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Last active July 24, 2023 21:21
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Extract and display CV data from LinkedIn profiles


LinkedIn CV Generator UserScript

This UserScript allows you to extract and display CV data from LinkedIn profiles and generate a custom CV in PDF format.


  1. Install the Tampermonkey extension for Google Chrome here.
  2. Open the LinkedIn CV Generator script here.
  3. Click the "Raw" button to view the script code.
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. The LinkedIn CV Generator UserScript should now be installed and ready to use.


  1. Go to a LinkedIn profile page.
  2. Click on the "More..." button on the top of the profile page.
  3. Click on the "Download PDF" button.
  4. Wait for a print dialog to appear.
  5. In the print dialog, select "Save as PDF" and click "Save".

For a better layout, set the margins to "None" in the print settings before saving the PDF file.

Known issues

  • The section titles will be in whatever language selected at the bottom of the page, regardless of the language used to insert the profile data.
  • Missing sections for other available section types on LinkedIn, such as certifications and other less-used types.
  • Location information is missing. This is a useful piece of information that is available but has not yet been scraped.
  • Some sections on LinkedIn are not well internationalized, such as the language sections, which could be problematic when exporting to different languages.
  • The job position information is hard to identify because the classes and IDs are not descriptive. Using regular expressions to hack this information may not work well, especially when trying to scrape CVs in non-Latin alphabet profiles.

Note: This project is for fun and a workaround solution. Accessing the LinkedIn API would be a more reliable way to access job position information, but it requires a LinkedIn Developer account, which in turn requires registering as a business entity, such as an LLC.

// ==UserScript==
// @name LinkedIn CV Generator
// @namespace
// @version 3.0.0
// @description Extract and display CV data from LinkedIn profiles
// @author Saulo Dias
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/// <reference path="./cv-schema.d.ts" />
// Comement the import of the types in production.
import {
} from "./cv-schema";
const DEVELOPMENT_MODE = false;
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const element = parentElement.querySelector(selector);
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// Element is available, resolve the Promise
// Element not found, wait and check again
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
const element = parentElement.querySelector(selector);
if (element) {
}, 100);
// Set a timeout to reject the Promise
setTimeout(() => {
new Error(
`getElement for selector "${selector}" timed out after ${timeout} ms`
}, timeout);
const filterOutChildren = (element, filterClasses) => {
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) {
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* @param {CVSchema} cvData
* @returns {string}
const generateHtml = (cvData) => {
* @param {EducationProgram[]} data
* @returns {string}
const generateEducationHTML = (data) => {
let educationHTML = "";
data.forEach((education) => {
educationHTML += `
<p class="education-school">${}</p>
<p class="education-date">(${education.startDate} - ${education.endDate})</p>
<p class="education-description">${education.description}</p>
return educationHTML;
* @param {Language[]} data
* @returns {string}
const generateLanguagesHTML = (data) => {
let languagesHTML = "";
data.forEach((language) => {
languagesHTML += `
<span>${language.language} (${language.proficiency})</span>
return languagesHTML;
* @param {Skill[]} data
* @returns {string}
function generateSkillsHTML(data) {
let skillsHTML = "";
data.forEach((skill) => {
skillsHTML += `
<div class="skill">
<span class="skill-name">${skill.skill}</span>
return skillsHTML;
* @param {Experience[]} data
* @returns {string}
function generateExperienceHTML(data) {
let experienceHTML = "";
data.forEach((company, index) => {
experienceHTML += `
<div class="company ${index ? "print-no-break" : ""}">
<h3 class="company-name">${}</h3>
<ul class="position-list">
company.positions.forEach((position) => {
experienceHTML += `
<div class="job print-no-break">
<div class="job-title">${position.title}</div>
<div class="job-type">${position.type}</div>
<div class="job-location">${position.location}</div>
<div class="job-duration">${position.startDate} - ${position.endDate} (${position.duration})</div>
<div class="job-description">${position.description}</div>
<ul class="job-skills">
?.map((skill) => `<li class="job-skill">${skill}</li>`)
.join("") || ""
experienceHTML += `
return experienceHTML;
function generateAboutHTML(data) {
return `
<div class="about">
* @param {ContactInformation} data
* @returns {string}
function generateContactHTML(data) {
let websitesHTML = "";
data.websites.forEach((website) => {
websitesHTML += `
<li><a href="https://${website.url}" target="_blank">${website.url}</a> (${website.type})</li>
return `
<li><a href="https://${data.linkedin}" target="_blank">${data.linkedin}</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:${}">${}</a></li>
const bodyHtml = `
<!-- CV Template -->
<div class="cv">
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar">
<img class="profile-img" src="${cvData.imageData}" alt="Profile Picture">
<h1 class="name">${}</h1>
<p class="title">${cvData.title}</p>
<div class="contact">
<h2>${ || ""}</h2>
<ul class="contact-list">
<div class="languages">
<h2>${cvData.translation.languages || ""}</h2>
<ul class="language-list">
<div class="skills">
<h2>${cvData.translation.skills || ""}</h2>
<ul class="skills-list">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="main">
<!-- About Me -->
<div class="section">
<h2>${cvData.translation.about || ""}</h2>
<p class="about-me">${cvData.about}</p>
<!-- Experience -->
<div class="section">
<h2>${cvData.translation.experience || ""}</h2>
<ul class="experience-list">
<!-- Education -->
<div class="section">
<h2>${ || ""}</h2>
<ul class="education-list">
const html = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>${} - Custom CV</title>
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font-size: 2.5rem;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.title {
font-size: 1.5rem;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 10px;
/* Education */
.education-list h3 {
font-size: 1.5rem;
margin-bottom: 5px;
color: var(--primary-color);
.education-list p {
margin: 0;
font-size: 1rem;
/* Skills */
/* Languages */
.skills-list {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.language-list li,
.skills-list li {
text-align: left;
border-radius: 20px;
font-size: 0.9rem;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 5px 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
/* Experience */
.company {
padding-top: 1rem;
ul.experience-list {
margin-block: 0;
.experience-list li,
.education-list p {
padding-left: 10px;
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font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 5px;
color: var(--primary-color);
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margin-bottom: 5px;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: var(--primary-color);
.education-date {
margin-bottom: 5px;
font-size: 1em;
color: var(--text-color);
.education-description {
margin-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 1em;
color: var(--text-color);
line-height: 1.5;
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margin-bottom: 5px;
font-size: 1rem;
color: var(--text-color);
.job-description {
margin-top: 5px;
font-size: 1rem;
color: var(--text-color);
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flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-top: 5px;
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margin-bottom: 5px;
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const markdownButton = createButton(
"Download Markdown",
const jsonButton = createButton("Download JSON", jsonOnClick, "JSON");
* @param {CVSchema} data
* @returns {string}
function generateMarkdown(data) {
let markdown = `# ${}\n\n`;
markdown += data.imageData
? `!<img src="${data.imageData}" alt="Profile Picture" width="200" height="200">
: "";
markdown += data.title ? `## ${data.title}\n\n` : "";
if ( {
markdown +=
? `### ${}\n\n`
: "";
markdown +=
? `- E-mail: [${}](mailto:${})\n`
: "";
if ( {
markdown += `- Websites:\n`;
for (const website of {
markdown +=
website.url && website.type
? ` - ${website.type}: [${website.url}](https://${website.url})\n`
: "";
if (data.about) {
markdown += data.translation.about
? `\n### ${data.translation.about}\n\n`
: "";
markdown += `${data.about}\n`;
if ( {
markdown +=
? `### ${}\n\n`
: "";
for (const education of {
markdown += `#### ${}\n`;
markdown += education.institution ? `##### ${education.institution}` : "";
markdown += education.startDate ? ` (${education.startDate}` : "\n\n";
markdown += education.endDate ? ` - ${education.endDate})\n\n` : ")\n\n";
markdown += education.description ? `${education.description}\n\n` : "";
if (data.languages) {
markdown += data.translation.languages
? `### ${data.translation.languages}\n\n`
: "";
for (const language of data.languages) {
markdown +=
language.language && language.proficiency
? `- ${language.language}: ${language.proficiency}\n`
: "";
if (data.skills) {
markdown += data.translation.skills
? `\n### ${data.translation.skills}\n\n`
: "";
for (const skill of data.skills) {
markdown += skill.skill ? `- ${skill.skill}\n` : "";
if (data.experience) {
markdown += data.translation.experience
? `\n### ${data.translation.experience}\n\n`
: "";
for (const experience of data.experience) {
markdown += `#### ${}\n`;
for (const position of experience.positions) {
markdown += `\n##### ${position.title}`;
markdown += position.duration ? ` (${position.duration})` : "";
markdown += "\n";
markdown += position.jobType ? `- ${position.type}\n` : "";
markdown +=
position.locationType && position.location
? `- ${position.locationType}: ${position.location}\n`
: "";
markdown +=
position.startDate && position.endDate
? `- ${position.startDate} - ${position.endDate}\n`
: "";
markdown += position.description ? `- ${position.description}\n` : "";
markdown +=
position.skills && position.skills.length > 0
? `> ${data.translation.skills}: ${position.skills.join(", ")}\n`
: "";
return markdown;
const downloadMarkdown = (data) => {
const markdown = generateMarkdown(data);
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const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url; = "";
const printAsPDF = (result) => {
const html = generateHtml(result);
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const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none";
iframe.src = url;
// Wait for the iframe to finish loading the HTML
iframe.onload = () => {
// Set the document of the iframe to the blob's HTML;
// Open the HTML in a separate window for debugging, "_blank");
} else {
// Use the iframe's window.print() method to open the print dialog
// Append the iframe to the document to load the HTML blob
const downloadJson = (content, filename = "cv") => {
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(content, null, 2)], {
type: "application/json",
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url; = `${filename}.json`;
const imageUrlToBase64 = async (imageUrl) => {
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img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
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canvas.height = this.height;
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ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
img.onerror = function () {
reject(new Error("Failed to load image"));
img.src = imageUrl;
let translation = {};
const jobTypeRegex =
/(Full(-|\s*)time|Part(-|\s*)time|Temps\s*plein|Temps\s*partiel|Tempo\s*integral|Meio\s*per[ií]odo|Aut[oô]nomo|Freelance|Est[aá]gio|Aprendiz|Trainee|Terceirizado|Temporal\/Contrato|Trabalho tempor[aá]rio|Est[aá]gio remunerado|Stage rémunéré|Trabalho a tempo parcial|Praktikum|Lehre)/gi;
const jobLocationRegex =
/[\p{L}\p{M}][\p{L}\p{M}' .-]*(?:,[ ]*[\p{L}\p{M}' .-]+)+/u;
const jobLocationTypeRegex =
/(Presencial|H[ií]brida|Remota|In-person|Hybrid|Remote|Présentiel|Hybride|À distance|Presencialmente|Híbrido|Remoto|Präsenz|Hybrid|Remote|En personne|Mixte|À distance|Em pessoa|Híbrido|Remoto|On-site)/gi;
const durationRegex =
/\b(?:\d{1,2} )?(?:(?:ene|feb|mar|abr|may|jun|jul|ago|sep|oct|nov|dic|janv|fév|mars|avr|mai|juin|juil|août|sept|oct|nov|déc|jan|feb|märz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez|janv|févr|mars|avr|juin|juil|août|sept|oct|déc|jan|feb)\b(?: \d{4})? - )?(?:actualidad|hoy|\d{1,2} (?:meses|mes|m|años|año|an|years|year|yr))/i;
// Helper functions
const getTextFromSelector = async (selector, parentElement) => {
let element = null;
try {
element = await getElement(selector, parentElement);
} catch (err) {
return element ? element.textContent.trim() : "";
const setTranslation = (key, value) => {
translation[key] = value;
const hideOverlay = async () => {
const modalOverlay = await getElement(".artdeco-modal-overlay");
modalOverlay.classList.toggle("visually-hidden", true);
const extractCompanyName = (item) => {
const companyNameElement = item.querySelector(
".pvs-entity__path-node + .pvs-entity > a span"
const companyNameFallbackElement = item.querySelector(
".display-flex.flex-wrap.align-items-center.full-height span.hoverable-link-text.t-bold"
const companyNameFallbackSingleJob = item.querySelector(
".t-14.t-normal > span"
if (companyNameElement) {
return companyNameElement.textContent.trim();
} else if (companyNameFallbackElement) {
return companyNameFallbackElement.textContent.trim();
} else if (companyNameFallbackSingleJob) {
return companyNameFallbackSingleJob.textContent.trim().split("·")[0].trim();
return "";
const getContentContainer = async (id) => {
let anchor = null;
try {
anchor = await getElement(`.pv-profile-card__anchor[id="${id}"]`);
} catch (err) {
if (!anchor) return null;
const header = filterOutChildren(
setTranslation(id, header.textContent.trim());
return filterOutChildren(anchor.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling, [
const getSectionList = async (content) => {
const listOuterContainer = await getContentContainer(content);
if (!listOuterContainer) return [];
return listOuterContainer.querySelectorAll(
".pvs-list__outer-container > .pvs-list > li.pvs-list__item--line-separated"
* @returns {Promise<{ imageData: CVSchema["imageData"]; name: CVSchema["name"]; title: CVSchema["title"]; }>}
const extractUserProfile = async () => {
const profileName = await getTextFromSelector(".text-heading-xlarge");
const profilePhotoButton = await getElement(
`.pv-top-card-profile-picture, .profile-photo-edit__edit-btn`
await hideOverlay();
const profilePhoto = await getElement(
`.imgedit-profile-photo-frame-viewer__image-container img, .pv-member-photo-modal__content img`
let base64Image = "";
try {
base64Image = await imageUrlToBase64(profilePhoto?.getAttribute("src"));
} catch (err) {
return {
name: profileName,
title: await getTextFromSelector(".text-body-medium"),
imageData: base64Image,
* @returns {Promise<Language[]>}
const extractLanguages = async () => {
const languagesList = await getSectionList("languages");
* @type {Language[]}
const languages = [];
for (const languageElement of languagesList) {
const [languageName, proficiency] = await Promise.all([
getTextFromSelector(".mr1.t-bold > span", languageElement),
getTextFromSelector(".t-14.t-normal.t-black--light", languageElement),
language: languageName,
proficiency: proficiency,
return languages;
* @returns {Promise<EducationProgram[]>}
const extractEducation = async () => {
const educationItems = await getSectionList("education");
* @type {EducationProgram[]}
const education = [];
for (const item of educationItems) {
const institution = await getTextFromSelector(
".hoverable-link-text.t-bold > span",
const [degree, date, description] = await Promise.all([
getTextFromSelector(".t-14.t-normal", item),
getTextFromSelector(".t-14.t-normal.t-black--light", item),
getTextFromSelector(".inline-show-more-text", item, 500),
const [startDate, endDate] = date.split(" - ");
return education;
* @returns {Promise<Skill[]>}
const extractSkills = async () => {
const skillsItems = await getSectionList("skills");
* @type {Skill[]}
const skills = [];
skillsItems.forEach(async (skillElement) => {
const skillName = await getTextFromSelector(
".mr1.t-bold > span",
skill: skillName,
return skills;
* @returns {Promise<Position>}
const processPosition = async (text) => {
* @type {Position}
const position = {
title: "",
type: "",
location: "",
duration: "",
startDate: "",
endDate: "",
description: "",
locationType: "",
const tokens = text;
// Identifica a localidade e modalidade do trabalho, se disponível
const locationType = tokens.find((t) => t?.match(jobLocationTypeRegex));
if (locationType) {
const [jobLocation, jobLocationType] = locationType.trim().split(" · ");
position.locationType = jobLocationType;
position.location = jobLocation;
// Se a abordagem anterior não funcionar
const location = tokens.find(
(t) => t?.length < 50 && t?.match(jobLocationRegex)
if (!position.location && location) {
position.location = location;
// Identifica a duração do trabalho, se disponível
const durationMatch = tokens.find((t) => t?.match(durationRegex));
if (durationMatch) {
const [startAndEnd, duration] = durationMatch.split(" · ");
const [startDate, endDate] = startAndEnd.split(" - ");
position.duration = duration;
position.startDate = startDate;
position.endDate = endDate;
position.title = tokens[0];
const hasSkillsRegex = /^[^\s:]+:/;
const hasSkills = tokens.find((t) => t?.match(hasSkillsRegex));
const offset = hasSkills ? 2 : 1;
const description = tokens[tokens.length - offset];
if (
(!description.includes(position.location) || !position.location) &&
(!description.includes(durationMatch) || !durationMatch)
) {
position.description = description;
if (hasSkills) {
position["skills"] = tokens[tokens.length - 1]
.split(" · ");
// Verifica se o job type tem o nome da empresa também
const type = tokens.find((t) => t?.match(jobTypeRegex));
if (type?.includes(" · ")) {
const [companyName, jType] = type.split(" · ");
position.type = jType;
position["companyName"] = companyName;
} else if (type) {
position.type = type;
return position;
* @returns {Experience[]}
const extractExperience = async () => {
const experienceItems = await getSectionList("experience");
* @returns {Experience[]}
const experience = [];
for (const item of experienceItems) {
const companyName = extractCompanyName(item);
// Select the first element with class 'li-icon'
const icon = item.querySelector("li-icon");
if (icon) {
const positions = [];
let positionItems = item.querySelectorAll(
".pvs-entity__path-node + .pvs-entity"
if (!positionItems.length) {
positionItems = [item.querySelector(".pvs-entity")];
for (const positionItem of positionItems) {
const newLinesAndSpacesRegex = /(?:\n\s*){2,}(?!\n)/g;
const textContents = positionItem.textContent.replace(
const position = await processPosition(textContents.trim().split("\n"));
* @returns {Experience}
const exp = {
name: companyName || positions[0]?.companyName || "",
return experience;
* @returns {Promise<CVSchema["about"]>}
const extractAbout = async () => {
const about = await getContentContainer("about");
return about ? about.textContent.trim() : "";
* @returns {Promise<ContactInformation>}
const extractContact = async () => {
const contactInfoButton = await getElement(
await hideOverlay();
const contact = await getElement(".pv-profile-section__section-info");
document.querySelector(".pv-profile-section h2").textContent.trim()
// Extract contact information using DOM API
const linkedinElement = contact.querySelector(".ci-vanity-url a");
const websiteElements = contact.querySelectorAll(".ci-websites li");
const emailElement = contact.querySelector(".ci-email a");
const birthdayElement = contact.querySelector(".ci-birthday span");
* @type {ContactInformation["websites"]}
const websites = [];
if (linkedinElement) {
url: linkedinElement.textContent.trim(),
type: "LinkedIn",
websiteElements.forEach((websiteElement) => {
const website = {};
website.url = websiteElement.querySelector("a")
? websiteElement.querySelector("a").textContent.trim()
: "";
website.type = websiteElement.querySelector("span")
? websiteElement
.textContent.replace(/[\(\)]/g, "")
: "";
* @returns {ContactInformation}
const contactObject = {
email: emailElement ? emailElement.textContent.trim() : "",
return contactObject;
* @returns {CVSchema}
const extractData = async () => {
const [userProfile, education, languages, skills, experience, about] =
await Promise.all([
const contact = await extractContact();
const {name, title, imageData} = userProfile;
return {
(function () {
"use strict";
const handleClick = async (callback) => {
const result = await extractData();
const addButtons = async () => {
await addCustomButtons(
() => handleClick(printAsPDF),
() => handleClick(downloadMarkdown),
() => handleClick(downloadJson)
setTimeout(addButtons, 2000);
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