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Created November 7, 2023 11:49
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Configure Storybook to use Emotion
const path = require('path');
function toArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [ value ];
const babelLoaderModulePath = require.resolve('babel-loader');
const emotionBabelPluginModulePath = require.resolve('@emotion/babel-plugin');
const babelPresetReactModulePath = require.resolve('@babel/preset-react');
function findBabelConfig(webpackConfig) {
for (const ruleConfig of webpackConfig.module.rules) {
if (ruleConfig.use !== undefined) {
const useConfigList = toArray(ruleConfig.use);
for (const useConfig of useConfigList) {
if (useConfig.loader === babelLoaderModulePath) {
if (useConfig.options === undefined) {
useConfig.options = {};
return useConfig.options;
return null;
function updateBabelPresets(babelConfig, proc) {
for (let i = 0; i < babelConfig.presets.length; i++) {
let preset = babelConfig.presets[i];
if (!Array.isArray(preset)) {
preset = [ preset, {} ];
const [ name, options ] = preset;
if (proc(options, name) === true) {
babelConfig.presets[i] = [ name, options ];
function patchBabelForEmotion(config) {
const babelConfig = findBabelConfig(config);
if (babelConfig === null) {
console.error(`Could not find the Babel configuration inside the Webpack config while it should be there.`);
console.error(`This is probably a bug in @samvv/storybook-preset-emotion.`);
console.error(`Continuing with Emotion preset disabled.`);
// Emotion's plugin must run early so that it can detect the JSX tags
// Last is first so we use push
updateBabelPresets(babelConfig, (options, name) => {
// Update '@babel/preset-react' to use Emotion
if (name === babelPresetReactModulePath) {
options.runtime = 'automatic';
options.importSource = '@emotion/react';
return true;
module.exports = {
"stories": [
"addons": [
"framework": {
"name": "@storybook/react-webpack5",
"options": {}
"docs": {
"autodocs": "tag"
"webpackFinal": async (config) => {
return config;
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