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Created January 11, 2024 07:10
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Today was a good day
  • Today was a good day - paper review

    • 3.2: Factors that impact workdays
      • Vast research body available.
      • human aspects are left out generally - liike job satisfaction (which is general fulfilment - influenced by good and bad workdays)
      • affective states impact the assessment of a good and bad workday
        • Positive affective state => Positive effect on problem solving skills and productivity
      • Previous work -> +ve emotion = good workday. Hope is a mediator. Positive emotions at work increase openness to new experiences, dedication, work engagement.
      • Sheldon et al have further shown that on good days, students feel they have higher levels of autonomy and competence which reulsts in better outcomes.

        • What does "students" mean in this case?
      • Others found that variety of tasks and nonrepetitive tasks are good for developer morale.
    • 4. Study design

      • Microsoft (30K devs across >12 dev centers with their own processes)
      • 4.1
        • Data saturation point (diminishing returns) (7 interviews but conducted 10 anyways)
        • Sorted the activities using card sorting approach
      • 4.2
        • 4 sections in survey:
          • Demographics (position, team, experience)
          • Activities (??), allowed to add more
          • If previous work is a typical workday or not
          • asked more questions.
        • Minimize fatigue of survey by giving a smaller questionnaire
        • Devs selected with replacement

          > Did they check for congruence?  
          • Only 6.6% responded twice.
      • 4.3 Validity of self-reported data.
        • Time use data canbe achieved through various ways but the authors chose self-reports because they scale better, have a holistic approach (than automated tracking), and show perceptions of the devs actually.
        • Self-reporting is influenced easily so it was run with 10 people before.
        • asked about the previous day because it's more fresh than a general case.
    • 5. Conceptual Frameworks

      • Answers RQ1
        • What factors influence good and typical developer workdays and how do they interrelate?
      • 5.1 Good workdays
        • "Would you consider yesterday a good day? Why or why not?
        • 5.1.1 Data Analysis
          • ...
          • Binary rating of either good or not good by applying various methods.
        • 5.1.2 Conceptual Framework
          • 11 Factors identified - value creation, efficient use of time, and sentiment
          • Initially thought that quality is important factor, since some respondents described good workdays as days they improved the quality of the software or did not break something.
          • Good workday
            • Value creation 68%
            • Efficient use of time 54%
            • Perception 9%
      • 5.2 Developers' Typical Workdays
        • "Was Yesterday typical?"
        • If "No" answered, then asked more question
        • Applied the same coding strategy from before.
        • 5.2.2 Conceptual Framework
          • Thought that a key component is whether the dev has control over the factor - but turns out it is the contrast between expectation and reality.
          • 7 high level factorrs
            • When the work was not dev-related, devs rated the day as atypical. They think these days are slower.
              • On-call phase is atypical
            • Type of workday - when allocated for coding, bug-fixing, etc then they do not pursue activities perceived as distracting.
            • External - meetings (no control over these) cause atypical day, lack of knowledge, fixing stuff,
            • Location - Non office work (WFH gives agency)
            • Main work tasks - Unplanned tasks
            • Personal - health related only
      • 5.3 Interrelationship between good and typical days
        • In our analysis of related work, we found an interconnection between job satisfaction, goodness, routine, typicality and
        • Agency is very important - meetings disrupt agency
    • 6. Quantitative analysis

      • Use of same binary rating system
      • 6.1 Correlation between Typical and Good workdays

        • This means that although typical and atypical workdays are both more likely
          to be considered good than bad, the percentage of typical
          workdays that were considered good (62.9%, good typical
          days over all typical days) is higher than the percentage
          of atypical workdays that were considered good (56.7%,
          good atypical days over all atypical days) to a statistically
          significant degree.
      • 6.2 Time spent on activities at work
        • ^^Authors bash old research here^^
        • Time spent is > 8 hours
        • Devs are working overtime - this is seen previously in German and Finnish workers who had autonomy over their working time.
        • activities are grouped into "Dev heavy" and "collab heavy" and "other"
        • Most time is spent on dev-heavy things, then collaborating.
        • Both, on good and typical workdays, developers spend considerably more time with development related activities.
        • And on good workdays, they spend about half an hour less in collaborative activities, than on bad workdays.
      • 6.3 Workday Types
        • Separate workdays into different types - coding, bugfix, collaboration, meeting, various
        • devs like working alone and become happy when they're writing code.
        • dev-heavy workdays are considered more typical than other days.
      • 6.4 Collaboration
        • ^^Authors bash old research here^^
        • Old research shows interruptions as one of the biggest impediments to productive work.
        • 15 mins resume period, 4 interruptions (1 hour wasted)
        • Meetings are inefficient but useful
        • about 2 impromptu meetings, rarely unplanned meetings - unplanned meetings - longer on bad workdays
        • 20% in and preparing for meetings in a total workday.
    • 7. Making good days typical

      • 7.1 Optimizing dev workdays
        • Generally, it is advisable to minimize administrative tasks and infrastructure issues, and reduce
          interruptions and meetings.

          > However, they cannot work for long on meetings either way?  
        • Uninterrupted work might be easier to achieve in smaller offices shared with only a few colleagues rather than the currently omnipresent open-plan offices.
        • Collaboration is helped by open-plan offices.

          > Major point here.  
        • WFH helps in less context-switching and interruptions
        • seniority means more atypical days
      • 7.2. Agency: Manage competition over attention and time
        • Tradeoff
        • veto power, free will to change their work schedule.
        • During non-dev work, meetings are perceived as productive and not the same during other times.
        • Seniors value collaboration more than juniors do.
      • 7.3 Evaluation of contributions at work
        • Devs who reflect about this value coding over collaboration.
        • Good output = good volume of work produced, not collaboration.
        • Teams are considering other factors during performance reviews.
        • Learning something new is rarely considered as a successful day?!
    • 8. Threats to validity

      • 8.1 External validity
        • Single organization!
          • However, acquired, diversity, regions, culture are varied.
      • Construct validity
        • ...
      • Internal validity
        • Anonymous - so the data might be corrupt between days when the devs were not the same!
        • Wellbeing could've affected survey answers.
        • Stereotype threat - ?
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