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Created October 18, 2021 22:06
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White Board image color enhancement in python
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
def normalize_kernel(kernel, k_width, k_height, scaling_factor = 1.0):
'''Zero-summing normalize kernel'''
K_EPS = 1.0e-12
# positive and negative sum of kernel values
pos_range, neg_range = 0, 0
for i in range(k_width * k_height):
if abs(kernel[i]) < K_EPS:
kernel[i] = 0.0
if kernel[i] < 0:
neg_range += kernel[i]
pos_range += kernel[i]
# scaling factor for positive and negative range
pos_scale, neg_scale = pos_range, -neg_range
if abs(pos_range) >= K_EPS:
pos_scale = pos_range
pos_sacle = 1.0
if abs(neg_range) >= K_EPS:
neg_scale = 1.0
neg_scale = -neg_range
pos_scale = scaling_factor / pos_scale
neg_scale = scaling_factor / neg_scale
# scale kernel values for zero-summing kernel
for i in range(k_width * k_height):
if (not np.nan == kernel[i]):
kernel[i] *= pos_scale if kernel[i] >= 0 else neg_scale
return kernel
def dog(img, k_size, sigma_1, sigma_2):
'''Difference of Gaussian by subtracting kernel 1 and kernel 2'''
k_width = k_height = k_size
x = y = (k_width - 1) // 2
kernel = np.zeros(k_width * k_height)
# first gaussian kernal
if sigma_1 > 0:
co_1 = 1 / (2 * sigma_1 * sigma_1)
co_2 = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma_1 * sigma_1)
i = 0
for v in range(-y, y + 1):
for u in range(-x, x + 1):
kernel[i] = np.exp(-(u*u + v*v) * co_1) * co_2
i += 1
# unity kernel
kernel[x + y * k_width] = 1.0
# subtract second gaussian from kernel
if sigma_2 > 0:
co_1 = 1 / (2 * sigma_2 * sigma_2)
co_2 = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma_2 * sigma_2)
i = 0
for v in range(-y, y + 1):
for u in range(-x, x + 1):
kernel[i] -= np.exp(-(u*u + v*v) * co_1) * co_2
i += 1
# unity kernel
kernel[x + y * k_width] -= 1.0
# zero-normalize scling kernel with scaling factor 1.0
norm_kernel = normalize_kernel(kernel, k_width, k_height, scaling_factor = 1.0)
# apply filter with norm_kernel
return cv2.filter2D(img, -1, norm_kernel.reshape(k_width, k_height))
def negate(img):
'''Negative of image'''
return cv2.bitwise_not(img)
def get_black_white_indices(hist, tot_count, black_count, white_count):
'''Blacking and Whiting out indices same as color balance'''
black_ind = 0
white_ind = 255
co = 0
for i in range(len(hist)):
co += hist[i]
if co > black_count:
black_ind = i
co = 0
for i in range(len(hist) - 1, -1, -1):
co += hist[i]
if co > (tot_count - white_count):
white_ind = i
return [black_ind, white_ind]
def contrast_stretch(img, black_point, white_point):
'''Contrast stretch image with black and white cap'''
tot_count = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
black_count = tot_count * black_point / 100
white_count= tot_count * white_point / 100
ch_hists = []
# calculate histogram for each channel
for ch in cv2.split(img):
ch_hists.append(cv2.calcHist([ch], [0], None, [256], (0, 256)).flatten().tolist())
# get black and white percentage indices
black_white_indices = []
for hist in ch_hists:
black_white_indices.append(get_black_white_indices(hist, tot_count, black_count, white_count))
stretch_map = np.zeros((3, 256), dtype = 'uint8')
# stretch histogram
for curr_ch in range(len(black_white_indices)):
black_ind, white_ind = black_white_indices[curr_ch]
for i in range(stretch_map.shape[1]):
if i < black_ind:
stretch_map[curr_ch][i] = 0
if i > white_ind:
stretch_map[curr_ch][i] = 255
if (white_ind - black_ind) > 0:
stretch_map[curr_ch][i] = round((i - black_ind) / (white_ind - black_ind)) * 255
stretch_map[curr_ch][i] = 0
# stretch image
ch_stretch = []
for i, ch in enumerate(cv2.split(img)):
ch_stretch.append(cv2.LUT(ch, stretch_map[i]))
return cv2.merge(ch_stretch)
def color_balance(img, low_per, high_per):
'''Contrast stretch image by histogram equilization with black and white cap'''
tot_pix = img.shape[1] * img.shape[0]
# no.of pixels to black-out and white-out
low_count = tot_pix * low_per / 100
high_count = tot_pix * (100 - high_per) / 100
cs_img = []
# for each channel, apply contrast-stretch
for ch in cv2.split(img):
# cummulative histogram sum of channel
cum_hist_sum = np.cumsum(cv2.calcHist([ch], [0], None, [256], (0, 256)))
# find indices for blacking and whiting out pixels
li, hi = np.searchsorted(cum_hist_sum, (low_count, high_count))
if (li == hi):
# lut with min-max normalization for [0-255] bins
lut = np.array([0 if i < li
else (255 if i > hi else round((i - li) / (hi - li) * 255))
for i in np.arange(0, 256)], dtype = 'uint8')
# constrast-stretch channel
cs_ch = cv2.LUT(ch, lut)
return cv2.merge(cs_img)
def fast_gaussian_blur(img, ksize, sigma):
'''Gussian blur using linear separable property of Gaussian distribution'''
kernel_1d = cv2.getGaussianKernel(ksize, sigma)
return cv2.sepFilter2D(img, -1, kernel_1d, kernel_1d)
def gamma(img, gamma_value):
'''Gamma correction of image'''
i_gamma = 1 / gamma_value
lut = np.array([((i / 255) ** i_gamma) * 255 for i in np.arange(0, 256)], dtype = 'uint8')
return cv2.LUT(img, lut)
def white_board_enhance(img):
'''Enhance White board image'''
# parameters for enhancing functions
dog_k_size, dog_sigma_1, dog_sigma_2 = 15, 100, 0
cs_black_per, cs_white_per = 2, 99.5
gauss_k_size, gauss_sigma = 3, 1
gamma_value = 1.1
cb_black_per, cb_white_per = 2, 1
# Difference of Gaussian (DoG)
dog_img = dog(img, dog_k_size, dog_sigma_1, dog_sigma_2)
# Negative of image
negative_img = negate(dog_img)
# Contrast Stretch (CS)
contrast_stretch_img = contrast_stretch(negative_img, cs_black_per, cs_white_per)
# Gaussian Blur
blur_img = fast_gaussian_blur(contrast_stretch_img, gauss_k_size, gauss_sigma)
# Gamma Correction
gamma_img = gamma(blur_img, gamma_value)
# Color Balance (CB) (also Contrast Stretch)
color_balanced_img = color_balance(gamma_img, cb_black_per, cb_white_per)
return color_balanced_img
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest = 'input_path',
required = True,
help = 'input image path')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest = 'output_path',
required = True,
help = 'output image path')
args = parser.parse_args()
# read image
img = cv2.imread(args.input_path)
# apply enhancement
enhanced_img = white_board_enhance(img)
# save result image
cv2.imwrite(args.output_path, enhanced_img)
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Above gist enhances White Board images by applying different enhancement methods like

  • Difference of Gaussians (DoG)
  • Contrast Stretching
  • Gamma Correction

It is based on ImageMagick command line from this White Board Cleaner gist

-morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1

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