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A simple boilerplate for UMD JS modules.
(function (root, factory) {
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define([], factory(root));
} else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
module.exports = factory(root);
} else {
root.myPlugin = factory(root);
})(typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this.window ||, function (root) {
'use strict';
// Variables
var myPlugin = {}; // Object for public APIs
var supports = !!document.querySelector && !!root.addEventListener; // Feature test
var settings, eventTimeout;
// Default settings
var defaults = {
someVar: 123,
initClass: 'js-myplugin',
callbackBefore: function () {},
callbackAfter: function () {}
// Methods
* A simple forEach() implementation for Arrays, Objects and NodeLists
* @private
* @param {Array|Object|NodeList} collection Collection of items to iterate
* @param {Function} callback Callback function for each iteration
* @param {Array|Object|NodeList} scope Object/NodeList/Array that forEach is iterating over (aka `this`)
var forEach = function (collection, callback, scope) {
if ( === '[object Object]') {
for (var prop in collection) {
if (, prop)) {, collection[prop], prop, collection);
} else {
for (var i = 0, len = collection.length; i < len; i++) {, collection[i], i, collection);
* Merge defaults with user options
* @private
* @param {Object} defaults Default settings
* @param {Object} options User options
* @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options
var extend = function ( defaults, options ) {
var extended = {};
forEach(defaults, function (value, prop) {
extended[prop] = defaults[prop];
forEach(options, function (value, prop) {
extended[prop] = options[prop];
return extended;
* Convert data-options attribute into an object of key/value pairs
* @private
* @param {String} options Link-specific options as a data attribute string
* @returns {Object}
var getDataOptions = function ( options ) {
return !options || !(typeof JSON === 'object' && typeof JSON.parse === 'function') ? {} : JSON.parse( options );
* Get the closest matching element up the DOM tree
* @param {Element} elem Starting element
* @param {String} selector Selector to match against (class, ID, or data attribute)
* @return {Boolean|Element} Returns false if not match found
var getClosest = function (elem, selector) {
var firstChar = selector.charAt(0);
for ( ; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode ) {
if ( firstChar === '.' ) {
if ( elem.classList.contains( selector.substr(1) ) ) {
return elem;
} else if ( firstChar === '#' ) {
if ( === selector.substr(1) ) {
return elem;
} else if ( firstChar === '[' ) {
if ( elem.hasAttribute( selector.substr(1, selector.length - 2) ) ) {
return elem;
return false;
// @todo Do something...
* Handle events
* @private
var eventHandler = function (event) {
var toggle =;
var closest = getClosest(toggle, '[data-some-selector]');
if ( closest ) {
// run methods
* Destroy the current initialization.
* @public
myPlugin.destroy = function () {
// If plugin isn't already initialized, stop
if ( !settings ) return;
// Remove init class for conditional CSS
document.documentElement.classList.remove( settings.initClass );
// @todo Undo any other init functions...
// Remove event listeners
document.removeEventListener('click', eventHandler, false);
// Reset variables
settings = null;
eventTimeout = null;
* On window scroll and resize, only run events at a rate of 15fps for better performance
* @private
* @param {Function} eventTimeout Timeout function
* @param {Object} settings
var eventThrottler = function () {
if ( !eventTimeout ) {
eventTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
eventTimeout = null;
actualMethod( settings );
}, 66);
* Initialize Plugin
* @public
* @param {Object} options User settings
myPlugin.init = function ( options ) {
// feature test
if ( !supports ) return;
// Destroy any existing initializations
// Merge user options with defaults
settings = extend( defaults, options || {} );
// Add class to HTML element to activate conditional CSS
document.documentElement.classList.add( settings.initClass );
// @todo Do something...
// Listen for events
document.addEventListener('click', eventHandler, false);
// Public APIs
return myPlugin;
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