 2022 21:48
Vue js and Rails integration

Setup Rails and Vuejs

  1. Generate new rails app using --webpack flag
rails new myApp --webpack=vue


  1. You can use --webpack=angular for angular application and --webpack=react for react.
rushilgupta /
Last active July 11, 2024 12:52
Concurrency in golang and a mini Load-balancer


Concurrency is a domain I have wanted to explore for a long time because the locks and the race conditions have always intimidated me. I recall somebody suggesting concurrency patterns in golang because they said "you share the data and not the variables".

Amused by that, I searched for "concurrency in golang" and bumped into this awesome slide by Rob Pike: which does a great job of explaining channels, concurrency patterns and a mini-architecture of load-balancer (also explains the above one-liner).

Let's dig in:


StevenACoffman / _MicroService Proxy Gateway
Last active July 15, 2024 05:12
Microservice Proxy/Gateway Solutions

MicroService Proxy Gateway Solutions

Kong, Traefik, Caddy, Linkerd, Fabio, Vulcand, and Netflix Zuul seem to be the most common in microservice proxy/gateway solutions. Kubernetes Ingress is often a simple Ngnix, which is difficult to separate the popularity from other things.

Github Star Trend:

Github Star History for Kong vs traefik vs fabio vs caddy vs Zuul

This is just a picture of this link from March 2, 2019

Originally, I had included some other solution

remi /
Last active January 20, 2018 18:43
Bitcoin + Ethereum shell ticker to use with GeekTool on macOS
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script requires `curl`, `jq`, `xargs` `bc` and `awk`
add_arrows() {
foo=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]\)/▲ \1/g')
foo=$(echo $foo | sed -e 's/^-/▼ /g')
echo $foo