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Last active June 22, 2024 04:42
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📓 Diary Study Onboarding/OVERVIEW

Please read carefully these instructions

First of all I would like to explain to you what a Diary Study is. A Diary Study is a research method that runs on multiple days, and the participant decides the study hours within the study schedule. The study consists of moderated sessions and unmoderated sessions.

For this study we will have two calls, one call prior to the start of the study where I will onboard you and brief you about the study task, and a post-task interview that will take around 45-60 minutes.

📆 Study Dates

19th of October - Onboarding 20th - 25th of October - Diary Study 26-27th of October - post study interviews

Study Task

Task Brief

  • you will need to setup a node

  • you will need to meet the machine requirements for the node

Cloud Provider Machine Type
Google Cloud n2-highCPU-2
AWS c5.large
Azure F2s v2
Self-hosted 2vCPU / 2 GiB RAM / 1 GiB Persistent Storage
  • you will be required to provide us with a preferred address on which you’ll receive Testnet tokens. Take note: this address will also work as the testnet key.

You will be provided with:

You will be required to do:

For each stage of your journey you will need to write and describe your experience with the documentation, the node setup preparation, the node setup and node monitoring.

Diary Entry Example -

The Diary Entries are a series of self-reported actions, thoughts, feelings, and decisions you had to take to achieve your goal. Any detail is significant and valuable to me, so please don't forget to be verbose. Just follow the four big categories

  • Documentation

  • Pre-setup Preparation

  • Node Setup

  • Post Node Setup

👉Throughout the entire study and process points listed above, you must use GitHub Gist - - or a GitHub markdown file. Please share with me your file of choice. Please share this file with me.

Methods of writing your diary entries

🟣 The Write-Along Technique

An easy method to log your activities and actions is the Write-Along Technique. With this technique, you will record your actions, with detailed information, throughout your entire journey. This will allow you to record the information about your events as they occur.

This technique ensures that relevant information is captured in situ before being forgotten. This type of data recording will require providing extensive detail at the time of capture.

🟣 The Snippet Technique

A method for logging your activities is the snippet technique. With this technique, you can only record short snippets of information about your activities as they occur. Then, at the end of each day, or when you have time, you elaborate on each snippet by providing additional details about the activity.

This technique ensures that relevant information is captured in situ, before being forgotten but without requiring you to provide extensive detail at the time of capture.

👉 For both techniques, you can come back to your diary entry at any time along your journey and add more details.

How it works

  • You will be required to create a Diary Entry Gist, private or public, which you must share with me via e-mail when the study begins.
  • You must fill in a Diary Entry study each day of your Node Setup. For some, the Setup will take one day, for some will take more, and it's all right. No matter how long it takes, you will need to input a Diary Entry Gist each day by EOD.
  • I will regularly ping you if you forget to submit a Diary Entry Gist.
  • During the study, if you have any questions, ask them away but keep in mind that I might not know the answer to some of the questions or I will refrain from answering them, so I do not prime you.
  • After your last entry, you will receive a short survey.

I will regularly check each day all of your entries and prepare follow-up questions that we will discuss during the Post Diary Interview.

Touch Points and prompts to follow

The following touchpoints are here for you to remember what are the important points we'd like you to touch upon. Please do not consider this a timeline, everyone has a different way of doing things so you do not have to follow the way the points are listed ad-literam, but please make sure to touch upon them nevertheless.


We’re interested to find if the documentation was helpful to you.

  • if you felt like there were missing parts

  • if you would’ve liked some parts of the documentation to be more elaborate

  • if you felt like anything was missing

  • if you found some wording confusing

  • you can copy and paste parts of the documentation and add screenshots for visual support.

Node Setup Preparation

  • we’d like you to describe to us what were the steps you had to take for your node setup preparation. Any detail is important.

  • was there anything confusing?

  • how could we make this easier for you?

Node Setup

  • we’d like you to describe the steps you had to take in order to configure the node Any detail is important. -

  • please populate your file by adding the function as an input and the output pasted from your terminal like in the example provided here - need to add link

  • please obfuscate sensitive information from the pasted text from your terminal like - IP addresses, Private Keys, any sensitive information. We are not interested in this and whoever will ask you to share anything sensitive is not part of our team. Please do not share your Private keys with anyone else.

  • please add any errors you encountered, anything confusing, what you expected to happen and what happened

  • what would make the process easier for you?

Post Setup

  • please paste from the terminal what prints you considered a successful setup

  • please describe to us what you had to do in order to monitor the node

  • please add any errors you encountered, anything confusing, what you expected to happen and what happened

  • what would make the process easier for you?

Tools to use

For the recording of data for this study you are required to use Github Gist - or a Github markdown file made public or accessible to me. You will be require to share this file right from day one.

You will receive a filled in example for each stage. You will also receive short surveys ( 1-2 questions) to help us rate the experience you had.

You can also use screenshots and screen captures if you feel like they would help you present better your case.

Your input will be completely anonymized, and the interview sessions will be recorded so I can get back at it at a later time.

You will be paid for your time 400 USDC. The payment will be done after the study ends and it should be executed within 6-9 days. For your payment please send me your ETH address or ENS after the study completion.

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