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Created April 18, 2022 23:03
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Wrapper for deno while using it as a shared resource for Quarto framework,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# wrapper for running deno (dependency for Quarto) on Cent OS 7
# this wrapper replaces default deno binary (at /share/deno)
# shipped with quarto pre-compiled binaries
# tested ok with
# on Cent OS 7, Linux 3.10.0-1062.1.2.el7.x86_64
# deno binary is not compatible with Cent OS 7 and GLIB 2.17
# So, run deno using the docker or singularity based image
# first, make deno_latest.sif using command:
# singuarity run docker://denoland/deno
# for specific version of deno, see
# copy built image to any of Cent OS 7 based HPC or other system
if [[ -x "${deno_image}" ]]; then
# let orphaned processes to be re-parented as children of
# Tini program, see subreaping at
export TINI_SUBREAPER=true
# map DENO_DIR as it is owned by root in the container
mkdir -p "${deno_dir}"
# run deno
singularity run --bind "${deno_dir}":/deno-dir "${deno_image}" "${@:-"--help"}"
echo -e "ERROR: missing singularity container for deno at\n${deno_image}" >&2
exit 1
#### work in progress ####
# while running quarto, ensure to specify relevant jupyter kernel
# where you have python and R installed along with required extensions, e.g.,
# mamba install -c conda-forge nbformat nbclient
# Run "quarto check" command to verify quarto installation.
# See
# end #
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