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Created March 6, 2019 21:28
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p `which python2.7` env-mysql2pgsql
source env-mysql2pgsql/bin/activate
brew install mysql
brew unlink mysql
brew install mysql-connector-c
sed -i -e 's/libs="$libs -l "/libs="$libs -lmysqlclient -lssl -lcrypto"/g' /usr/local/bin/mysql_config
pip install MySQL-python
brew unlink mysql-connector-c
brew link --overwrite mysql
mysql -uroot
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
create database db;
mysql -uroot -ppassword --silent db < aeherman.sql
brew install pgloader
brew services start postgresql
pip install py-mysql2pgsql
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