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Last active December 18, 2017 18:22
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Hello World of Yampa, Haskell's FRP library.
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import qualified FRP.Yampa as Y
type Inp = (String, String)
type Out = String
main = do
rh <- Y.reactInit initIO act sf
loop rh
loop :: Y.ReactHandle Inp Out -> IO ()
loop rh = do
i <- initIO
flag <- Y.react rh (1, Just i)
loop rh
initIO :: IO Inp
initIO = do
cont1 <- readFile "./file1.txt"
cont2 <- readFile "./file2.txt"
return (cont1, cont2)
act :: Y.ReactHandle Inp Out -> Bool -> Out -> IO Bool
act rh ch out = do
putStrLn ("out:" ++ show out)
putStrLn "--------------------"
return False
sf :: Y.SF Inp Out
sf = proc i -> do
out <- Y.arr (\(s1, s2) -> chomp s1 ++ chomp s2) -< i
t <- Y.time -< ()
Y.returnA -< out ++ "--" ++ show t
chomp :: String -> String
chomp = filter (\c -> c /= '\n')
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import FRP.Yampa
main = reactimate initial input actuation sf
initial :: IO (String, String)
initial = do cont1 <- readFile "./file1.txt"
cont2 <- readFile "./file2.txt"
return (cont1, cont2)
input :: Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe (String, String))
input bl = do i <- initial
return (1, Just i)
actuation :: Bool -> String -> IO Bool
actuation ch out = do putStrLn out
return False
sf :: SF (String, String) String
sf = proc i -> do
out <- arr (\(s1, s2) -> chomp s1 ++ chomp s2) -< i
t <- time -< ()
returnA -< out ++ "--" ++ show t
chomp :: String -> String
chomp = filter (\c -> c /= '\n')
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