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Last active July 27, 2020 04:51
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param([string] $Path, [switch] $Recurse, [int] $Depth, [switch] $Force, [string] $Exclude, [switch] $Help)
if ($Help) {
Write-Output "This script is meant to delete all macOS dot files which serve no purpose on Windows."
Write-Output "When copying a large number of files, simply copy them onto the Windows machine, then run this script"
Write-Output "./removeMacOSDotFiles.ps1
[[-Path] <string>]
[[-Depth] <int>]
Write-Output "This script will automatically use the -Verbose option, which will output the logs of all deleted files."
Write-Output "Initating macOS Dot Files Delete Script"
Write-Output "This script will delete all macOS dot_clean data files (.DS_Store and ._*) in '$Path'"
Write-Output "I am not responsible for what you do with this script. It is distributed as is and I offer no guarantee. Please, be careful how you use it."
# Confirm user wants to proceed with the script
do {
$userConfirm = (Read-Host 'Are you sure you want to proceed? This cannot be undone! (Y/N)').toLower()
} while ($userConfirm -notin @('y', 'n'))
if ($userConfirm -eq 'n') {
Write-Output "Process has been cancelled."
if ([string]::isNullOrEmpty($path)) {
Write-Output "-Path has not been defined"
$parameters = @{
'Path' = $path
$parameters['Include'] = @(".DS_Store", "._*")
# $parameters['Exclude'] = '*'
# Conditional Params
if ($recurse) { $parameters['Recurse'] = $True }
if ($depth) { $parameters['Depth'] = $depth }
if ($force) { $parameters['Force'] = $True }
if ($exclude) { $parameters['Exclude'] = $True }
Write-Output "Getting ready to delete files..."
# Get all files and delete them
Get-ChildItem @parameters |
ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_ -Force -Verbose } |
# Process is completed
# This code will also output a total count of deleted objects
Write-Output "Files have been deleted. We're all done!"
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