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Created August 15, 2021 14:08
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Advent of Code 2020 Problem 2 Solution #1 RUST Solution
use scan_fmt::{scan_fmt};
use std::{fs::File, io:: {BufRead, BufReader}};
fn main(){
let file_path : String = String::from("src/input.txt");
let bufreader = BufReader::new(File::open(file_path).expect("Could not open file"));
let correct_passwords = bufreader.lines().map(|_line| {
match scan_fmt!(&_line.unwrap(), "{}-{} {}: {}" , i32, i32, char, String) {
Ok((a, b, c, d)) => {
if a <= d.chars().map(|k| { if c == k {1} else {0} } ).sum::<i32>() && b>= d.chars().map(|k| { if c == k {1} else {0} } ).sum::<i32>() {
} else {0}
Err(_) => 0,
println!("Correct passwords: {}", correct_passwords);
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