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Created September 20, 2024 14:47
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Small program to detect tautologies
from import Generator
from itertools import permutations
from dataclasses import dataclass
type Expr = Var | Not | And | Or | Implies | Equiv
Env = dict[str, bool]
class ExprBase:
class Var(ExprBase):
name: str
class Not(ExprBase):
child: Expr
class And(ExprBase):
left: Expr
right: Expr
class Or(ExprBase):
left: Expr
right: Expr
class Equiv(ExprBase):
left: Expr
right: Expr
class Implies(ExprBase):
premise: Expr
consequent: Expr
def implies(precedent: bool, consequent: bool) -> bool:
Python has no built-in function for calculating the logical implication so we do the next best thing.
return not precedent or consequent
def variables(expr: Expr) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
match expr:
case Var(name): yield name
case Not(child): yield from variables(child)
case And(left, right):
yield from variables(left)
yield from variables(right)
case Or(left, right):
yield from variables(left)
yield from variables(right)
case Equiv(left, right):
yield from variables(left)
yield from variables(right)
case Implies(premise, cons):
yield from variables(premise)
yield from variables(cons)
def eval(expr: Expr, env: Env) -> bool:
match expr:
case Var(name): return env[name]
case Not(child): return eval(child, env)
case And(left, right): return eval(left, env) and eval(right, env)
case Or(left, right): return eval(left, env) or eval(right, env)
case Equiv(left, right): return eval(left, env) == eval(right, env)
case Implies(premise, consequent): return implies(eval(premise, env), eval(consequent, env))
def encode(value: bool) -> str:
return '1' if value else '0'
def is_tautology(expr: Expr) -> bool:
vs = list(sorted(set(variables(expr))))
env = {}
for v in vs:
env[v] = False
is_taut = True
n = len(vs)
out = ''
for i, v in enumerate(vs):
if i > 0: out += ' '
out += v
out += ' | ' + to_string(expr)
for i in range(2**n):
for k, v in enumerate(vs):
env[v] = (i // ((2**n) // (2**(k+1)) )) % 2 == 1
truthy = eval(expr, env)
out = ''
for j, v in enumerate(vs):
if j > 0:
out += ' '
out += encode(env[v])
out += ' | ' + encode(truthy)
if not truthy:
is_taut = False
if is_taut:
print('Statement is a tautology!')
print('Statement is NOT a tautology!')
return is_taut
def to_string(expr: Expr) -> str:
match expr:
case Var(name): return name
case Not(child): return '¬' + to_string(child)
case Implies(left, right): return to_string(left) + ' ⇒ ' + to_string(right)
case And(left, right): return to_string(left) + ' ^ ' + to_string(right)
case Or(left, right): return to_string(left) + ' ∨ ' + to_string(right)
case Equiv(left, right): return to_string(left) + ' ⟺ ' + to_string(right)
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