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Created December 22, 2015 21:24
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(ns advent.a16
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def sue
{:children 3
:cats 7
:samoyeds 2
:pomeranians 3
:akitas 0
:vizslas 0
:goldfish 5
:trees 3
:cars 2
:perfumes 1})
(defn compare [probable actual key]
(let [a (actual key)
p (probable key)]
(or (nil? a) (nil? p)
(condp = key
:cat (> p a)
:trees (> p a)
:pomeranians (< p a)
:goldfish (< p a)
(= p a)))))
(def sue-facts {:Sue1 { :cars 9 :akitas 3 :goldfish 0}
:Sue2 { :akitas 9 :children 3 :samoyeds 9}
:Sue3 { :trees 6 :cars 6 :children 4}
:Sue4 { :trees 4 :vizslas 4 :goldfish 9}
:Sue5 { :akitas 9 :vizslas 7 :cars 5}
(first (filter (fn [[s sm]] (every? #(compare sm sue %) (keys sm))) sue-facts))
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