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Convert all DateTime properties of objects on the pipeline to strings including milliseconds, to work around Export-CSV's limitation
# this is one of Stéphane BARIZIEN's public domain scripts
# the most recent version can be found at:
#requires -Version 7.3
# this rewrites the objects on the pipeline so that DateTime members are replaced with a string representation including milliseconds
# to work around the fact Export-CSV doesn't include milliseconds (see
# compute millisecond-aware version of the current datetime format
$format = "{0:" + (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern + ' ' + (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern + '.fff' + "}"
foreach ($object in $input)
# preserve order of properties
$properties = $object.PSObject.Properties.Name
$newobject = [PSCustomObject]@{
# convert all members that are timestamps to strings with milliseconds
$object | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Foreach-Object {
$member = $_
if ($member.Definition -match '^System\.DateTime\s+')
Add-Member -InputObject $newobject -MemberType $member.MemberType -Name $member.Name -Value ($format -f $object.($member.Name))
Add-Member -InputObject $newobject -MemberType $member.MemberType -Name $member.Name -Value $object.($member.Name)
$newobject | Select-Object $properties
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