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If you are like me you find yourself cloning a repo, making some proposed changes and then deciding to later contributing back using the GitHub Flow convention. Below is a set of instructions I've developed for myself on how to deal with this scenario and an explanation of why it matters based on jagregory's gist.

To follow GitHub flow you should really have created a fork initially as a public representation of the forked repository and the clone that instead. My understanding is that the typical setup would have your local repository pointing to your fork as origin and the original forked repository as upstream so that you can use these keywords in other git commands.

  1. Clone some repo (you've probably already done this step).

    git clone git@github...some-repo.git
sandman / python-version-setup.txt
Created July 13, 2023 15:09
Installing specific python version
sudo apt-get install python3.X python3.X-venv
sandman / [OpenWRT] UBOND Example
Created April 25, 2023 10:08 — forked from TalalMash/[OpenWRT] UBOND Example
[OpenWRT] UBOND Example
Download binaries:
Disable encryption for 400Mbit+ , force DNS over HTTPS if needed.
Temporarily running as root. (tun bugfix TODO)
VPS/crontab -e:
@reboot screen -d -m sh -c "/root/"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/cfroch/.ros/log/2023-03-10-15-14-57-895435-cfroch-legion-395383
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [rcvstream_exe-1]: process started with pid [395386]
[INFO] [rcvstream_exe-2]: process started with pid [395388]
[INFO] [rcvstream_exe-3]: process started with pid [395390]
[INFO] [rcvstream_exe-4]: process started with pid [395392]
[rcvstream_exe-4] [INFO] [1678461298.036990546] [niro_fn22lnt.rcvstream_exe_back_node]: save_bit_stream is NOT set
[rcvstream_exe-4] [INFO] [1678461298.037425994] [rcv_stream]: cam_index: 3
[rcvstream_exe-2] [INFO] [1678461298.038131770] [niro_fn22lnt.rcvstream_exe_right_node]: save_bit_stream is NOT set
name : The name of the object
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "nvv4l2h265enc0"
parent : The parent of the object
flags: readable, writable
Object of type "GstObject"
qos : Handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
device : Device location
sandman / Python requirements.txt auto-generation
Created January 2, 2023 15:26
Automatically generate requirements.txt
pip3 install pip-tools pipreqs
# pipreqs generates a file and pip-compile generates the requirements.txt from it
pipreqs && pip-compile
sandman / nvidia-xfce-desktop-container-popos-22.04
Created August 26, 2022 18:12
Installing and running a Dockerized NVIDIA Xfce desktop with ROS2 Foxy
# Install latest version nvidia-docker2 on PopOS 22.04
## PopOS does not take the latest upstream NVIDIA Container runtime which is needed to run the container
## Run the below steps
### Add a new preference entry in /etc/apt/preferences.d/pop-default-settings
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 1002
sandman /
Last active February 11, 2021 18:57 — forked from corenel/
Install NVDEC and NVENC as GStreamer plugins

Install NVDEC and NVENC as GStreamer plugins


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • NVIDIA driver 430.40
  • NVIDIA Video Codec SDK 9.0.20


sandman / Setup.sh_log
Created April 18, 2018 16:02
Output of for Carla 0.8.1
xyz@xyz-XPS-8900:~/Downloads/carla-0.8.1$ ./
Folder llvm-source already exists, skipping git clone...
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 3.9.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.9.1
-- The ASM compiler identification is Clang
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/clang-3.9
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/clang-3.9
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/clang-3.9 -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
sandman / buildlog
Created April 18, 2018 15:58
Rebuild carla error
xyz@xyz-XPS-8900:~/Downloads/carla-0.8.1$ UE4_ROOT=~/UnrealEngine_4.18 ./
Using Unreal Engine at '/home/xyz/UnrealEngine_4.18'
Making CarlaServer...
ERROR: Missing protobuf compiler.
Did you forget to run
Makefile:50: recipe for target 'protobuf' failed
make: *** [protobuf] Error 1
Cleaning up CARLA Plugin...
Cleaning up CARLAUE4...
Generate Unreal project files...