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Forked from anonymous/gist:7518a962f3765d532dde
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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"heap": {
"objects": [
"name": "LogSink",
"comment": "Default sink for logging information.",
"type": "ConsoleLogSink",
"config": {
"level": "DEBUG"
"name": "DispatchHandler",
"type": "DispatchHandler",
"config": {
"bindings": [
"condition": "${matches(exchange.request.uri.path, '^/saml')}",
"handler": "SamlFederationHandler"
"condition": "${empty exchange.session.username}",
"handler": "SPInitiatedSSORedirectHandler"
"condition": "${not exchange.session.authConfirmed}",
"handler": "LoginChain"
"handler": "OutgoingChain"
"name": "SamlFederationHandler",
"type": "org.forgerock.openig.handler.saml.SamlFederationHandler",
"config": {
"assertionMapping": {
"username": "mail",
"password": "employeenumber"
"subjectMapping": "subjectName",
"redirectURI": ""
"name": "SPInitiatedSSORedirectHandler",
"type": "StaticResponseHandler",
"config": {
"status": 302,
"reason": "Found",
"headers": {
"Location": [
"name": "LoginChain",
"type": "Chain",
"config": {
"filters": [
"LoginRequest", "PortalLoginCaptureFilter"
"handler": "ClientHandler"
"name": "LoginRequest",
"type": "StaticRequestFilter",
"config": {
"method": "POST",
"uri": "",
"form": {
"j_username": [
"j_password": [
"name": "PortalLoginCaptureFilter",
"type": "AssignmentFilter",
"config": {
"onResponse": [
"comment": "Are you sure that a succesful authentication only gives you a 302 ?",
"condition": "${exchange.response.status == 302}",
"target": "${exchange.session.authConfirmed}",
"value": "${true}"
"name": "OutgoingChain",
"type": "Chain",
"config": {
"filters": [ ],
"handler": "ClientHandler"
"name": "ClientHandler",
"type": "ClientHandler",
"config": {}
"handlerObject": "DispatchHandler"
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